Friend means to sail a golden boat upstream
A little happy air in the dark of sadness,
Friend means the melody of love across the heart
Rainy wet bored eyes with golden sunshine.
Humans are social creatures. Friends and friendship are an integral part of social life. People cannot live without friends. I remember the words of those with whom I played Dariyabandha, Gollachut, Kapaltoka with the most emotion. After school and youth, college and university, college and university, busy life today, when I sit and think about my friends, a piece of cloud accumulates in the corner of my eye, but then the cloud of emotion sucks a piece of tissue box placed next to the table. Since I am also a human being so maybe that is the case. And so on Friends Day I express my open love and respect to my friends.
The day is celebrated around the world on the first Sunday of August every year. World Friends Day is being celebrated in Bangladesh through various events. As far as is known from history, Friends Day started in 1935. One person died in 1935 because of the American government. The man's friend also committed suicide the very next day in protest. That day in 1935 was the first Sunday in August. The incident of choosing the path of suicide for a dear friend caused a great stir in the whole world at that time. The American Congress then decided to observe the first Sunday in August as "Friends Day" in honor of this unprecedented sacrifice of friendship. Many countries immediately recognized this 'Friends Day'. This is how the introduction of Friends Day started. Gradually, this day was celebrated all over the world with great enthusiasm. A small step by the United Nations in 1997 took the friendship to a more dignified position. In 1997, on Friends' Day, the United Nations selected popular cartoonist Winnie the Pooh as its ambassador for friendship.
Friendship is a relationship between two or more people who have mutual affection and love for each other. Friendship is considered a very close part of a personal relationship. Friends are those we know and trust, and those we like socially and emotionally. Usually there are friends who are like us.
Friendship in English means Friendship. It means a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles.
In ancient Greece, friendship was a subject of moral philosophy that Pluto and Aristotle discussed extensively. In this modern age, however, there has been less discussion. Simplicity in friendship is considered to be a major aspect; Aristotle wrote, “A man relates to his friend in the same way as he relates to himself. Since a friend is a person and has a thought of his own. So a friend is a person who believes in the same idea. ” In ancient Greece, the words "friend" and "lover" were used interchangeably.
In Central Asia, male-female friendships are somewhat preserved and they tend to be more respectful of nature. Most of the time they use nicknames and compressed forms of their first names. They think of friends as people who respect each other, trust each other, and who help with personal sacrifices.
Many Arabs attach importance to friendship and choose the person involved in this regard deeply considering personal qualities such as social influence, nature of character.
The Germans usually have relatively few friends, although friendships usually attach considerable importance to the various developments in human life span. The Germans are very careful about making friends with other people. It takes months or even years for them to become strong friendships with colleagues, colleagues, neighbors, and others.
In the United States, the word ‘friendship’ brings a little different dimension to every human life. From elementary school they are taught how to deal with friends and are told who can be friends. It is taught to determine what a friend should look like. Americans have created this open method called friendship so that many can choose someone as their "best friend" especially during adolescence.
In Islamic culture, friendship is known as 'Ashhab'. Like other aspects of human life, Islam has given guidance on this issue and has emphasized on choosing good, honest and religious friends. Who will be your friend As a believer-Muslim, Islam has given good advice on choosing a friend and what qualities are needed to be a friend. Referring to accepting friends, Allah Ta'ala has instructed in the Holy Qur'an, "Believers should not accept any disbeliever as a friend except for other believers." Those who do so, Allah will not have any relationship with them. ' Describing the consequences of accepting good or bad friends, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever has friendship and love in this world will be judged in the Hereafter." Cannot be selected; Rather, I want to choose a person who has three traits in between. Three times are- 1. The friend must be wise, prudent. 2. The character of the friend must be beautiful and sweet. 3. The friend has to be kind, virtuous. '
All the deeds of a believer must be equal to worship. Accepting someone as a friend can also be a means of salvation for a believer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever loves someone for the sake of Allaah, hates someone only for the sake of Allaah, gives to someone for the sake of gaining His pleasure, and abstains from it; But he undoubtedly fulfilled his faith. '(Abu Dawood) The world-famous poet Allama Sheikh Saadi (ra) famously said in the matter of choosing a friend,' Heaven with the righteous, defeat with the wicked. 'A good friend can change the course of human life. , So life can be dark because of a bad friend. So in the case of choosing a friend, one has to follow the instructions given by Islam. In this, on the one hand, one can survive from various problems and sufferings, on the other hand, one can get reward by following the path of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him).
Hazrat Ali (ra) said in a poem, ‘He who is your true friend who is with you, harms himself for your welfare. When your condition is deplorable due to misfortune, he gives you happiness by sacrificing his own happiness. 'He added,' You must make friends. Because a friend is useful in this world as well as in the Hereafter. ' Lying, ignorant, stingy, cowardly and wicked. It is human nature to make friends. So friendship is very important in Islam. You have to make friends, so you can't make him a friend. Because, life is influenced by friends. A good friend can help make a bad person good whereas a bad friend can take a good person to the abyss of degeneration.
There are many stories about friendship spread all over the world. According to Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, well-known for his extraordinary eloquence, the good side of a person's life is built on his friendship. The place of friendship is the brightest and smoothest of all the colorful windows of feeling. There is a limitless path to keep a friend by your side.
Friends do not mean age and class. Friendships can be formed, with mother, with father, with brother, with sister. Be it a classmate or a peer. There is no difference in the depth of that friendship if there is no gap. The memory of making the first friend in life is still fresh. Many friends have moved away in need of time but the distance of mind has never been created. Every moment spent with a friend becomes invaluable in the pages of memory. Is it easy to forget the boy or girl who was sitting next to you on the first day of school?
Those who do not have friends suffer from depression, loneliness consumes him. Many seek different ways to escape from this life. Rhythm in a rhythmless life, there is no pair of friends to add a tide of joy in a sad life.
Rabindranath Tagore said, ‘Friendship means three things. Two people and one world. That is to complete the work of the world by collaborating with two people. And, love, means only two people, and there is no world. The world of two people. 'Many people unite a friend with love or with love. On friendship and love, Rabindranath said, ‘Apart from this, there is another thing, the temple of love and the abode of friendship. When the deity leaves the temple, he can no longer use the abode, but the deity can be established in the abode. '
In a real sense, each friend reflects the world around us. A friend is a person to whom you can speak with an open mind. That is why parents can become good friends with their children. This is very important. When a parent becomes a friend, if there is a mental breakdown, the parent should come forward first.
Many teachers became popular with their students by following friendly behavior and teaching methods. Education also became interesting and enjoyable for the students. You will meet many kinds of friends on the way to life. If you don't avoid the wrong people, there is more harm than good in life. The precious time of life can be made colorful only if you want to be with a friend.
Many people say, is this friend's day just to remember a friend for a day, to get close? In the meantime, is friendship limited? The answer is, Friends Day is a special way to remember a friend. To show respect to this special relationship. To enjoy the day with a friend.
George Harvert says, ‘A friend is the best mirror.’ That means he will look at himself in this mirror at every moment. Not just the exterior but the interior as well. Friendship should be like a hand-eye relationship. Tears come to the eyes when there is pain in the hands. And if tears fall in the eyes, the hand goes forward to wipe it off.
I will only say this to those whom I think are friends - there is a mixture of dependence and faith in the word friend. Friends and bonds are on opposite sides of the same coin. Friendship means to express all the emotions of the heart, to open the mind with love. Singing for a friend - don't give up, friend, but leave your voice out loud, see you - my next morning This is the expectation of every friend