It has been narrated in the Holy Qur'an,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيرا منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيرا منهن ولا تلمزوا أنفسكم ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب بئس الاسم الفسوق بعد الإيمان ومن لم يتب فأولئك هم الظالمون [49:11]
Believers, let no one ridicule another. Because, he can be better than the mocker and no woman should mock another woman. Because, she can be better than a mocker. Do not blame one another and do not call one another by evil names. If anyone believes, it is a sin to call them evil. Those who do not repent from such deeds are wrongdoers. (Surah Hujrat, verse 11)
In that verse, "taskhir" means to disrespect and disregard someone. To describe someone's faults in such a way that people make fun of him, it hurts that person's heart. Such work can be of many kinds.
For example, mocking someone's movements, upbringing, speech, gestures, etc., insulting someone's physical constitution and shape, making fun of any word or deed. These include eye drops, hand-foot vaccinations, etc.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “The gates of Paradise will be opened in the Hereafter for those who ridicule anyone in this world, and they will be called to Paradise. But the door will be closed only when they are about to enter through the gates of Paradise. In this way they will be called again and again and it will be closed as soon as they enter. At some point he will be disappointed and will never return to Paradise. Thus, as a result of his ridicule in this world, he will be ridiculed in the Hereafter.
In vain the loss of this world and the hereafter:
Some people think that jokes and ridicule are part of a mystery, but there is a big gap between the two.
Humor is conditionally valid, as evidenced by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
The condition is that it should not be a mixture of untruths and should not cause trouble to anyone. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
But the ridicule and jokes that cause pain in one's mind are unanimously forbidden. It is foolish and sinful to think that such ridicule is part of a legitimate joke.
Making fun of someone is one of the biggest sins. When I was discussing this issue in the last meeting, I said that it is necessary to avoid useless words, that is, to say things that are not good for the world and the Hereafter, which are a means of making people fall into some kind of sin. On hearing this, some of my companions asked me that sometimes we talk differently with the children and the guests in the house. What should be done if it is against the rights and disrespect of the guest to remain silent without talking at that time?
So it should be well understood that talking nonsense is one thing, so that no one in the world of religion is benefited and no one's right is involved with it.
While we have the rights of our BB-children, it is also important to realize. Irshad said, "Your nafs has a right over you and your wife also has a right." Now if a person does not talk to the BB-children for the purpose of surviving nonsense, then their rights will be violated, it will never be permissible.
The right of the guest who is sitting quietly with the same guest is taken away. It is also the duty of the thawab to have some conversations with the guest and make him happy. And that is what a Muslim deserves. The guest must be respected. For this you have to talk to him to protect his mind.
But yes, there is a limit to all these things, nothing is better than the limit.
Limits for claiming guest rights:
I have remembered an incident about this. That is, most of the time I am busy with Kitabadi Motalaya, especially when I am sitting in the library for Motalaaraya, I am engrossed in research work, when something comes to my mind I am ready to write it with a pen; just then a guest comes. He saluted and started talking. Then there is a little annoyance in the heart and it seems to be a burden.
When we asked our Shaykh about this, he said, Brother! Are you writing and reading to meet the needs of your nafs or to please Allah? If you do these things for the pleasure of Allah, then the pleasure of Allah at this moment is to respect and entertain the guest. This is the right of the moment.
Although you have scheduled this work for today, now that the guest has arrived, it is his right and God's command to give the guest a little time in between work. Let there be salutations and short words. Even if you can't give the guest enough time at that time, you can give another time later after a short talk.
And if your reading and writing is not for the pleasure of Allah, but for the fulfillment of the needs of your nafs and it is difficult to give time to the guest, then it will be the slavery of the nafs. This is not a law. Shari'ah is the name of doing what Allah commands at that time.
All my doubts in this regard have been removed by the words of the Prophet. That is, time is not wasted by salak kalam and conversation with the guest in proportion to the need, but it is part of the guest's right and the cause of Allah's instruction and satisfaction.
But yes, guests also need to keep an eye on your time and work. Don't waste the host's time unnecessarily. Do not engage in extravagant and pointless conversations.
No one should be ridiculed:
Excessive talk also includes nonsense. It is not possible to know when Satan will lead us to sin by pulling us out of ordinary words. Some of us are straightforward and simple in nature. Some people make fun of them, which is a joke. If the joke is limited to the extent that he is happy then it is not offensive.
But if jokes and jokes reach this stage, which hurts his heart, he feels bad, then in that case the jokes and mysteries will be the cause of many great sins.
Because it is related to Bandar Haq. And that verse I mentioned at the beginning. Verses of Surah Hujurat, so that Allah has revealed a number of verses for the guidance of Muasharat. Irshad did
The nation does not rejoice from the nation
"Let no one ridicule anyone."
Jesus is the best of them all
"Perhaps those who are ridiculed and neglected are better than you."
Then Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): ولا نساء من نساء "No woman will neglect another woman." اسى ان يكن خيرا منہ "Perhaps the neglected woman is better with Allah than you."
In this verse of the Qur'an, Allah clearly forbids mocking anyone.
Women are specifically mentioned a second time in this verse, although the first part of the verse includes all men and women. Even then, the issue of women should be specifically mentioned because Allah knows best.
However, two wisdoms can be understood.
This habit is more common in women, so they have been warned.
Since the majlis of men will be different and the majlis of women will be different, it has been mentioned separately that the majlis and movements of men and women should be different. This verse forbids the free association of men and women as it is today.
It is a grave sin to make fun of someone:
Whatever! In that verse, making fun of someone has been made a clear sin. In particular, it means that by neglecting others, you are neglecting others, thinking that you are great and good. This is the extreme arrogance of thinking oneself good and despising others.
But remember, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “How easy it is for Allaah to disregard that simple, straightforward person. You can't tell just by looking at someone's face how much he has a relationship with Allah.
Allah has a special relationship with every servant, what right do you have to penetrate into it? Do you know what relationship he has with God, how much he loves God? No comment can be made just by looking at someone's appearance. Because people do not know who has a deep relationship with God.
It is not permissible to call someone hellish:
Some people say about someone that he is hellish, his guilt and so on. Goodbye! The word is very serious. The decision of Paradise and Hell is in the hands of Allah. No one should talk like that.
God knows best. Even if an outsider thinks that he is bad, wicked, and a transgressor, the advice of Hazrat Hakimul Ummat Thanvi (R.H.) is to think that maybe Allah has instilled in him a good quality which makes him strong with Allah. Relationships are the means by which dignity will rise before you. Although it seems bad today, tomorrow may be a change in God's grace that will leave everyone behind.
To think of oneself as big, to think of oneself as better than oneself and to think of that person as small is called takabbur or arrogance. Arrogance is a deadly harmful thing.
May Allah protect all the believers from it.
It is also haraam to neglect the sinner:
For this reason, the saying of Allah Ta'ala is widely applicable to all -
Jesus is one of them
"Maybe those people are better than them." The sentence is comprehensive, including the pious, the pious, the sinful. Similarly- يا يسخر قوم من قوم also has a broad meaning.
No one wants to ridicule anyone, no matter how pious and pious the rider may be and no matter how great the sinner may be.
Yes, it is permissible for such a person to do such a thing and to seek refuge in Allah from it. But it is not lawful to despise or insult a sinner because of his sins.
You can understand the word in this way. Think of the sinner as basically sick. If someone is infected with a deadly disease, he is treated with kindness. He cannot be angered, neglected or insulted.
So the poor sinner is also a patient of sin. Who can say that maybe Allah has chosen something for him which will make him dignified?
No one can ever be ignored and ridiculed for this. Outwardly you may be as pious as you are, but perhaps that ridiculed person is more honorable in the sight of Allah than you.
It is not lawful to make fun of anyone by gestures:
It also includes ridiculing someone with gestures. It is also haraam to comment and laugh at someone's speech, behavior or structure, which causes him or her pain.
According to a hadith, Ayesha Siddiqa, the mother of believers, once said that her structure was short in the discussion of one of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), only by gesturing. But the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her, Ayesha! You made a terrible mistake. He strictly forbade Hazrat Ayesha (RA) to never neglect anything. It is a grave sin to talk about something in such a way that it hurts the person. At the same time, if the mockery and ridicule is done in his absence and not in front of him, then it is a double sin. The sin of ridicule and the sin of backbiting.
There is a big difference between laughter and mystery:
Sometimes it is permissible to laugh at each other in a meeting of friends, to make sure that it does not hurt the partner and to make sure that no one feels insulted by those words.
But if there is a possibility that it will hurt someone or make someone feel insulted, then such a joke will never be valid.
The terrible consequences of making fun of someone:
It has been narrated in a hadith that those who make fun of others, they keep on making fun of this, but their consequences are very terrible. In the Hereafter, they will be ridiculed in the same way. The gates of Paradise will be opened and they will be called to Paradise, but when they come forward and enter through the gates, the gates will be closed and they will return. Then they will be called to open the door again, and the door will be closed again as soon as they come forward. In this way he will continue to be ridiculed again and again. At some point he will be disappointed and will not go to paradise. This punishment is because you hurt someone in the world by making fun of your speech. Now look at the fun form of it.
That's why you should be careful, before you say anything, you have to think carefully.
Boundaries of Mystery and Humor:
Some people think that ridiculing people is part of a common mystery and joke. But there is a big gap between the two.
Laughter and mystery are the words that bring spirits to everyone's mind.
It is also proved from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). However, the condition is that in this case no falsehood and nonsense can be resorted to, no one can be insulted. Then it is valid.
According to a hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to an old woman, "No old woman will go to Paradise." At that, the old woman started crying. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said with consolation, the real thing is that no one will go to Paradise in old age. That is, at the time of entering Paradise, Allah will restore all the youth.
So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to have a secret with the old woman and twisted the word a little, which the old woman did not understand. However, the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not contain a mixture of untruths and the old woman did not suffer or lose her dignity.
In a similar hadith, a man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, "I will give you a young camel." The man said, "Sir!" I wanted a camel, what will happen with the baby? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Even a large camel suitable for a vehicle will be the offspring of a camel."
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had a secret affair with the man for a short time. But no untruth was resorted to and no one was harmed. These are certainly valid.
However, it is not bad if such a legal joke happens occasionally, but it is also not desirable to engage in it regularly. Sometimes it is better.
However, it must be taken into account that no falsehood should be spread through these humorous mysteries, no one should be blamed or slandered. Above all, no one should suffer. Otherwise it will be considered a serious sin.
The bottom line is that from morning to evening, we get up, move, and talk. There is no frown on what is coming out of the mouth, it is not known whether it is hurting anyone's mind or not. What will be the consequences.
One should never be unaware of the consequences. It is very foolish to forget the Hereafter by engaging in worldly affairs.
I should remember that I have to leave this world, I must stand before Allah. I have to be accountable for every word and deed.
In negligence and carelessness, I should not reveal any word or deed which will make my fate in the Hereafter worse. For this, one should always remember Allah in his heart. Give thanks for God's blessings.
All the necessities will be the habit of asking Allah. Will also study the way of life of those who are pleased with God. For example, by reading the biographies of Ambiya Keram, Sahabaye Keram and the pious saints, the remembrance of Allah and the thought of the Hereafter is also gained. Just as the fiqh of the Hereafter is gained by being in the company of virtuous saints and elders, so it is also gained by reading their way of life. The love of God is deepened in the heart by studying the biographies of the servants who are loved by God. Faith is refreshed in the heart, negligence is removed and fiqh of the Hereafter is born. It can also be freed from unnecessary and evil words and deeds. May Allah, in His mercy, grant us all the Tawfiq of this.