Amazon story..

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Latin America has given the world a female fighter named Amazon. This wounded warrior woman is constantly fighting to free the world from global warming and environmental pollution. More than 600 tribal groups live in its territory. Those who are now fighting the world's terror invisible virus Kavid-19.

Ancient tribes on the verge of extinction

Coronavirus is rampant in South American countries. The number of Kavid-19 victims is increasing every moment. The death march is getting longer with that. The administration is not going to stop Kavid-19 even by taking multiple measures, lockdown etc. to stop Corona.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has already designated the African continent as a hot spot for coronavirus. In that sequence, Corona's horror spread to the Amazon jungle. A tribe in the Amazon jungle on the verge of extinction due to the coronavirus. According to a report from the United Kingdom, most people affected by the Corona are tribals and people from small communities. The number of corona cases in the South American country of Ecuador is more than 30,000. More than 1,600 people have died in the country.

An ancient tribe called the Seikopai, near the Ecuador-Peru border, is on the verge of extinction under the influence of the coronavirus. At present the number of this tribe is 744. Corona has put her paw on this tribal group. It is learned that 15 corona have already been caught in the Seikopai community. And two senior leaders of this tribe have already died in Corona.

Justino Piaguaz, president of the tribe, who lives in the Amazon, complained they reported the matter to the local city administration. The corona effect occurs here in mid-April. But the administration did not listen to them. A few local doctors said it was seasonal flu, not corona. Then in mid-April, when one of their senior leaders died in Corona, they asked the Ecuadorian government for help through social media. The government did not respond with their help. According to Justino, "We have 600 people in this tribe and in Mereket. We have had to face such dangers before. We do not want history to repeat itself. The extinction of this ancient nation means the shame of the Ecuadorian government. Many have fled to the Amazon jungle to escape Corona. '

However, corona infections have been reported in some other tribes in the Amazon jungle in Ecuador.

A forest of boundless wonder

Amazon jungle. A forest of boundless wonder. What's not here! Animal diversity, how much more plant diversity! Recently it has taken scientists three hundred years to compile a list of the number of tree species in the jungle, the Amazon. In the meantime, samples of more than 5 lakh plants kept in the museum have been tested. About 12,000 species of trees have been discovered so far. It is estimated that more than 4,000 rare species of plants can be found in the world's famous Amazon. Scientists are waiting for more new discoveries to be made and for them to be recorded. The Amazon has carnivorous trees. Small animals like butterflies and grasshoppers get stuck in the glue of this tree. Then the leaves of the tree are covered and swallowed. On the Amazon, you will not only see terrifying animals and trees, but also dazzling flowers and flowers. One such tree is Lobster Clown Flower. This flower can grow from one and a half to 15 feet in length. Each leaf extends from 8 to 10 feet. In addition, the Amazon has more than 3,000 species of orchids. There are rubber trees. The rubber trees in the Amazon jungle are as tall as a 10-story building. The address of the choco-bean or chocolate-producing plant is also Amazon. There are also coffee trees deep in the Amazon. Giant lotus flowers can be seen here. Victoria Amazonica is another wonder of the Amazon. This lotus flower of about 3 diameter can be seen only in the depths of Amazon. There is also passiflora. It is a kind of fruit flower. Every year the flower grows up to about 20 feet.

The plague is raging

The Karona epidemic is going on all over the world. Even in this, people are stuck in the lungs of the world. About 20 percent of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere originates in the Amazon. According to researchers, these forests absorb 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. That is why it is called 'Lungs of the Earth'. However, many local organizations have complained that deforestation has increased in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil in defiance of government laws. According to the BBC, according to the country's space agency, the rate of deforestation in April 2020 is 74 percent higher than in April 2019. As a result, deforestation in the Amazon reached 55 percent in the first half of this year. Meanwhile, according to Brazil's National Institute for Space Research, about 405 square kilometers of forest were depleted in April. In April last year, the amount was 246 square kilometers. Between January and April this year, 1,202 sq km of forests have been cleared. Conservation groups allege that a small number of government law enforcement officers have been deployed to Amazon since the coronavirus epidemic began. According to experts, there is no way to deny the role of Amazon in slowing the rate of global warming. However, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has denied the allegations. Earlier this week, he authorized the deployment of troops in the Amazon region. Preparations for the deployment of the army have been going on since then. Meanwhile, it has not been possible to deploy troops yet due to coronavirus.

Amazon residents in crisis in Corona

Amazon forests cover vast areas of South America. Spread across many countries. The deadly disease coronavirus has spread among the ancient tribes of that forest. According to a report in the United Kingdom, coronaviruses are most common in people from small populations. Blacks are also more prone to infection. However, it is not clear in the UK report whether the issue is limited to that country or applies to the whole world. According to experts, the governments of the local countries have not developed resistance against the corona in time. As a result, the Kavid-19 virus has spread to the wider Amazon.

The Amazon jungle, known as the lungs of the world. Which has spread beyond the borders of the country to nine more neighboring countries. Indigenous peoples have lived in the jungles of the Amazon for centuries. Of which several tribes are now almost extinct. Outbreaks of coronavirus have already spread among them. Fighting with wild beasts in the jungle, these tribes are afraid of this invisible virus. Experts say about 800 tribal groups live in the Amazon jungle. Out of which 160 groups have spread the infection of Kavid-19. Of these, 33 people have died. An organization working with these people complains that the government of any country is not worried about these people. A little medicine, food, even a part of the hygiene mask is not being sent for them. This has created the possibility of the infection spreading rapidly. In this situation, the tribes have decided to protect themselves by raising money. In the meantime, indigenous women in the Amazon jungle in Brazil have been raising money to protect themselves.

A land of mystery

People are keen to know. There is no shortage of human curiosity about unknown, hidden or forbidden things. It is out of that curiosity that explorers explore the world. Explore the mystery behind the mystery. The world's largest jungle Amazon is such a mystery. The largest area surrounded by green on the world map is the Amazon. Which is spread across about nine countries. The jungle is spread in the northern part of the South American continent. About 80 percent of the forest is again under Brazil. In addition to Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are immersed in the Amazon. Many parts of this 55 lakh square kilometer forest have not yet been reached. About 40 percent of South America is this inaccessible Amazon jungle. The Amazon is about half the size of the world's rainforests. The size of this wonderful forest is as huge as the diversity of animals and plants in this forest. Rainforest Amazon has only two seasons. Summer and monsoon. This tropical forest has six months of summer and monsoon. The sultry hot weather in this forest never goes away. It is very difficult to walk in this forest as the temperature is almost 60 degrees Fahrenheit almost all the time. In addition, the humidity is 6 to 8 percent. That's why those who enter the forest are short of breath. The Amazon is called the Rain Forest. Because of the humidity, rainfall (rainy season) and hot weather here.

Not a mystery, really!

There are also diverse animals on the Amazon. Survivors say there is poisonous water in the forest. There are man-eating snakes. Boiling river, whose water is gushing from below. That secret is now known to all. There are really boiling rivers in the Amazon rainforest. The water temperature of this mysterious river is 6 degrees Celsius. Its water is so hot that people can die in it. There are also various myths about Amazon's Anaconda. In fact, they prefer to stay away from people. Ordinary people know that this snake, the largest snake in the world, is a terror of the Amazon. Amazon's Green Anaconda weighs about 150 to 228 kg. They range in length from 28 to 30 feet. The giant goes out hunting at night. However, the snake does not have much venom. There are also black cayman crocodiles on Amazon. It is the largest crocodile in the world. They range in length from 9 to 16 feet. Weight about 400 kg. There are pink dolphins in the Amazon River. Pink dolphins eight to nine and a half feet long. Their brain size is larger than human brain. Amazon has piranhas. Although small, the carnivorous piranha is very fierce. Only 18 inches long and about 70 species are found in the Amazon River alone.

Amazon in the fire

The ‘lungs of the earth’ খ the famous Amazon jungle. But human greed and the light of nature are often burnt to ashes. The National Institute for Space Research has been studying wildfires in the Amazon since 2013. In a new report released recently, they said that the Amazon jungle is burning at a record rate. In the meantime, forests have been destroyed in some parts of the regions of Rondania, Amazonas, Para, Mato Grosso in Brazil. Fires on the Amazon are not uncommon, but wildfires have never spread like wildfire in August 2019. There have been about 62,743 fires in Brazil so far this year. More than half of these fires occur in the Amazon jungle, which is 70 percent more than in the past few years. According to the National Institute for Space Research, fires burn about 10,000 square meters of the Amazon every minute. As seen in the pictures published on social media and media last year, the sky is black and the sun is covered in smoke. Scientists fear that such a situation could pose a major obstacle to the fight against climate change.

The Secret 'Golden City'

If you read the history of the Amazon, you will know that the age of this forest is about 3 thousand years. The Amazon has been extremely inaccessible since ancient times. Earlier explorers used to enter the Amazon in search of gold, silver and riches. Yet it continues. People believe that endless resources are scattered in this mysterious forest. As the Portuguese explorers believed, there is a secret city called 'Eldorado' hidden in this huge forest. The idea is that the whole city is covered in gold. The explorers are still searching for that golden city. Of course, there are many myths about this. The idea for the city of gold actually comes from Greek mythology. The story goes that the gold-plated city of Eldorado is guarded by a class of special female warriors. Whose story has been called ‘Amazon’. Portuguese, Spanish and French explorers competed to discover the city of Eldorado. Although no one has yet discovered this fictional city.

Indigenous peoples are the lifeblood of the Amazon

The inhabitants of the Amazon are completely isolated from modern civilization. There is no end to the curiosity of the common people about these tribes living in the Amazon. Someone said how they live! How backward they are from outside the civilization! Some say that man-eating people live in the depths of the Amazon. While there are arguments for and against it, it is true that many unknown ethnic groups live on the Amazon. The Bolivia region of the Amazon is home to some of the healthiest people in the world. It is estimated that at least 200,000 people live in the Amazon, divided into more than 400 indigenous tribes. Not much is known about them. Some ethnic groups are nomadic in nature. It goes without saying that they do not have much contact with the outside world. The total number of small ethnic groups is more than one million. They are mostly Brazilian. They also speak Portuguese, Spanish and other languages. In addition, they have their own language. Some of them are nomads. Many of whom have no contact with the civilized world. Those who do not have any clothes yet. Recently, an indigenous tribe found in the Amazon jungle of Brazil has been discussed. According to the Brazilian government, the population of this group of people living in the remote deep forests of the Acre State of the country is about 200. While the Brazilian government does not favor them, the small group is concerned about deforestation, mining, cattle rearing, fishing, and poaching. They live in the border forest-adjacent area of ​​the Amazon jungle in Peru. The name of the tribe is 'Uncontacted'. They make a living by hunting various animals in the forest. They have no idea about modern civilization or the state outside their territory in the Amazon jungle. This year, a group of photographers spotted and photographed them as they flew over the Jinane River Basin in the Brazilian state of Accre. These pictures show the tribesmen panicking at the sight of the plane and all of them raising their spears together to scare the plane. Such indigenous tribes are often known. Honestly, no one wants to annoy the Amazon aborigines. They have been living in the forest like themselves for ages.

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