Allah is almighty

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To you we will return - Al-Baqarah 275

The Prophet believed in what his Lord had sent him. Perfect believers do the same. They all believe in God, His angels, His scriptures, and His messengers. They say, "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." We heard. I agree. Forgive us, Lord. It is up to you that we return. ” [Al-Baqarah 285]

There is a very beautiful supplication for Muslims in this verse, “We do not discriminate between His Messengers. We heard. I agree. Forgive us, Lord. It is up to you that we return. ”

There is no problem among Muslims in this part of "we heard", but all the problems are in "manalam". As someone said, "It is better to read the Qur'an. There are many policy issues. There are beautiful beautiful stories. What nonsense of hell is written. But do you have to accept all these? Not everything in the Qur'an works today. That was fine for the Arabs thousands of years ago. Nowadays the era has changed. We have to think anew. ” - This is our real problem.

We see in this verse that if we claim to be believers, we must be in the situation, “We heard. I agree. ” - No kind of vanity, no excuses can be shown. It cannot be claimed that, "Show any logical or scientific proof of this verse, then I will obey." - When the believers accept the Qur'an as a revelation from the Creator of the universe, there is no question of showing any doubt or excuse to accept it. However, this does not mean that we will blindly accept religion. I will listen and obey whatever he says. This means: Once we are convinced that the Qur'an is indeed the word of God, there can be no further excuses. I will listen, I will obey immediately. This condition only applies to the Qur'an.

Those who believe will listen to the command of Allah and obey it immediately. Many of us make mistakes in obedience. We cannot always obey the commands and prohibitions of Allah Almighty. I cannot give due dignity to the word of Allah. That is why we eagerly say, غفرانك ربنا - Gufranaka Rabbana meaning "Forgive us Lord". غفرانك Gufranaka is the ultimate apology. [19] We not only ask God for forgiveness, we ask Him to conceal our sins. The words Maghfirah and Gufran are not just an apology, but also an appeal to cover up sins. The wrongs that we do are sometimes so dirty that if Allah Almighty does not keep them hidden from people in the world, then our dignity will be lost. You have to run away from people humiliated. In the same way, if we reveal all these on the Day of Resurrection, we will end up in shame and humiliation. That is why we ask Allah Almighty to keep our wrongdoings hidden. On the Day of Resurrection, we stand before Allah Almighty and beg him not to be ashamed again and again.

The last part of the verse reminds us of the ultimate reality -

"It's up to you that we'll go back."

Today, if a doctor tells you, “You have cancer in your blood and you will die in a few weeks, there is no point in going to Singapore” কীwhat would you do? Do you sit in front of the TV wrapped in kantha and watch useless star shows, talk shows, serials for hours on end? Would you go to the office the next day and chat for hours with colleagues for the last time? Would you buy a video game to make your kids a little happier for the last time, where they get a lot of pleasure from killing a herd of half-dead, bloody zombies with a Ramadan knife? Would you make your daughter a dancer in this situation, join your son in the band, so that they can do them and earn ‘infinite rewards’ for you after your death?

No, you won't do any of these then. But today you are doing exactly that, knowing full well that: whether today or tomorrow, you will die one day or another. Then one day you will be awakened again. Then you will be caught and made to stand before the highest power in the universe: to give an account of every moment of your life. What would you say to him with your head bowed in front of him that day?

For some reason we don’t want to worry too much about death. We feel uncomfortable when such thoughts come to our minds. We quickly change our minds. If a friend or relative starts talking to us about it, we quickly tell him, “What are you talking about? It's not good to hear about all these dead-tortoises. Exclude. Let's talk about something else. ”

For some strange reason, we immerse ourselves in a kind of self-delusion that I am one hundred percent sure that I will not die of a heart attack in the next few seconds, or that I will not die in an accident on the way home tomorrow. I have a covenant with God: He will keep me alive until I am seventy or eighty years old. So there is a lot of time in life to do religion-term. Now do as many jobs, business, party as I can before; Watching movies, serials, going to the market for hours, spending lakhs of rupees and going abroad, not enjoying life as much as I can. Can't say, if I die? Then all this will not be done.

If someone thinks coldly about death: What will happen to him after death? Where will he go? Can he really explain to God why he lived this way? কেউIf one thinks a little about these, sits down and thinks for a while, then one's thoughts about life are bound to change. Nowadays we are so entangled in the chains of life that we pull ourselves out of them, sitting alone for a while in silence, thinking about our own death. Though or occasionally sit down to think, then the thought is: Who will see my spouse? What will happen to my children? How will my house, car, land, bank money be shared? Who will run my business? - No time to worry about yourself. I don't think about what will happen to me in the hereafter after death, but I will think about what will happen to everyone else in the world after death.

The Qur'an tells us hundreds of times to think about death and what will happen to us in the Hereafter. Because when one thinks about it carefully, plans it, he will see that he has taken many responsibilities in his life, got involved in many tasks, carried many worries, which are in fact completely unnecessary for his real future. They will not be of any use to him. But because of the wrong goals for the future, they are the ones that keep him busy today, the most troubled.

They say, "We do not discriminate between His messengers."

Does this verse mean that we must follow the religion preached by all the previous apostles? Is Judaism or Christianity the right religion?

The name of Judaism or Judaism is to follow the name of Judaism, one of the 12 children of the Prophet Jacob. Allah Almighty did not send this Jewish religion. [241] In this religion the Jewish rabbis (religious priests) have the power to determine the halal-haram. What they say is the highest decision. The Talmud (a hadith book like ours) written by them is the highest Shariah. Contrary to their opinion, even if there is a clear statement in the Torah, it does not matter. [3] According to this religion: What the rabbis say is more important than what Allah Almighty says. The rabbis have the full power to determine and change the Shariah like themselves, whereas in Islam the Shariah is determined only from the words of Allah and His Messenger, which cannot be taken from the words of any Imam, Maulana, Mufti.

Similarly, Christianity comes from the name of Jesus Christ. Allah Almighty did not send this Christianity. These two religions have been named either in the name of a human being or in the name of a tribe. None of these are names given by Allah Almighty. Christianity also has religious gurus of various levels, such as pope, bishop, father. The pope is the highest office. If he says to omit something in the Bible, it will be omitted. If he asks the Bible to make any corrections, the new Bible will be published. About 30,000 revisions were made to the Bible between 189 and 175. [260] Naturally the question arises: If the Bible is truly the word of the Creator, why is it necessary to revise it so many times? If a person can correct a religious text, then that religious text is orthodox. Why can people accept that?

Islam is the name of the only religion given by Allah Almighty, which means: complete surrender to the Creator. As the name suggests: What is the main difference between all other religions and Islam? It would be ridiculous to claim that a creator would send a religion that would be applicable to all peoples of the world, but he would name it after a person, or a group.

Allah Almighty has never sent any religion other than Islam. The Torah, the Injil, the Psalms, the Qur'an — all scriptures preach one religion: Islam. People have distorted Islam and made it their convenient religion in the name of Judaism and Christianity. That is why as Muslims we do not accept all the previous messengers, because they have preached one Islam. But we do not accept today's religions like Judaism, Christianity, etc., because they are perverted religions.

At the same time, we must believe that the Qur'an is not the only revelation sent down by God. Allaah has sent down messages to guide people to the right path. The Torah came to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), the Gospel came to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). We have to believe that Allah has guided people before us through various prophets and sayings. From the very first man, Adam (peace be upon him), to our civilization today, all nations have received guidance from God Almighty.

There are two things in this belief:

1) First, acknowledge that: The Torah and the Gospel that are available in the market today contain at least some of the words of God, and we must respect them. When an American clergyman with his team burns the Qur'an every year [116], we will not burn the Bible like him to show that we are true Muslims. We respect the books of all religions. Christians can go down by burning the Qur'an, but that is not why we should go down by burning the Bible.

2) We must always keep in mind that whatever Jews and Christians are doing is not wrong. Their beliefs may be wrong, they may not believe in the Oneness of God, or they may not believe in Muhammad as the Messenger. But all their earthly deeds are not wrong. We must remember that our Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters have fallen into the trap of some deceivers and gone astray. Our responsibility is to bring them to the right path by calling them, understanding them well. If they don't come even after a good explanation, then that's their business. We cannot force them in any way. God will judge them. Moreover, it means that when they convert to Islam, the interest, devotion, sincerity, sacrifice that is seen in them, often puts the native Muslims to shame.

At the same time, we need to keep in mind that the Torah and the Gospel, which have been available since the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to this day, have undergone extensive changes and distortions, leaving them no longer in their original, unaltered form. We can only believe that they are basically divine books, but we cannot read them and come to a conclusion.

Nowadays, there are some Muslims who have bought the Torah or the Injil as a hobby. But then their heads went numb. They have made a fuss about which is Islam, which is Jewish, which is Christianity. For example, in the Qur'an, the Torah and the Injil, you will find three types of biographies of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). If you read all three, your idea of ​​it will be absolutely noisy. You will begin to think that he may have been Jewish. He may have been an idolater at one time and later God guided him. [1] Many modern Muslims today read the Torah, the Injil, and claim that today's Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all followers of the Prophet Abraham and we are above his religion. I'm here. So neither Christians nor Jews are on the wrong path, they will all go to paradise. So, there is no need for any of them to change their religion.

Such people have never understood the Qur'an properly:

Do you hope that they will believe in you when a party of them heard the word of Allah and then after understanding it they perverted it knowingly while they knew it? [2:85]

The Qur'an clearly tells us that none of the Torah, the Injil that is available today is pure. Jewish, Christian religious leaders have deliberately distorted these. All the dirty fantasies that men have in their heads, you will find in the Bible, there is nothing left. You will never be able to read the whole Bible books together with your little ones or teenagers.

But read the Quran. Nowhere in the entire Qur'an can you find a direct description of the intimacy between a man and a woman, of any kind of secret organ. Allah Almighty has taught us the restrictions of Islam on sexuality by using extremely elegant words, maintaining the highest decency. An Arab teenager is never likely to lose his mind after reading the Qur'an. An Arab parent can take their children to the Taraweeh of Ramadan, stand side by side and listen to the entire Qur'an, but never be embarrassed.

Therefore, Muslims do not believe that the word found in the religious texts of today's Jews and Christians is the word of God unaltered. There is such a stark difference between the language of the Qur'an and the modern Torah, the language of the Injil, that it is clear from reading them that the source of the three scriptures in circulation today is not the same entity.

Why didn't God send Adam with the Qur'an at once?

Wouldn't so many religions have been created if the Qur'an had been sent first? Wouldn't there be so many fights between people of different religions?

Allah Almighty gives guidance to man only when man needs that guidance and man is in a position to understand and implement it. For example, the definition of mahram-amaharam was not the same as it is today, according to the religious rules that were given to Adam. If he had been given today's Qur'an, no descendants would have come after the children of Adam (peace be upon him). The human race would be wiped off the face of the earth in a generation. [105] Due to which Islam has evolved from one prophet to another. But this does not mean that Islam has changed radically, or that Allah Almighty has given us any religion other than Islam before.

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