Helping Road Victims

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2 years ago
Date: 3th May, 2022
Time of the day: Afternoon

A road victim is someone who got in harm’s way while using the road. It could either be by car accident or motor bikes. Road accident is basically the collision of two or more vehicles. These victims could also be either a motorist or a pedestrian. The best way to help these victims are:

  • By calming down the victims: There is no gainsaying that the victims involved in any accident would be in severe pain and anguish. Anxiety has also been reported to be one of the emotions suffered by accident victims. The fear of imminent death, breeds severe anxiety, therefore calming the victims down is imperative and this is effected by speaking calmly and continuously reassuring the victim.

  • First-aid: Anyone can administer the first-aid although, he or she must be skilled or knowledgeable in first-aid administration. First-aid is an important measure for ensuring that the victims are in stable conditions till the doctor arrives. They help control and prevent further intensity that may occur if the injuries are not properly taken care of.

  • Call the ambulance: After giving first-aid treatment, you should call for an ambulance it might seem like everything is okay since the victim is feeling better after the first-aid treatment but the truth is that most times there could be an internal injury that can only be detected in an hospital. I’ve heard cases of people who died just few days after an accident simply because they refused to go to an hospital, most road victims refuse to go to an hospital mainly because of money issues or some just have phobias for hospital, but let’s remember that health is wealth and if you die now all your belongings would go to your families.

  • Be helpful: In the occurrence of an accident all hands need to be on deck to rescue and help the victims. In our world today most people would rather bring out their phones to film the event rather than helping. Due to the severity of the injuries that may occur during accidents, it is Paramount to swing into rescue actions as soon as possible to save lives. Recently, we got reports of a building collapse in Lagos, Nigeria. In situations like this only experienced rescue operators are allowed or given access to the scene but in cases where your help is needed, i would beg us to render any help you can no matter how little it is, in absence of an ambulance you could volunteer your car or bus to help convey the victims to the hospital just by doing that you have just saved lives and we should learn to comply with instructions of the rescue team, because they know the best in this situation.

So as we go on with our day to day lives let’s remember to always be ready to lend an helping hand to the those that needs it.

Be a good Samaritan

CIAO ! 😁

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2 years ago


We need a lot of awareness

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes i agree with you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Road accidents are really bad and sad experiences from the experience I have had..Let's try to help people when we see them in that situation 🤲💯

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They sure are...I hope your experience wasn't extreme and yes we should do our possible best in helping them...thanks for reading the article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is an amazing write up,I must say. I learned a whole lot from this. Thank you for enlightening me about road accidents, I'll try to be a better person when I see a road accident occurrence.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome dearie

$ 0.00
2 years ago