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Avatar for Director
3 years ago

But the most transformative and life-changing content is reserved for site members and supporters. It only costs a few dollars per month. Click here to sign up now or read on below to learn more.

Look, you’re probably wondering, “What the fuck am I doing on this page?” I know, I’m wondering the same thing. Nobody wanted this page here. It just kinda happened. So let’s get this over with.

Here’s the thing. I’m an independent writer. What that means is that I’m not under contract at a magazine or newspaper, I’m not beholden to some overbearing editor/publisher, and I’m certainly not whoring myself out to some big media conglomerate. This means I don’t have to sell ads or beg for airtime. It means I can’t get cancelled or censored or intimidated out of saying what needs to be said. I don’t have to pitch a dozen article ideas just to get a thousand words printed somewhere where people will read it.

I write stuff. You read it. It’s that simple.

Now, I’m very fortunate to be in this position. But it’s also not an accident. I wasn’t born on top of a pile of money. Daddy never bought me a Ferrari and I don’t have some shady backdoor business like selling crack to schoolchildren or, even worse, selling supplements on the internet.

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