“I love the silent hour of night

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3 years ago

For blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight What may not bless my waking eyes.”

I“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

“The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.”

“We love the night and its quiet; and there is no night that we love so well as that on which the moon is coffined in clouds.”

“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.”

“This is the ending. Now not day only shall be beloved, but night too shall be beautiful and blessed and all its fear pass away.”

purer than day; it is better for thinking, loving, and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning.”

night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

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3 years ago
