A New Beginning

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2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Story, Writing

How long was I out?? I think its a week or 2,I have missed everyone and also I have missed reading articles coz lately I have been a different person coz I don't do things like I used to....

I have relent on a lot of things but gaming wasn't a part of it๐Ÿ˜‚, Its not that am an addict but I see it as a way of easing stress....

A New Beginning

I know I have been off for a while now but I don't have a better explanation of why I was inactive but all I can say is am back now..

Its a new beginning so I believe I will be active like I used to, and also I'd try my best to publish maybe 2 articles in two days....

I have been questioned by some good friends, and they we're all asking for the reason of me being inactive here, not that I gave up on the platform but things we're not going as planned so I had to take a short break...

I can't quit on the platform coz its filled with good people, if am bored I can just go to my home page and read random articles....

I can see am now a user for 3months and am happy, like I have always said I have not gone this far before so its kinda like a heart warming experience for me...

  • I have missed each and every one of you and also I have missed your articles, I couldn't start by reading the old articles that I missed so I had to mark all as read so its kinda like a new beginning.....

  • So am starting a new read.cash journey I'd talk more about that in my next article....

  • Oooh I almost forgot my mum birthday was yesterday so I had to surprise her by getting her a wine, yesterday was so wonderful if you ask me.... She was asleep when I kept the wine on her bed, I then left the house and I headed to work....

  • My sis baked a chocolate cake for her and she did the same thing too, we both left as early as we could....

  • Though we stayed up till it was 12:00am so we wished her happy birthday but little did she know that we got her a surprise...

  • She slept off and We waited until it was 6:00am before we drooped our surprise, and we left afterwards......

  • She turned off our phones coz we know she'd call us and when we got home she was happy and speechless ๐Ÿ˜‡โ˜บโ˜บ....


Thanks for reading and hoping to see you on my next article.....

$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
$ 0.02 from @Jumper-01
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Avatar for Dimples
2 years ago
Topics: Blog, Story, Writing


Connectivity keeps bonds strong and alive . Sure new bigning will resume little slowly but will be back on track soon. Happiest birthday to your beloved Mum , may Almighty God bless her a long life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are highly welcome dude, welcome back. Keep writing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago