We have heard this phrase many times throughout our lives. Perhaps you listened to it in not very pleasant circumstances and where you were affected by that "end". It is said in this way, when someone has achieved a goal, by using some unorthodox or unethical method. However, the result achieved, for many it is worth it, and the means used are collateral damage or evils necessary to achieve it. It is used a lot in politics, business and even in the social and personal plane.
Many are those who have erroneously attributed this phrase to the writer, and relevant character of Renaissance Italy, Nicholas Machiavelli, who defended through his literary work the most amoral and despotic way of doing politics. There are even sources that indicate that it was Napoleon Bonaparte himself who wrote it on the last page of his copy of the book "The Prince" (1532), Machiavelli's most famous work.
Most experts and historians agree that the famous quote attributed to Machiavelli is, in fact, the result and transformation of a phrase extracted from the Latin text "Medulla theologiae moralis" (1645) and whose author was the German theologian Hermmann Busenbaum.
The phrase found in said text literally says: "Cum finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita"
(When the end is lawful, so are the means)
For me the end does not justify the means. I would not like to have to undertake any act that goes against my ideas or my ethical and moral principles. Honesty, simplicity, the force of truth, should never be violated. What is the use of reaching that end, if you have lost your honor and prestige in front of others? That is why always some action a lot before executing it. It does not matter if it is paramount, as long as it cannot be solved by traditional means, I would not like to break in and jump over barriers that cannot be jumped. Eventually there will come a time when everything will return to you, all the evil you did, all the paths that you preferred to avoid, or all the people that you passed over to achieve that goal.
Between heaven and earth, nothing is hidden. If not today, tomorrow they will find all the evil that you did. It is better to wait for the correct way to get ahead and without hindering others in that process. I have experienced some cases, where nothing has gone well. It even ends with all the years of friendship and in some cases it has criminal repercussions. Then nothing can replace what is a clear conscience, according to a proverb: "There is no better pillow than one's own conscience." In the blink of an eye, your life can change forever. The line between good and evil is very thin, so you have to always be vigilant so that you do not jump to the other side. Trust me, it's not worth it.
Friends, these have been very complex days for me. Time is not enough for me and I have hardly been able to be online. The constant trips to the hospital to take care of my son's health make it impossible to be connected for long. I am very grateful that all of you have continued to support me despite everything.
The end justified the means. That's the reason history is always written from the perspective of winners. Losers never write history.