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1 year ago

October 1.2022

In one of my last articles about my son's recovery from his surgery, Everything wil be alright, I forgot to tell you that during his hospital stay we received a donation of a wheelchair.

The Joni&Friends Ministry entrusted under the word of God, Jesus Christ and the Bible, a foundation dedicated to helping people with disabilities, and bringing the word of God to everyone. They provide outreach around the world to thousands of vulnerable families affected by disability, and this year in June they were in my country.

They have several ministries, Family Retreats for families with disabilities, Joni houses, radio and television programs, among others, and lastly, the one whose greatness we had the privilege of knowing, "Wheels for the World" brings life-changing mobility and Gospel hope to people affected by disability around the world.

Image from web site Joni&Friends

Its founder and president is Joni Eareckson Tada. Along with the wheelchair, they also gave us editions in Spanish of an illustrated Bible, and of her book "Joni, the unforgettable story of a young woman's struggle against quadriplegia and depression."

She was a young woman who, at only 17 years old, suffered a swimming accident while enjoying the waters of Chesapeake Bay.

Image from Pixabay "Chesapeake Bay"

Unfortunately, this accident caused an injury to the fourth and fifth vertebrae when she twisted her neck, which left her a quadriplegic, an active and athletic girl, whose life changed in seconds.

I'm reading your book and each of its chapters is truly a life lesson. It has 16 chapters, in which the author tells us from the first moment when her head hit something hard at the bottom of the water. She lay motionless, unable to move, her sister rescued her and it was frustrating not to feel anything, just a slight sensation when touched on her shoulders.

The emergency room, first aid, surgical interventions and much more he tells us in his book. The desperation, the depression in which he submerged himself for more than three months without knowing he would never walk again, or just be able to move his hands.

Joni before the accident was not a girl who needed God very much, according to her, she did not think it important that he was part of her decisions.

Image from Pixabay

But after the accident, she clung to the word of God, and this was what helped her to have the strength to overcome all obstacles. The desire to take her own life was not lacking, which the inability to move her hands left her a little without options. But she never felt alone, she had her friends, the true ones who remained faithful, her family, they never abandoned her, and above all she always had God with her.

I always asked myself the same question if God exists because he punished me in this way, or maybe God has a greater purpose for my life.

During the recovery and rehabilitation process, she learned to use her mouth to paint. Since before the accident she liked to draw, she had a natural talent and then her friend told her your hands are just tools, you carry talent in your heart and brain, and that was when the art that she carried inside was reborn.

I have felt very identified with the book. I have experienced many of these feelings. Although I do not practice any religion, I wonder why my son had to get sick, a pure soul that has not sinned, because God allowed an angel to suffer so much pain, is there a greater purpose for him in this life, or sometimes despair and the pain leaves me a little incredulous before the existence of a God, I prefer to keep faith, and think that God has something prepared for him on his way, and gave us the mission of taking care of him.

My son will use his wheelchair only during the recovery processes of the surgeries that are yet to come, then we will donate it in the same way to some other child who needs it, we will give it with our hearts.

I invite you to read her story, the pages turn like a stream as you read her story told from her own voice, they have a special meaning for those who have difficulty accepting difficult circumstances in life.

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1 year ago
