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* ★ Mama said in a low voice, it has been defeated. The brakes of the car are not working.

What! Break fail !?

Mama told them to handle the car and they would listen softly. You explain something to them.

Jannat Apu and Nisha are shouting to stop the car. But how to stop the car, the brakes of the car are not working. Now I will explain who they are.

However, I began to mumble: -

Look, it will take two minutes for Jannat Apu to go to our palace and mother and it is very dangerous here. Please be patient.

Nisha said: - But why is the car driving so fast !?

: - I did not say there is danger. Sit quietly.

I started calling Allah in my mind. The speed of the car was not only increasing but once it started moving from side to side of the road. Mama is struggling to handle the car. She is sweating all over her body. None of us can stay in our seats. I am falling sideways.

Nisha and Jannat Apu may have realized by now that there may have been some noise. We came close to the palace. I said to Mama: - What will you do now? If I didn't stop the car, I would cross the palace and leave.

: - I can't think of anything. You think something!

: - A plane came to my head. I told Mama: - Mama, you turn the car and push it to the gate of the palace.

: - What !! No, it can't be done at all.

: - Do what I say. Otherwise we will not survive.

: - No ,,.!

I grabbed the steering wheel of the car with a kind of force. Mama is not letting the car turn around at all. The two began to fight. At one point Mama's hand got stuck and I turned the car and drove towards the gate. The car went and hit the gate hard. The screams of Nisha and Jannat Apur came to my ears ..

Then nothing else comes to mind: ........................................... ........................

When I regained consciousness I found myself in the car. The head is stuck in the steering wheel. As soon as he raised his head, he was in great pain. I shook his hand, his hand was wet with blood. There is also blood clot in the forehead. Pain all over the body. I still don't know where the rest are. As soon as I remembered their words, I looked aside but could not see anyone. Where did they leave me ?? I looked at my watch and saw that it was 2 o'clock. I tried to get out of the car slowly. I could not see anyone.

I looked at the car and saw that it was in disrepair. The front side is completely damaged. I can't stand with my head straight. Somehow I stood around and looked around but couldn't see anyone.

Khalid brothers all left me alone ??

No no no, what am I thinking. Those who have come to help me at the risk of their own lives will never do such a thing. Now since they are not here maybe inside. They may have gone inside without my knowledge.

As soon as he set foot inside the palace, a piece of paper came in front of him.

It was written: - «Danger .... Farewell» I understood that it was a signal given by Malihar that I was going to be in danger. But what does "goodbye" mean?

I walked slowly forward. The inside of the palace was so silent that I was startled by the sound of my own feet. I started wandering alone. Starting from the roof, I found the whole corner. But I did not find anyone. I started getting annoyed. I thought maybe there is in the cell.

I started walking towards the room. Some distance away a shadow fell in front. It looks like the shape of a man. It looks like the shadow of Mama. Going closer, I realized that it is Khalid Bhai E. He is standing with his head down. I held his hand and said: - Why did you leave me in the car. And where is Nisha and Jannat Apu ??

Mama doesn't say anything. He raised his head as soon as I shook his body. As soon as I saw his face, I shouted: - Eki, where are your eyes? And why is blood coming out of the stomach ??

He pushed me away without saying a word. There is a rumbling sound in the throat. He told me to come forward. This Abhishek this ,, Kere Khalid Kere ,,,

I do not recognize Kashem? How can I know that I am in the body of another person. He who is in the body is Khalid. I will finish you first or I will kill him. The soul of Kashem in Khalid's body started coming towards me. He came and pressed my throat and lifted me to zero. I tried to reach the ground with my feet but could not find it. I started to stop breathing. Water started falling with my eyes. Suddenly Mama yelled at me. I fell to the ground and gasped. I started to take a deep breath. I noticed that Nisha was standing on Mama's pitch with a bamboo. Next to her, Jannat Apu called and said: -

: - Come here. Khalid is no longer in himself.

When I was about to get up, Khalid Bhai grabbed my leg with his hand and started rubbing his fingernails. Immediately he let go of his legs. The three of us started running towards the secret cell.

I looked at the pitch and saw Kashem's incorporeal spirit roaring here. I asked Jannat Apu how all this happened.

: - After the car accident, first of all I regained consciousness. Then I regained consciousness of Khalid and Nisha. Despite calling you many times, you did not get up so we went inside. When the two of you were fighting with the steering wheel, Khalid's amulet fell off. We did not notice that. We moved inside the palace. Suddenly a gust of wind enters Khalid. Khalid roared. He began to change. The eyes began to turn black. Blood began to flow out of the stomach. I understood that Kashem's soul entered into him. That's when the counter-attack hit us. Nisha was released into the void. Maliha's spirit came and stood in front of me before attacking me. Then Kashem grabbed Maliha's throat and grabbed her. I only heard Maliha's screams. He also killed Maliha. He helped us with his own life. For so long we had been fleeing from Khalid.

...................................... Jannat Apu started crying. Nisha also got tears in her eyes. I now understand what is the reason for saying goodbye to Maliha. Maliha gave her life. He kept his word. My eyes also became a little blurred.

But when we reached the tunnel, we opened the road and told Nisha to go inside with Jannat Apu. Then Khalid's brother's rumbling voice came to my ears. I saw a big Ramada coming forward. I ran down the cell. I came down and saw Nisha and Jannat Apu trembling with fear. 🤨

Jannat apu said did you put the door up ??

I didn't say that Khalid was coming down with a huge Ramada.

To be continue ....

The next episode will be the last episode.

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