Cursed flat_part-01

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Avatar for Devbratoanu
3 years ago

1. This street in New York can be heard cursed. A shocking incident can be heard in the mouth. It was an incident many years ago. At the beginning of the street there was a beautiful girl in a house whose name was Marina. That girl is in love with the son of a rich father. The boy's father was very influential. Everything was going well. Suddenly one day the boy announced that he could not marry her. His family would not accept it. The girl realized that the boy did not love her. It was all acting and lust. The boy's name was not mentioned, his name was Mark Edison. The girl had no choice but to commit suicide. But it would be wrong to say that the girl committed suicide. She was murdered. Edison's father found out that Edison's child was in Marina's womb. So Marina could not go to their house with the child's claim. He was killed. The day was cursed, the day Marina was killed. However, Marina decided to commit suicide herself. There would be no problem later if Marina could have killed herself. But the killers sent by Edison's father did not give him a chance to commit suicide. The assassins came to his house at night and tortured him physically. He was raped and killed that day. He was killed and buried. But the incident does not end here. A few days after his death, the people of the area began to feel the presence of his soul. He would come to her house and shout as he did when he was killed. From then on, those who came and went through that alley in the middle of the night could hear his screams.

2. I have been in New York for only a few weeks. In the meantime, I have a very good relationship with everyone in the office. I work regularly. And I have rented a flat to stay. My flat at the beginning of the street. Eyes fell. Like I went to the bathroom to take a bath that day. Suddenly I saw someone walking outside the bathroom. I looked around a little and saw where I lost in a blink of an eye. I didn't take the matter so seriously. So I went to the office like that day. I was about to enter the bedroom when I saw the door locked from the inside. I was shouting, pushing the door, but there was no response. Then I went back to the front thinking a little. As I turned around from the door, I felt as if someone was behind me. Going away. I quickly turned around and didn't see anyone. Then I pushed the door and saw that the door was open.

3. The office is very busy today. The work pressure is too much. Everyone is busy with their work. I was also in some kind of work. So I couldn't tell anyone what I was thinking at night and I didn't get a chance to say it. The thought was that I would find out something about the flat I got in. Ask a local. It wasn't done. I was returning home today like any other day. But it was late at night. And as I said before, the work pressure was high today. So I was driving myself back. Suddenly a crazy man suddenly came in front of my car. I lost control of the car, but I survived for a while and nothing happened to the man. Before I stopped the car and went to tell the man something, the man asked me if I lived in the first flat in the alley. I said yes. The man looked at me as if something was going to happen. The man said, sir Leave that flat. I said, why? But the man ran away without answering. I did not understand his arrival and departure in a hurry.

4. I started to reconcile the words of the madman with the things that happened to me in the flat and I thought that this flat is really cursed. Significantly, I did not know the story of Marina's soul yet. So I decided that I would know the real story of that flat Deb. So I got ready for the office in the morning and went to the office. There is a reason to leave early. The reason is to know about the flat from the locals in the area on the way and not to be late to go to the office. On the way I asked a man He didn't know anything about it. But the man left without saying anything. Then many others started behaving like the first man to ask this question. A man was standing next to me and was watching my condition. At last that man came to me and took me to his house. He sat in his house and told me everything about the flat. I was very nervous when I found out about the incident. The man saw my condition and said, stay at my house after returning from the office. .Off I almost forgot about the incident with everyone. At the end of the office I thought I have a lot of useful things in the old flat. So I left the office and went back to my flat and decided not to leave the flat from here tonight. This decision became tomorrow in my life.

5. After arranging all the necessary things, I went to sleep at around 11 o'clock at night. Then I closed my eyelids for the purpose of sleeping. It will not be long. In the meantime I heard a strange scream. Then I woke up. Somehow I kept my ears open to hear if there was any sound again. But for a long time the scream was no longer heard. I could not sleep. As the night progressed, my fear seemed to wake up. Again and again it seemed that after a while something might happen. I am not ready at all. Thinking about all this, I fall asleep again. It will be about half past one at night then. I woke up again with the sound of that terrible scream. But this time the sound seemed to be coming from somewhere very close to me. I was almost frozen in fear. The sound slowly got closer to me. I got up from bed and lost the power to turn on the lights. Suddenly the sound of screaming turned into laughter and the laughter started coming from just behind me. I looked back in fear. What I saw was ice cold in my veins and sub-veins. Fear began to flow I saw a girl standing there smiling with a horrible smile. The shape of her face was like a corpse. There was a rotten smell coming from her whole body. There was no flesh in many parts of her hands and feet. The position of her eyes was not right. There is no way to understand how horrible it was without seeing his gaze. It was as if blood was dripping from his eyes. I could not understand that it was the soul of Marina. I almost gave up hope of life. No. I have to stay in this flat until I die. I accept Mariner's words without seeing any way and in the hope of survival. And I live every day with fear and apprehension which was like dying.

The next morning I was brutally murdered by the man who told me the real story of the flat.

(Continued .............)

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Avatar for Devbratoanu
3 years ago
