How I got a Girl with knowledge from books.

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Avatar for DereIsaac
2 years ago
Topics: Man and woman

How To Get Girls With knowledge from books {Part 1}

STOP! I know what you are thinking. That is a very crazy title and hell is it even possible? Well, am going to be sharing with you all my experiences with the world since I came in contact with psychological books and how they have affected my world. At first, I also thought that it was definitely impossible but I have come to understand that knowledge is very practical. But before that, a little disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER: The words in this article are based on my life and experiences and I would not take responsibility if it is tried by anyone or everyone. I have had failed experiments but also very successful ones. It has not been an easy journey and if you decide to try the methods as stipulated here, then you must be very patient for results. Also, I shall change the names of a few individuals in case they eventual find this article in the future. {LOL}

AS I post more articles in the future, I shall share more experiences. This particular one happened exactly two months ago. Yes! maybe for others in might take less but for me, it took two months from the planning to execution. As I go along in the story, you shall see places I had made mistakes and how I corrected those mistakes.

I am currently attending a new school for my degree in Guidance and Counselling Psychology. As one that had attended a religious school for about a year before getting here, a lot of the practices of young adult males and females as they explore their sexuality in the open were quite foreign to me. And so like any new environment, adaptation was a constant.

But that did not mean I was any foreign to the ways of the world. Just a little more conserved than most. In fact, instead of rugged jeans and a T-shirt, I still prefered Well ironed trousers, well-buttoned shirt and a tie for classes. In this age of tertiary schooling, one might say I always appeared odd or maybe different from most around me.

A few of us from different departments were picked for a mini excursion to another school and it was on this little trip I met her. Beauty for most people and cultures is quite relative. In my part of the world which is Africa, we appreciate the posterior elongation of a woman to a nearly worshipable degree. She also had one of those beautiful full lips that looked like they were calling you when embraced with glossy lipstick. Her name is “Danny” {Note= name obviously changed.} I became a fool at first sight.

My mother used to say that women can sense what you want as a man the moment your eyes set on them. Adding to the fact that most beautiful women are approached at least 7 to 10 tens a week, I knew that getting this one's attention would not be easy. So firstly, I established myself in the team. Apart from the driver, we had no assigned instructors. I took this as an opportunity. See I understood from Dr Petersons' lectures that being different is not always being different but being unique. I knew that I needed to stand out if wanted recognition from her. At least I had to be in a position of importance where she could not easily say no when I asked for her contact. A position where asking for her contact was but a casual thing. This was in an attempt to go past the initial defences.

And so I became the self-appointed team captain. We arrived at our destination and I kept to my new ‘captain’ duties. All while keeping an eye on her. From our school to the next school, I discovered that I was not the only guy that had his sight on this treasure. Of course naturally, which beautiful woman did not have a million guys on her tail. I knew that the competition was not going to be easy.

So I watched on as Guy number one all through to four got the signature ‘eye-roll’ that signified her lack of interest in any of them. All the while, I observed and made mental notes of the methods used and how they failed. There was this one guy that even tried the classic hit her as you walked pretending not to see her. Her books fell to the ground and he tried to help her. Of course, he ended up being disappointed by the usual love story from thousands of movies he must have watched.

I had not made a move throughout the excursion until the very end. In fact, I had treated her like I had treated anybody else during the trip. There was this one time she and some others made a mistake and had gotten a strict scolding from the team captain which of course was “Your’s Truly” (me).

It was the end of the exercise and I was naturally in charge of the refreshments. I intentionally did not show her any form of favouritism “In front” of people. And even ensured that she got the least. Naturally, she was disappointed and had tried to get my attention with her good looks in other to get more benefits.

This gave me joy. It is easier to make a move when survival instinct kicks in for more benefits. When all was relaxing, I assigned her and two others to clean the tables. She was naturally mad at this. In fact, those other boys simping on her had even volunteered to help. But I won’t allow that. The entire idea was to make her think she had no worth in my eyes.

If she felt the assets she could usually use to get benefits were not working, she would naturally feel a sense of disappointment in herself. And that was the best time to strike. This was a lesson from Robert Greene’s book. The act of seduction.

I later called her aside as well as the others that cleaned the tables and rewarded them for their work. But this time around, I gave her more of the reward. This way, people around would not say I was favouring her and I had the excuse that it was because she worked more than others. { 48 laws of power… Always attach a reason to a gift.}

I had later assigned her to the position of taking attendance throughout the excursion. This was an excuse for me to always meet her. Don’t forget she had worked ‘hardest’ when I assigned the cleaning task and so noted to be hardworking enough to work with me.

From this i collected her digits{contact} effortlessly. Also, my intentions were also kept hidden.

A few days after our excursion, we were already talking, and a lot if I might add. I had taken her on a date or two and things were progressing smoothly. But then I just had to F**k up. On this particular date, after ensuring as usual that she did most of the talking and I most of the listening. Ensuring she engrossed herself in her conversation {48 laws of power… people love to talk about themselves. once they start, it is always hard to stop. Your job is to make sure they start}.

My wonderful brain had become shut down and my emotions activated when she had started to sob about a particular event in her life. I had felt the need to comfort her and behold I had opened my mouth to admit feelings for her. { Act of seduction… always maintain your air of mystery. Until you are sure the meat cannot escape the trap.}. My emotions had led me to a big mess up. After that day, she found excuses to stay away from me. I had dropped my intention. The mystery was no more.

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Avatar for DereIsaac
2 years ago
Topics: Man and woman
