Short Story: I Dream of Blue

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Written by
4 months ago

There he stood facing the vast blue sea, with his back against the shore. He was in the water few minutes ago. This caused his yellow vintage shirt to rest against his body, showing off his finely toned muscles and slim waist line. He was putting on blue shorts. His long legs were muscular and sexy. I stood there taking in the sight. I was pleased with what I saw. Why wouldn't I be? I mean if I wasn't, I wouldn't meet him so often right? I've been seeing him for seven days without break. That's crazy right?

On the first day, we met in a beautiful garden. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking through a path of very beautiful lilacs. They were beautiful butterflies, of all colors, everywhere. One lightly settled on my finger. Pink and black wings with red spots… I immediately concluded that it must be female. She was beautiful. I let her fly away and kept walking through the path.

Right there, by a bed of flowers, was a man. He was about 6 ft 8, had beautiful light skin, a pair of clear blue eyes, long hair that got down to his shoulders, and a pair of clear white teeth. He smiled so brightly. I was immediately bewitched. He stood there with the clear blue sky in my view, creating a perfect man. He was soooo charming. Was I dreaming? If I was, I didn't want to wake up. I looked down and noticed that he was standing in front of a neatly spread out mat with a spread of various food on it. He beckoned on me to go to him. I was filled with different emotions. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Was this really happening? All my life, all I ever wanted was a prince charming to sweep me off my feet. He was exactly what I pictured. Was God finally answering my prayers? I took slow steps towards him and hesitated to take his stretched out hand. He gave me a reassuring nod and beckoned closer with his hand. I took a deep breath and took nervous steps towards him. I finally got to him and after a slight moment of thought, I took his hand. He led me to the mat and we slowly sat down side by side. He offered me some fresh apples and watched me with a smile as I ate them with my cheeks dyed red. Thank God I wore a long and decent dress. I was sure that my everything was red. I was literally in a fairytale and it wasn't a movie. Do you know that feeling? When you've wished for something for so long that you give up? Then you finally have it. You don't know what to do with it anymore. At the same time, you can't let it go. You just want it even though you feel it's wrong. You don't understand why your prayers get answered when you can't have that thing you've been praying for. Can you relate? Nah… You can't. If you can relate, you probably would be home, wet in your pajamas, trying to eat popcorn and spilling it everywhere, while watching a show considered to be boring.

We met everyday since then. It's been a week already. It was the best 7 days of my life. Whenever I was with him, I felt right. It all felt right. One thing was similar with all these meetings, when we met, the sky was always blue. No matter where we were, the beach, the garden, the mountains, Maldives, etc.

Wow! I did a lot of traveling in 7 days. Like I said earlier, best 7 days of my entire life!

My prince charming in shorts, turned around and started walking towards me. His buttons were all undone. The sunlight's reflection on the blue sea, made his wet, hard, and sexy torso glisten. He gave me a smile, at the same time not letting his eyes leave mine for a second. Damn, that smile made me drool. I stood there nervously waiting for him as my heart beat faster due to the rush I was feeling. I was excited. He finally got to where I was and stretched his hand out to me. I looked into his blue eyes and at that moment, I believed there was nothing more beautiful in the world. Entranced, I took his hand and we played by the beach for a while, making water splashes and writing names on the sand.

We sat on two beach benches to rest our tired legs as we had been chasing each other across the beach. I looked at him as he smiled gently at me. He immediately understood what I wanted to say. He took my right hand on both his hands and said the words, "we'll meet again, I promise". He always made that promise everyday we departed from each other and he always kept it. I smiled, contented with that. I reached out to touch his face…

"Grandma, the nurse said that it's time to take your drugs"

I recognized my granddaughter's voice and opened my tired, sunken eyes. I could hear the beeping sounds coming from the heart monitor next to my hospital bed.

My granddaughter sat there looking at me with a sweet smile tainted with worry. The entire family was in my hospital room looking at me with conflicted emotions. Few days ago, they had heard from the doctor that I only had a week to live. They had all been pretending like everything was fine in order to let me live out my last days in peace. But what they didn't know was that I had made my peace with death. I lived a hundred and ten years. Those were good years. Yes, they weren't all good or perfect, but they were all bits and pieces that made up something great. The only regret I ever had was not ending up with my prince charming. But now that I can see him every time I sleep, and even if I don't ever get to see him again, I will die without regrets.

I could feel my life slipping away. I stared outside the window and as I looked at the clear blue sky, I couldn't help but delve shortly into my fantasies again. "I'm coming for you". I thought.

"You know for someone who is dying, she's been smiling a lot lately."

"Tell me about it. It's almost like she's happy she's dying."

"Wouldn't you? Look at her. She needs to rest. We'll miss her dearly but it's for the best."

I could hear the whispers around me in a daze. I smiled even more. I was going to miss them too. But it was time for me to finally have my own happy ending.

"Grandma, you've been smiling in your sleep everyday and night. What do you dream about to make you so happy?"

I stared at my granddaugther's pretty little face. As I took my last breath, I said my last words, which were the only words that I had spoken in days.

"I dream of Blue".

Hey everyone 😊 👋😀. What do you think of my short story? Let me know in the comments section. I accept suggestions and corrections as well 😊

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Written by
4 months ago


I wish you continued success.

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