Overcoming Self-doubt

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2 years ago

I've always believed that we are the harshest critics of ourselves. We've all had that nagging feeling of self-doubt at some point in our lives. We ask ourselves questions like "Have I done enough," "Am I really excellent at this," and the more existential "Am I on the right track?" If you've ever had these thoughts, you're well aware that they're often accompanied by a heavy sense of incompetence and even worthlessness. The “impostor syndrome,” or a persistent pattern of self-doubt and the internalized dread of being labeled a fraud or failure, is what psychologists name it. Does this ring a bell?

The fact that imposter syndrome affects people who are truly good at what they do is perhaps the saddest aspect of it. They doubt their own abilities in their chosen fields, the legitimacy of their ideas, and even the value of the work they accomplish. Unsurprisingly, it is frequently accompanied with a great deal of tension, anxiety, and, in some cases, depression. People quit in the worst-case scenarios. They abandon their work, believing that they have already failed as a result of their self-perception. As I have stated, who are our harshest critics? Us.

While most of what I've stated sounds depressing, there is a silver lining when self-doubt becomes too much to bear. We still have to fight self-limiting beliefs at the end of the day, because this crippling emotion is the enemy of progress. Here are some easy steps you may do to assist you overcome self-doubt:

You must say no to yourself.


I know it sounds overly simplistic, but saying no to yourself may be extremely beneficial in combating nervous thoughts. Do you ever notice how all of our shaming thoughts branch out into other shaming thoughts? Say no before it starts to grow into a multi-branched tree in your head. It's sometimes all it takes to silence the negative voices in our heads. You must understand that self-doubt is a pattern that can be broken with a simple and hard shake of the head.

Break free from the comparison trap.


Self-doubt is difficult to overcome on its own. Try not to make matters worse by comparing your progress to that of your loved ones or coworkers. Keep in mind that not everyone's growth looks the same. Comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of self-hatred, as well as jealously or resentment of the other person.

Fail gracefully.


Accepting failure is one of the most difficult things a person can do, yet it is absolutely required in order to stay inspired to strive even harder. A person who has successfully overcome self-doubt might view failures as transient events. They use setbacks as fuel to learn from them and attempt again the next day. Take note: victors are simply folks who have tried and failed multiple times. So, be kind about your shortcomings, learn from them, and resolve not to be defined by the list of things you didn't complete. Fail, but never lose faith in your abilities.

Keep a journal.


When you're having a bad day, a few words of encouragement from others might easily lift your spirits. Your friends and family, on the other hand, may not always be able to tell you how excellent you are at what you do. So go ahead and do it for yourself. Write about your victories in your journal on good days. Share how you overcame your challenges and at least three things that went well for you during the day.

If you're just starting off with a journal, make sure your entries are as accurate and detailed as possible. When you have hard data about your accomplishments to back you up, you will find it much simpler to combat your self-doubt. You'll also notice that when you develop a writing habit, you'll become more objective in assessing your own development.

Take in the good vibes.


Try to eliminate unnecessarily negative thoughts from your head as you work to break your old habit of self-doubt. My advise is to take in the positive energy that is all around you. If you're having a rough day, start it off right by listening to your favorite music or, better yet, reading self-help literature. You may not be the kind to read self-help books, but once you do, you'll realize how they may help you refocus your mind on your potential rather than your apparent shortcomings.

Overcoming Self-doubt

“Be kinder to yourself,” is the simplest way to express all of these. We have a tendency to speak negatively about ourselves without realizing how damaging it is to our self-esteem and capacity to advance in our employment and personal life. It's amazing how fighting this really negative thinking may be as simple as deciding to love ourselves more. However, like with much advice you've probably heard, it's easier said than done. Learning to be kinder and more forgiving to ourselves requires effort, but it is well worth the time you will devote. What better strategy to battle self-doubt than to focus your efforts on liking yourself more?

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Written by
2 years ago
