The Macroverse is a fictional world that takes place in the year 2030. In this time, humans have become so prosperous and interdependent that they are living in a society where there are no nations or borders; each individual lives on the same plane of reality. The economy consists of private companies and corporations working with each other to create a globalized utopia. The Macroverse's creator has made it his life goal to create this amazing world.
But not all Macroverse are like that. And the first time I heard about this term was not from any type of story, study, or whatnot, it's actually from one of my favorite horror movies of all time. This Macroverse belongs to one of the most popular terrors in the world of horror films. I know it's not yet November. And it is way too early to be doing a "Halloween Themed" article, but I promised myself before, that one of these days I would write something about this character, and before my train of thought starts deteriorating I better write this down fast. That day has finally come.
Have you ever heard the name, Pennywise?
Also known as It, Pennywise is the titular villain from the 1986 horror novel It by Stephen King. The character has made a number of appearances in other films and television series, notably within the film series and the 2017 television series.
As stated in the book, Pennywise was born on a stormy night, having emerged as a demonic creature with pale skin and sharp teeth and claws in place of fingernails. Pennywise often wears an oversized clown costume featuring twisted balloons with clown facial features and large shoes that are often too big for him.
Pennywise is extremely powerful, having demonstrated the ability to call forth fire, volumize objects and teleport short distances. He is also incredibly intelligent, though he prefers to hide that fact by appearing as an idiotic or foolish clown. Pennywise can stun people with a gaze and can also telepathically compel them to commit horrendous acts of violence against themselves or others.
It was stated in the book that It was born from the remains of a prehistoric sea monster named Mosasaurus, a dinosaur-like creature that appeared in a series of books in the 1920's and 1930's written by a dark novel author.
Mosasaurus was a huge sea creature that breathed fire. It would often travel near the coast of Maine, where it would devour smaller fish and squid before moving inland to attack larger prey. Its size was so large that it could swallow a whale whole. The unfortunate thing about Mosasaurus was that it wasn't very smart at all.
I wanted to talk about these characters in the Macroverse. And to do that I found a lot of examples of similar creatures in the Macroverse. As a horror lover, my first thought of course was Pennywise.
Let's see what kind of creature we have here:
The Slenderman is an Internet-based urban legend created by Eric Knudsen, that originated on the Something Awful website of Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka in 2009. The character has been adapted into various forms of media, including web games, a short film, comic books, and novelizations. He is portrayed as a tall, thin figure with an unnerving blank face who can appear and disappear at will and typically appears in the dark. The Slender Man is said to stalk, abduct, or otherwise harass people, particularly children.
In some cases, he also causes memory loss, which can result in people forgetting their friends or families. According to the legend, he can also create tendrils from his fingers and back that can reach and grab things at a distance, as well as cause one's computer to not work.
Here we have a very similar creature that lives in the Macroverse called The Rake (The Rake - Urban Legend - YouTube).
But the similarities between The Slenderman and Pennywise are very close. Both of them have pale skin and sharp teeth and claws in place of fingernails. Both of them are highly intelligent and they often fool their victims by appearing as a friendly person or an innocent creature, which makes them all the more terrifying.
Do I think that these creatures exist in the Macroverse? Absolutely! After all, it is just a fictional world that consists of nothing but beasts from our wildest nightmares. And that is why I enjoy writing about this brave new world so much.