I offer this post for INDIA (and the rest of the World)

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3 years ago

I am a day trader, and my business goes a long way, and it reaches the most distant part of the world. I have the edge when it comes to work, as I don't need to go out nor to report on a different location that would jeopardize my health and safety.

But not everyone is given this kind of opportunity, and to some, even if they do have something alike, the circumstances of luck, support, and healthcare system still brings them to a situation that falls under the category or a state same as opposite of what I mentioned above.

Let me tell you more about my job, in my field of work, I am somehow fortunate enough, since I am working for a well known international broker, the pay is not that big as a salary but with my personal trades, and investments, everything is rewarding (at least, financially). The beauty of working for an international broker is that, I belong to a group or a collection of people with the same mindset and same beliefs workwise. With that being said, I get to talk to people and spend most of my days communicating with other colleagues from across the globe. In which, I find relaxing, especially for someone who focus on not going outside and just limit myself from going out (usually when I just need to replenish my resources or my family's necessities).

So I had this unusual conversation with 2 of my colleagues in India these past few days, usually, since I am very much concern to the life status of everyone around the world, I basically ask or spend my routine with a "good morning" and "how are you?" vibe of conversation, and I quote;

"We will all die here"

And to me for someone that I've known to be as a strong willed and with a fighter-like attitude, for them to say these words, means so much to me, and at the same time, caused me crippling fear.

These are not the words from someone I talked to just last week, saying;

Looking at his words last week, and comparing it to his words yesterday, it seems like, everything that he is holding dear just shut down.

What really is the condition in India?

Just by looking at this graph that I managed to scavenge online, things are not going well, as the number of cases goes up and in connection to this, since medicines, health facilities and other health resources are depleting already with little to no signs of replenishment yet.

What can we really do to help?

Just like any other countries, judgmental eyes are not part of the solution, and other than this country, everyone are experiencing it, not just India, not just USA, not just Europe, etc...

But the main difference is that more and more people are saying that such disease, such pandemic is not existing.

People! I don't know how in the world do you even sleep soundly at night knowing that at the back of your head, when you say that you don't believe that such things exist and it is just something that the gov't made up, is like saying that you don't believe our unfortunate Indian brothers and sisters, or our Asian brethren, or any other race, color, gender, country and overall status.

If you have problems with your government, then it's not a precise reason for anyone to show lack of interest and lack of care to other people around the globe. Every step I take in this world, one of the things that I always keep my mind is that, what you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, is the same thing that your brothers and sisters would do to you. Or simply saying, "do not do unto others, what you don't want others to unto you."

I know someone out there would definitely disagree with me, because of what you believed in and what you don't believed in. We may not have the same goals and ideals in life, but please, at least let's agree to treat and see our less fortunate brothers and sisters from different countries with humane care and consideration. We are blessed somehow because at least we are in good standing, in comparison to them. And it will not hurt you even the slightest if you would be kind to others and at least to pray for them. That things may soon shine light again to this beautiful country and for them to see wholistic wellness and survival.

I offer a simple prayer that binds across all religion and nation.

I pray that each and everyone of us, would be surrounded with people who are more than willing to help. As we are expose and drowned with a disease much toxic and more infectious than the Covid-19 pandemic itself. The disease of negligence, a disease fueled by animosity, a disease generated by condemnation and disagreement. And this disease would continue to infect and pierce not just your physical body but the emotion as well. I pray that our faith would serve as our shield, that our love for mankind would illuminate the darkness to other peoples hearts and magnify love and kindness. That once again, being human would serve it's purpose not just to ones self but to others as well, as we held the hands of our brothers and sisters who are suffering and experiencing pain in different forms possible, may it be mentally, spiritually, or physically. I asked all of this, as I declare healing to everyone reading this prayer!

Let me shower your presence here as a form of great gratitude for getting up to this point in this article, with blessings, safety and wellness for your whole family.

If you are experiencing something negative right now, may it be related or not to the current pandemic, I hope everything would be ok for you. You are beautiful, you are awesome, you are to good to be taken for granted and to give up! Hang on tight! Help and healing is on it's way!

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3 years ago
