Important facts that you must know about trade and commerce of Mesopotamia.

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3 years ago

The prosperity of Mesopotamia was largely due to producing of foreign trade. It has been proved beyond dropped that Mesopotamia had trade relations with many a foreign country to stop some Indian trade imported various raw materials namely, stone, timber gold silver etc. from different countries and sold goods both at home and abroad. One precondition for the growth of trade and commerce is good mode of transport to carry manufactured goods. The sumerians for expert sailors. they made rafts of logs tied together and use those to carry goods on water. Whelled carts were used for transportation on land. Achievements of the sumerians excavation is carried on over a wider area of Mesopotamia revealed that the sumerians had built up and advanced civilization in the Sumer one cannot get wood or stone of good quality hence in the beginning the sumerians built huts of read and clay. Latter on the on they use mud bricks dried in the sun and in buildings and houses. they constructed Huge buildings and imposing towers. From the remains of the temples, houses and buildings, etc enearthed at Ur, one of the greatest cities of Mesopotamia one can get a complete picture of sumerians city in ancient times. Each city were built centreing the temple of city God called ziggurat meaning hill of the heaven was a mighty temple. It as built of mud and sunrise bricks and could be seen from a distance place to stop the addition of this monumental temples are artificial mountain prove beyond doubt the technical skill of architects the temple towers used as observatories for detailed observation of heavenly body.

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3 years ago
