Article No. 1- "What Made You?"

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2 years ago

What Made You?

I don't know if you're like me but I often caught myself just looking at somebody and ask this question, "What made you?"

What made you? Why do you laugh so hard and bubbly at times. Are you breaking, are you lonely deep deep inside? Tell me about the times you cried hard and those moments when you think you coudn't make it through. Tell me why you are silent at home?

What made you? Why do you cry so hard that even the dying of a little insect makes you sad? Tell me who left and never came back? Do you feel dead and buried inside? But also, tell me about the little things that makes you laugh? The people who stayed and how did you survive this life regardless of those who left?

What made you? Why do you feel so insecure about how you look like? Tell me who bullied you when you were young? Who told you you're ugly? Tell me about those times when you feel like you are really fearfully and wonderfully made?

What made you? A woman as you are, why you are so strong? Why is your heart like a stone? What's with those walls? Tell me about the abuse. Tell me about the betrayal of trust you've undergone. Tell me how many times you locked yourself into a dark room crying 'til there's no more tears to cry? Tell me about the times you wanted to die and tell me how you made it through..

What made you? You are well-respected and in our eyes, you are very successful. Tell me about your rejected resumes. Tell me about the people looking down on you and the people who never believed in you. Tell me about the hardships you've gone through, the tears you cried, the sweat and blood that flowed from your skin just to make it here. Tell me about them, the people you are fighting for, the people who believed in you even when you are falling and failing?

What made you? Why do you serve God with that kind of fire and passion? Tell me about the cigarettes, the alcohol even the drugs. Tell me about those moments when you almost died because of a meaningless rumble and fight? Tell me how you escaped home and runaway? Tell me how have you been forgiven?

I don't know if it's only I but I usually dig deeper into every person's life. To pass through the surface and dig into the core whether they hurt us or love us. They are fighting battles too and most of the battles they fought were in the silence but among all the stories I've heard about what made people, the story with this phrase, "But when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour.." is my favorite. 💗

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Avatar for Deborah-Dorcas
2 years ago
