Cool winds chilling my soul
As I wind back to the bad old days
The days when;
I was a Victim to my own emotions
Kept in bondage by my own beliefs
Chained to negativity by my own pessimism
And made myself a prisoner to my own head
While I played dead to my own self consciousness
I remember how I broke free of those bondages
And fought hard to regain the freedom of my caged soul
Escaping the captivity from my own self
Here I am today
Happy than ever
Enjoying a peaceful soul
Triumphant and Victorious over the quick sands of depression
whilst being grateful to a God I had never believed in
Because like the Sun he became a sunrise when the darkness seemed unending
Like a pillar he stood solid for me to lean on
And like a Great Sailor he hath rowed me out of those Turbulent waves.