Here I am
On a gloomy day
Trying to find me
Like how is it possible for someone to lose themselves without even knowing it
I am trying to pen my emotions
But I can't seem to place the feelings
Right now I feel like a canvas with lots of colours that don't unify
Everyday gets worse than the previous
It's even worse 'cause am no bon vivant
Well I don't blame anyone who left me
Who would want to stay with an unstable time bomb
Some days I like to think it's the bitter feeling of worthlessness
Or the burning feeling of not being wanted
Or is it the longing feeling for love
Funny how I'm full of contrasting emotions
But I will keep hoping I get over this killing emotions
I will rise high above them
I will learn to control them
And I'll turn all this messy color patches into a beautiful rainbow from an illuminated soul
Nice took the words right out of my mouth