Fighting for Feminism

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Hi good day! This Dayanskiee and I hope it will realize you something.

Being raised in conservative country which is Philippines, sometimes we are too judgemental when it comes to virginity. Sometimes we're hurting their feelings by telling harsh words not knowing the story behind it. Let me tell you this, virginity has nothing to do with someone's worth. If she's not virgin anymore, so what? Does it make you superior? No. If you look down on not virgin people, you are also looking down to your own mother and that is ironic, isn't it? Why are you so obsessed minding someone's life? Basically talking, your action is clearly from a personal grudge and yet, you are fighting for feminism? (1021)

Just be a good person to others and try to be understanding sometimes so you can't hurt someone's feeling by judging them of what they did. Im not saying that it's okay if you are not virgin anymore at a young age but common don't judge someone by what you see. Everything has it's own story. And I believe those girls out there who are not virgin anymore in a young age, there's a story behind it.

Yes, we are a catholic country and I know it is a sin to God. But you can't change the fact that she is not a virgin anymore so stop shaming. You are degrading her by telling harsh words and it is a sin to God too. Just be a good person, be nice to others all the time and harm no one.

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What are your thoughts on courtship?

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3 years ago

I do think the title is mismatched with the topic you're describing but i agree with your point. The country is a bit more open now though

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3 years ago