Do You Believe in Karma.

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Written by
2 years ago

Karma is a taboo

Hello everyone!

If you think about karma, its a special words, that giving you a goosebump. Because karma is the word being use when you have done something not unforgivebable.

Karma is usually uttered when you know somebody recieving bad things in life in the exchange of what they have done.

Does Karma really exist?

Well, for those who believe in Karma yes, it does, but to those who dont maybe not. It depends.

If you asked me if I believed I will said that No! If there is something unpleasant happen to you and its totally disastrous, this is the products of coincidence.

When you have done lies and people usually said, its karma, sometimes we have to know if lies is bad or good, sometimes people tend to lies to cover up or patch up something then its not counted as lies. Their is some other that lies was being constructed to escape or avoiding consequences. Then Karma is not a thing.

Once I knew someone who told me, that maybe karma is happening to her, but I suggest I don't believe it, karma does not exist, what ever happening to you is the product of the consequences, that you have done in your life.

I dont really understand why karma is sometimes use as a curse word or something a mischievous word to tell to someone.

It hard to dig out the basis that karma is really happening in the world or existing, even long time ago our ancestors also uses karma and live in to believed that karma is existing.

Its a kind of a puzzle in every mind to think what really karma is and their is any evidence when karma is present.

There are some few people that believed that karma is exist, and we can't preferrably change thier way of thinking but to respect what they believe in.

In any circumstances that every person is facing their is a one major cause why it happens.

When something good and pleasing things happen people says its good karma, Its hard to understand, at first because we use karma as the price of doing bad things.

Karma is striking

If we saw our neighbours sick due to old age, and hidden medical condition, then we should not simply think that its a karma especially that we knows he/she are not good enough, and you cannot get along with.

What ever it is look and find a good timing to offer encouragement and friendship.

So many people is struggling alone and silently so try to open up your arms, sometimes a kind words is s medicine for a lonely soul.

But never ever use karma to described a persons physical.apperance and sickness.

Have a heart on the bigger pictures and find a way to reach out no matter what.

But if they do believe in karma let them be and respect them, after all its their principle and beliefs nobody can correct or pursuade what they up to.

Thats all do you believe in Karma too?

Note:Lead image soursce: Unsplash

Thank You for reading.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @akagaminoDneloy
Avatar for Dayana
Written by
2 years ago


A lot happened with me and i do believe in karma. Most disgusting in the world. Hit someone, you'll get hit eventually

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone of us has a freedom to believed what we are believing intoz and its normal thanks for your opinion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like to believe in work, hence "Karma," which is a Sanskrit word meaning "Work."

$ 0.00
2 years ago