Things a Writer should look out for.

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2 years ago

Writing is an Art, it is a thing that draws people's attention.

It goes way beyond just scripting words, poetry is eccentric, the sway on your words can paint an illusion into another person's idea.

It could be a world that traps a reader for days, weeks, month, years.

To be a good writer you must love writing first.

A good writer is an illusionist, he/she is a dreamer, he/she is a seducer.

He must be a thief, a good thief, not a plagiarist, I mean a thief by stealing ideas.

Ideas are not born new, they are recycled, reviewed, made better.

A good writer must be a good reader, drift into people's thoughts, create your own ideas from their thoughts.

Few things you should do as a writer:

1. Create a story as a draft with two things: a list of texts you will write, and random ideas about anything. It is only a draft, which will never be published, but it serves to guide you, so you won’t forget the ideas that come to mind. Always write down your ideas, so you don’t forget them.

2. You shouldn't wait until you are ready.

A lot of works done are works done by mistake, written at times when the person was not ready at all.

Inspiration comes differently.

Don't write when you are comfortable, write when you have an epiphany, build it up, develop it.

You will find great works done like this than waiting till you are ready.

3. Work on your idea and not looking for how it will end.

You might waste a lot of time thinking of the end and end up not judiciously exploring the epiphany you have.

The work will end, and it doesn't matter how, just keep writing, we will find the end in the end.

4. Writing is not always comfortable:

Writing comes with great displeasure, like I said don't write when you are comfortable.

Sometimes the production today is higher than the next day, does it stop you from writing?

No! It doesn't make you a dull writer, some days are like that, just let it flow.

5. Write out your primary Ideas;

When writing, it is deemed you have an epiphany, I call it "my little glow" this ideas don't stay.

Sometimes you might over think it and lose its vigour, the taste it had.

Write it out so you don't lose or forget what the inspiration was about in the beginning.

6. Write in a language you are fluent in but don't go off the course you are writing about;

This doesn't even have to do with language, grammatically, sometimes writers go out to use vocabularies that contradict their meanings, so the real meaning to a sentence they thought of is misunderstood. Sometimes writers wrote out of their tones and it misplaces the intentions they had.

7. Enjoy praises but adhere to criticism and reflect on them;

If your circle of friends, people don't criticize your work, what you do then it is wrong.

They should challenge how you feel, work on the criticism. You don't have to be perfect.

You can't control the results of your work but the quality can be worked on.

I really hope this Article helped a lot, I wrote this article after a whole day of stress.

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2 years ago
