I woke up this morning with so much enthusiasm and overflowing energy to work harder and smarter than I have been working since the beginning of this blessed year. To an onlooker, it may sound like an impossibility if I say that we can attain our goals in life if we believe in ourselves not minding the negative forces which stand as a stumbling block on our path to glory.
I know that you have heard about the power of positive thinking. Well, to some persons it sounds like wishful thinking or a kind of imaginative thinking which may never come to fruition. Thinking positively is something every one of us must do to survive this world of uncertainty and negative rules. The first thing to know is that when you think positively, you are already doing 30 to 35 per cent of the work you need to do for survival.
Let us look at this case scenario. As a young man who has gone through school and graduated, I started seeing myself in the light of wealth and affluence even though I may not have the necessary tools i.e. the financial capacity to take myself to where I want to go. Now what this does to my mindset is that it will keep me on my toes and by so doing if for any reason I am faced with an opportunity I will grab it with both hands because I have already imagined myself making it in life.
Another good thing about positive thinking is that it will increase the drive to succeed in you and this will make you put in the necessary effort. We might indeed work very hard and put all our energy into work and yet nothing tangible comes out of it that does not me that we will not continue to push towards our goal. As a young man who has gone through life’s struggle, it is an onus on me to encourage others who are yet to enter the lane for this long walk.
We must understand that life does not revolve around us; this means that in whatever we do, we must try so hard not to trample upon other people’s feelings, emotions and decision because ones we do that we are turning ourselves into the same demons we are fighting. Remember that we are all in this together therefore the unity of purpose must always be in our hearts.
Is there anyone in life who has decided to be a failure? I strongly believe that there is none but what happens is when we begin to weaver instead of standing tall and strong above every set back we give room for negativity to take over our minds and once this happens, we find ourselves living a life without purpose. Even the life of animals, plants and even trees are all purposeful let alone, humans.
There is a thin line between positivity and negativity that anyone who wishes to survive in life must try as much as possible not to cross. Most times we may not notice that we are already inching closer into negativity by not standing for what we want in life because we think that people may say that we are too ambitious when it comes to succeeding in life. Ambitiousness is one thing that can make a man wake up very early just because he wants to get to work on time since he understands that if he does not, he might lose his job and by so doing he will not be able to give his wife, kids and even his extended family the kind of good life he wishes for them.
Do you still think that being ambitious is bad? Well, you have to know the different between ambitiousness and over ambitiousness. These two words are the same but the difference there is the word over which is placed with the later. Being ambitious is a good thing but you must be very careful not to cross the line. The question is; how do I know when I am crossing the line?
It is very simple to know but the reason why most persons don’t get to find out is that their mind has been greatly infested by the deadly virus called greed. For you to run away from over ambitiousness, you must understand that greed is your strongest enemy because one greed sets in, you will end up taking what belongs to another person even when you must have gotten your share. It is greed that will make you go to the extent of slandering another person just to discredit them from getting that which belongs to them.
Greed is the greatest enemy of ambition and once it is allowed to take over, we end up crossing that thin line between positivity and negativity. In whatever and wherever you find yourself as a person who is working hard to survive, never you allow greed to take over your mind because once that happens, you have lost the essence and power of positive thinking. So I urge you to be wise and in control of the thoughts that go through your mind. I decide to talk about this topic this morning because a lot of us have crossed the line already unknowingly. After all, we want more than we should get. Any time you see yourself wanting that which you know that is not meant for you, just know that greed has come into play in your life and the only way for you to fight it is just to live a life of contentment.
If you had read through this article you will see that there is a big connection between the power of positive thinking, greed and contentment. So don’t cross the line even as you wish for the best in life.
I want to become contented in life but I also had big dreams like to travel the world but nothing more than that.