A Broken Bottle Can never Be Mended.

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3 years ago


Just as the breath we take is important for one to survive that is how trust is when it comes to the survival of love. Most times when we hear the word love, we only think about a romantic relationship and everything concerning romance. Love is bigger than just romantic relationship because, the life we live revolves around love and if for any reason we do not have love, life will make no sense. Just as a builder makes sure that the foundation which he wants to build upon, is solid that is how we should always consider our level of trust before getting into loving someone or people. One big thing about trust is that the moment it is broken, it takes a lot to rebuild and there is every possibility that the trust may not be rebuilt completely.


This is the reason why we should not break the trust someone has on us no matter what. As a child born in a family, you must try as much as you can to uphold that trust your parents have given you while you were growing up. When you were born, your parents develop a natural bond of trust which comes from God and on this bond, you are expected to build your trust on them which is why you will see a baby eating anything giving to him by the parents without taking a second thought of even asking a question about what they have been giving to eat. Have you not noticed how a child who is of the age of reasoning will practically turn down an offer to collect something from a stranger? It is not because he does not want to eat that or because he does not like the food or snack which is been offered to him, rather it is simply because he does not trust the hand that is offering the gift to him.



The child grows up to know that in life trust is the bedrock of every relationship and this makes him start developing trust on every relationship he gets into with others. At one time in his life, he gets to find out that love cannot exist without trust. Have you ever seen a father playing with his child, the way he throws him up and down? You will only notice that the baby will just be laughing and giggling even when he is high up in the air without the father’s hands holding him. The reason why the baby does not cry is that he has a very strong level of trust on the father and this trust has become the bond which binds them together. This trust can be broken once the father acts in a way that goes against the principles he grew up with. The son in the other hand will lose the trust his father has on him the moment he behaves in a way that goes contrary to the teaching and led down principles.



A lot of relationships have collapsed not because there was no love but because the foundation which is trust was greatly damaged due to a singular act of infidelity which may come from the man or the woman. When we talk about trust in a relationship, we look at it in a holistic way i.e. what trust means, how to maintain the trust in a relationship, what causes distrust and how it can be rebuilt. These are the areas we should carefully look into if we wish to have a better relationship. Trust is not just about a romantic relationship. In our business dealings with others, we must be able to maintain the trust they have on us because the moment your customer or consumer starts doubting your words then, it will become hard for you to convince then or even make them remain in the business with you.



Whenever we see citizens protesting in any country, it is a sign of lack of trust on the side of the government but in most cases, the government does not do anything to rebuild this broken trust. The question is; how can a broken trust be rebuilt? In all honesty, a broken trust may never be rebuilt and that is why everyone must make sure that the trust does not break at all. For clarity sake, if you want to rebuild a broken trust first, you must take a firm stand on not to break the trust again at all cost. Secondly, you must be able to become very open with your partner in all the things you are doing and most importantly, communication must be made stronger at all cost. Remember that any relationship without trust will not survive the test of time. Lastly, a broken bottle can never be mended so do not break it at all if you wish to use it to do something.

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