Put your Money Where your Mouth is

14 223
Avatar for DavidsonBCH
4 years ago

I am a bit disturbed by the jealous trolling I am seeing online today in the aftermath of the successful BCHN campaign.

If you are on Twitter or Reddit you will know exactly the people I am referring to:

This trolling needs to stop.

Instead of one side attacking the other start pushing forward the arguments for your project to get funding, or better yet put your money where your mouth is.

I can't believe some people would try and twist a donation by someone who clearly has SKIN IN THE GAME into a negative.

Marc was within his rights to withdraw a donation towards another project when he learnt one of the developers had put out an argument which is at odds with where he stands. This is fine and allowed and is exactly why Flipstarter was fulfilled, had other people stepped up and donated before Marc realised this his money would have been committed to that project anyway.

Now please, let's all focus on doing what we can over the next 11 days and get funding to the projects we want to see funded. Whether this is arguing POSITIVE arguments or putting our money where our mouths are!






$ 11.12
$ 10.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 1.02 from @Satoshi
$ 0.10 from @jonny
Avatar for DavidsonBCH
4 years ago


I agree I hate trolling and bullying. Even if you don't agree with someone or something don't troll or bully them or the product or concept. Express yourself in control ways even if you hate it. :) Stay positive!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

HE tried to troll me, not the other way around. I didn't take the bait and he blocked me. This person is a net negative despite having some skin in the game, but influenced a decision, that was not his and ultimately of businesses with a great track record for progressing and securing BCH and having dozen times more skin in the game with their giant established businesses, as opposed to him.

What he does is politics and most of the things he says are unfounded or flat-out wrong. Making it clear how destructive I think his actions were is not trolling.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah I was talking generally. So all good. Just against that sort of behaviour. Lots of it on other platforms. :) Live long and prosper!

$ 0.02
4 years ago

Yeah. I agree, sometimes I just get too riled up. It didn't happen for a long time for me. I have also stopped on any type of discussion or communication about this topic or his actions. So it'll be all good. Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great to hear. Time to enjoy life on RC now and make some digital friends. Grow ones channel and learn from people with quality posts :)

$ 0.02
4 years ago

Well, https://verde.flipstarter.cash/ is off the list - FUNDED! :)

$ 1.00
4 years ago

jesus, you actually upvoted this article? hopeless bunch.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes and I did look up the conversation before upvoting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

as I said, hopeless

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Fantastic news isn't it! :)

Great to see the community rally round these developer teams.

Exciting times for sure!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is not jealousy and it is not trolling. I don't want to come near that guy and I am super happy I am not affiliated with him or his money. I made myself clear and all of you are deaf now, but will realize it soon enough.

I have commented respectfully to this person and he tried to bait me with trolling himself. I did not take the bait, because I'm done being mad at you people. Now, you come up with this bs post? You have EXPLICITLY cutout his trolling attempt just one comment above.

This is so disingenuous, I don't even know if this is not a deliberate smear, because you're not able to reply to ANY of my comments made, that make absolutely clear, what bs the "community" has actually done right now, by giving this whale-bozo more influence.

And regarding "SKIN IN THE GAME" is this a fucking joke?! Are you guys just repeating buzzwords, because they make you sound more libertarian?! Really?! So, you have been gamed by an off brand Calvin throwing around a few measly bucks, you have amplified contention over the weeks, without any shred of truth seeking and somehow call yourself anarchists or bitcoiners opposing a voting mechanism BUILT INTO Bitcoin itself, all while you were afraid that a "large miner can game the IFP!". You guys just have been gamed by a fucking minnow for a bargain. Do you even think for a second? Do you think this guy has anything to say about BCH? If he as an investor doesn't like the IFP he can sell all his coins and make bs drama videos about it. With that amount of money he couldn't do anything participating in Nakamoto Consensus. Skin in the game my ass.

You guys... just be happy I am the only one, who speaks out.

And let me tell you, each and every one of you, who cries foul about "trolling", even when there is none, is guilty of marginalizing and attacking people, for simply speaking their mind. I never did that in the entire time I am public, anonymous or showing my face. I have been trolled or been baited often enough by people, you should actually be wondering how I was able to put up with so much trashtalking and bullshit arrogance and ignorance of people. Don't play the victim, when I start defending myself by spitting in peoples directions, who just kicked me in my back, while I was speaking my mind without any attack against anyone.

People trying to use this against me or others, who share the same opinions is just another proof of absolute baseless bs. At this point I cannot even decide, whether or not some guys like you is actually deiberately splitting the community. If you want we can have a call and then we see how much you actually know or understand and how honest you actually are.

You know what happened, the first time I said "well, I don't think Amaury is THAT kind of a meaniehead to people?" Shout out to BCH dev "Calin". He knows what bs I'm talking about, that made me put on my boxing gloves.

I said it once and I say it again, other people have already turned their backs so long ago, because frankly super simple minded people literally drive this project into the ground.

Grow up and open your fucking eyes. And if you're not able to be honest with your baseless argument, stop creating fake news. I was blocked by this guy solely for giving him pushback and disagreeing. He also prophylactily blocked each person who wouldn't even talk to him, but is known to be a supporter of the IFP or affiliated with ABC. If you want this guy's judgements and methods leading on BCH or the community, then fucking split off or whatever. We don't need people, who get duped so easily. It destroyed the majority of the network 2 times already.

"Muh skin in the game!" "muh miners tax!" "muh contentious because it's conetentious, never mind it is the exact same argument made during the scaling debate against big block! who cares, just turn off your braaaaaain!"

Share the tweet above, if you have the balls. Or simply stop talking about me, if you can't share it without feeling awkward. Your post is disgusting and dishonest. Don't ask for "stop trolling" if this is your contribution. Maybe BTC maxi's were right all along. Maybe we just need to troll the shit ouf of you until you leave, before you can make any more damage. Fuck me for explicitly staying respectful towards that Fake-Calvin even until now, where I am absolutely in awe about the destruction he already has done. You guys fucking WAKE UP.

I am disturbed by honks like you. You bet I get riled up, if I have to see more bs like that.

Are you a youtube/twiter follower of this guy? That would explain your bias and absolute simple minded ness about this issue AND my comments a lot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

First of all, please tone it down. You agreed to the rules before signing up: no name-calling or personal attacks ("honks", "whale-bozo", "off brand Calvin").

This is not Twitter and this will not be tolerated. This is a warning. It would be quite unpleasant to apply the rules to you, but you did agree to them before signing up and you're making this place unpleasant for everyone by denigrating other people.

It's fine to argue with ideas, don't make them personal.

Second, I don't understand your criticism - you seem to imply that Marc is somehow circumventing the Nakamoto Consensus mechanism, when NC is in full play: https://bitcoincash.network/voting/ The miners are actively voting. There is zero support for IFP and as long as I understand George from ABC - if there is no support by May 15th - it's off the table. Some of the miners are actually voting by choosing to mine with BCHN - so they are specifically voting against IFP.

I do personally agree with Marc that IFP poses a great risk for Bitcoin Cash - he laid it out pretty clear here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIiUvfTckdM

You are correct - he can't do anything against Nakamoto Consensus by supporting competing nodes. He can't make miners use BCHN. They are doing it voluntarily. What's the problem?

$ 5.00
4 years ago

The last nights I have written quite a lot about all of this on reddit, which is a place I usually don't use, because of the abysmal reasoning going on. I have no issue with any insults and cussing but take much much bigger issue with people making underhand attacks and smears or implying very damning or hurting things, without using cuss-words or insults, which is far more destructive than anything else and should be pushed back just as well by you. "O-B-Calvin" is a term I coined and I may keep using it, if I need to. This is not an insult and I think it is my right to make this definition, which is very explanatory and should open up some peoples eyes, without Marc being able to claim foul play.

I frankly don't want to go into the details yet again, let me just tell you, that Mr.Demesel abusing flipstarter for his political astroturf campaign is self-evidently much worse than any supposed or 'tax' or 'gaming the system' that could (or actually never would) have happened based on IFP/NC voting mechanism.

We went out of our way to be vigilant and ask for decentralization, but are absolutely hyping and celebrating the fact, that one guy frustrated with ABC astroturfed (yes, this is my conclusion, not an insult) his way into influencing the entire space with his net negative remarks and downright fake-news. This makes all of this a cargo cult. I made a meme, emphasizing on this here: https://twitter.com/KoushBCH/status/1253379434964541440

You happen to have experienced exactly, what I am talking about just the other day on david allens article, be it just a 'soft' and forgivable example. But this person and his followers, who simply are headless in their judgement, create rumors against ABC or IFP based on even less.

And this is all based on the fact, that ABC is not wanting to affiliate with him, as they see him as a net negative for a very long time now. Sorry but I think ABC has the right to ignore people like him. No matter how much he donated or wanted to donate. As we see, ABC again did the right judgement call to see him as a liability. As he is right now fueling and amplifying the unreasonable voices, leading even to people calling for "a law against node implementations with malicious intent". Of course no one is taking any of them seriously and of course these people are feeling "left behind" by something they don't understand and frankly don't have to, because it is not even their decision. They can sell their coins alright, if they don't like a market-based cartelization of miners ensuring the future security, utility and standing of BCH. Ultimately leading to bigger bags. It's not that Jiang is not the guy who'd be hurt the most with a falling price.

Everyone opposed to the IFP or ABC has yet to come up with a better reason than: "it's contentious, because it is contentoius" if they don't want me to call what they are doing 'NO2x' methods. If you don't see that or not at least understand where I am coming from, then I really really don't know what to say anymore.

And that Nakamoto Consensus actually is at play and nothing wrong is happening, is also my point. But these miners with pro-IFP people in the frontlines like Jiang Zhuo'er are definitely not against the IFP, but just respectful or afraid of activating and voting for it, because of a loud minority of unreasonable people, whose sole argument is the "contentiousness" of it. This is not an argument, this is circular reasoning. The fact that nobody is voting for it and the tax won't be pushed through just shows how everyting is working as expected and putting the IFP voting mechanism into the code is in no way at all an issue. It was just a few lines of code, which helped the miners to vote on a proposal. The only people, who should have voted and discussed this and the only metric we should care for, when talking about contentiousness or anything else. Issue is, AGAIN, like with NO2x, the miners and even some developers backed away, as if these insignificant naysayers (I hope thats not an insult) had anything to say, that should be taken into account. This is not a user-based democracy. This is not a MMO, where frustrated and downright entitled people make rumors as to why the dev team is trying to milk them with "pay2play" or the recent skill 'nerf' of their main character. These people are NOT the ones to decide. If you think this to be the case, you haven't understood PoW and Bitcoin.

But as a last point. I appreciate a lot, that you came to give me the opportunity to speak my mind and don't dismiss what I say, probably because you see I have at least some kind of a point. Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for much more calm response. However, I still ask you not to resort to name-calline ("O-B-Calvin" is namecalling), because first of all, name-calling doesn't help you move your point across and second it makes all of read.cash much less comfortable place for everyone. So if you continue doing it you'll force us to use some other measures. If you want to continue the name-calling - there's Twitter, Reddit and whatever. They don't care about it, we care.

implying very damning or hurting things

Yeah, if this happens on read.cash towards you - hit the flag under the comment or article and we'll figure out what to do. Personal attacks are forbidden here.

So, back to IFP and Marc.

  1. What exactly do you want? You spend so much time telling what you don't like, but I have no idea what do you want to achieve.

  2. You insist that Marc doesn't matter at all, because everything is decided by the Nakamoto Consensus, and then NC is pretty clear - IFP isn't happening (at least now). Not because of Marc, but because miners decided it, including Jiang. He wasn't forced with the gun at his head, so it was his own decision. You aren't happy with it, then ask Jiang to reconsider - why attack Marc instead?

  3. "it's contentious, because it is contentoius" It's not just contention - it contradicts the very basis of the white paper (section 6, first paragraph), it was pushed after the code freeze, it was backdated to be written into the specification, it all was very sudden, no discussion, it is mired with secrecy (first the unknown HK corporation, now about who owns the addresses, why no competing implementations on the white list, etc.. etc.. etc..), it's not well tested, it's not voluntary (orphaning)

  4. ... and yes - it's very contentious. And here's the problem. If IFP activates (which is still possible no matter what Marc wants) then BCH will split into two coins yet again. There will be a hash war again, there will be a name war, probably even delistings since we (BCH) can't stay away from drama for two years. There are hundreds of people publicly opposing IFP - they aren't as stupid as you think they are - they have their own reasons, not because of Marc, but because they thought this for themselves.

You assume I and everyone else was played by Marc, but I was against this IFP from day one. I didn't even know Marc exists back then. Jiang posted a Medium post. I was happy with it until I read the paragraph about orphaning - at that moment I started to hate this. It's one thing to donate, it's another to butcher the white paper to force everyone to play by the rules set by....

...we don't know who sets the rules. It could very well be a single bad miner wishing to destroy BCH who will just mine 66% of block to activate IFP and then never arriving. ABC knows this. They don't care, because they have a conflict of interest - if that happens and even if 100% of Bitcoin Cash miners oppose IFP - they'll be forced to do it, because one rogue miner activated it and laughs at us now.

One more thing is that ABC initially wanted to collect $6M. That's a ton of money. I worked as CTO, as team lead, as developer, I know how much projects cost, but $6M is a ton of money! Even if they start hiring in the USA (despite the fact that they're in France, where the salaries are lower) - that's 60 people working for a whole year. It's incredibly big and inefficient team! (Or it's a small team and an incredible level of corruption...) They didn't even explain why they need so much. (One more point to the "secrecy" point)

That's my reasons (not all of them) to oppose ABC's actions. Marc's videos have added some insights to my thinking - that if IFP activates - other teams, who don't get paid would be angry and leave, that idealists will leave, that it won't be enough - at the end they would require more and more - marketing budget, hash war budget.

But all of this happened after I became opposed to IFP.

I hope you reconsider the idea that everybody in BCH space is just dumb and follows Marc's ideas. We can think. We oppose IFP for our own reasons. I won't use the IFP coin even if it uses the Bitcoin Cash name - it goes directly against my ideals of how Bitcoin should work - voluntary, open for all, not suddenly changing the rules in the last minute to include some huge corruption potential into it.

Having said that, yes the devs should be paid and Flipstarter (and Monero) proves they can, when they ask for reasonable amounts and listen to their users.

$ 11.00
4 years ago