How to achieve goals

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3 years ago

Understand the goal

The goal must be understood at the beginning before working on achieving it, and it is indicated that there are two types of goals, namely:

Goals that can be achieved in the short term, and goals that can be achieved in the long term, as for short-term goals, they are the goals that a person intends to do in the short term, as it may need a day, a week, a month, or even a year to achieve them, Like buying a new TV, writing a CV, or attending a lecture, as for long-term goals, they are goals that require a long time that may reach more than a year, along with a lot of planning to achieve them, such as creating a special project, graduating from university, or saving Money for post-retirement life.

SMART goals

Setting smart goals helps determine the duration of goal achievement and clarity, and the smart goals are:

  • Specific goals: Goals should be specific, like saying I want to earn $ 10,000 a month.

  • Achievable goals: If the goal is impossible, it will lead to failure to achieve the goal, and thus feeling frustrated, so goals that make the person challenge himself and make his best efforts should be set, but within his capabilities.

  • Time restriction: A certain period of time should be specified during which work to achieve the desired goals. Taking

Take advice and read

It is preferable to listen to people who have gone through the same experience to take their advice, but it is taken into consideration the need to seek the help of the mind and heart before accepting anything, in addition to reviewing magazines and books that are related to the desired goal.

Create a business plan

Time must be devoted to finding and setting goals, even if these goals are secondary goals, then work to develop a plan to achieve the goal, provided that it is a practical plan as much as possible, then take actions, and follow the steps mentioned in the work list.

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Avatar for DavidWils
3 years ago
