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3 years ago

When the world was divided into big world blocs in the great world wars, there was ammunition, guns, bullets, fire and blood everywhere, man himself was a victim of human wrath, enmity was at its peak in the war, it was a situation in which Every country was justifying every inhuman tactic, mistreatment and oppression for the loss of life and property of its opponents.

In such a situation, a surprising agreement was reached between these hostile countries, which was related to the protection of educational institutions in the warring countries, in which it was agreed that during the war, any warring party, I will include all the universities, big and small, I will not attack them,

And even if one side loses the war, all those who take refuge in educational institutions will have unconditional protection.

While these wars have been the most horrific in history, it is noteworthy that the parties to these wars fully complied with this agreement.

Where countries were destroyed in these wars, but large educational institutions survived, which draws our attention to how much Westerners value education and educational institutions and how important they are to their future.

If our rulers have the slightest insight and wisdom, then these Baloch students who are demanding the right to education through street protests are in fact the future of Pakistan.

Making it difficult for these Baloch students to access knowledge-like light is tantamount to pushing Pakistan into darkness.

The knowledge-friendly spirit of these Baloch students is not to be underestimated, but it is a pity that on the one hand the world is not lagging behind in making agreements with the enemies in the wars for the future of its generation. The right seeker is not ready to listen and accept the demands of his own race of his own land! 💔

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Bahauddin Zakaria University expelled Baloch students march to Islamabad after 40 days of Multan sit-in


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3 years ago
