The black paper
My Time is My Money - My Personal Journey
Let me spend a Ƀit of time on you, the reader.
In 2014 I played around with Tokens on and started this experiment with some success. In 2019 with the creation of the Simple Ledger Protocol on Bitcoin Cash, the experiment continues.
As any good evolutionist would agree, survival of the fittest does not exclude the notion that almost everyone can find a fit, if given the right environment.
Life in the context of TIME and VALUE are the environments of the future, this coming year I invite you to follow me on my journey from January 1st, 2020 to December 31, 2029. It’s only a decade, and if we make it together or alone it is what it is; an exploration of values through time.
Let’s do the Math.
In the decade that starts on January 1st, there will be 365 days in each year, with the exception of three leap years which adds 3 days to the subtotal, multiplied by 24 hours in a day, then 60 minutes in an hour and again 60 seconds in a minute.
Therefore there will be 315,619,200 seconds in the coming decade.
NEW ITO (Initial Time Offering)
It’s about the Next Ten Years with the ticker NTY
To make this project work I need to make a few assumptions:
Some people value spending time with me, or respect how I spend my time.
My time is the most valuable thing I have, including family and friends.
I want to be as efficient with my time as possible.
I don't want to spend time with some people who waste my time.
Today, a few days before January 1st, 2020 I will mint 315,619,200 NTY coins.
Each hour will be made up of 3,600 NTY tokens, each day 86, 400 NTY tokens, and each week 604, 800 NTY tokens.
I hold all tokens, except the ones I give away or trade. More on that later.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to feedback, discussion and spending time with you for the next 10 years!
Darwin, The Missing Link (circa 1985).
"Let me spend a Ƀit of time". Very quotable! Good luck.