Steps to Prosperity #9 - Your Passion Will Crown You

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3 years ago

Passion is a moment-by-moment pursuit of your highest excitement.

The key to success is to follow your passion and yet, don’t get attached to the outcome. Passion can also lead you into another business that is totally unrelated.

Your Efforts WILL Fail IF:

  • You are NOT in love with the process / You do not truly believe in products-results.

  • You just want a lifestyle (of a billionaire).

  • You consult your mind instead of following your inner voice (heart).

  • You are a person who enjoys struggle and resistance.

Pay attention to what is happening! The clues are everywhere.
 (Daily) habits are one of the biggest reasons most people miss their opportunities in life!

Prosperity shows up when you are in your TRUE place of success. FOLD if results indicate you are in the desert (if there are no signs of prosperity).

If you want to experience external success, you must focus on external things! Instead of being subjective and caught up in your own delusion, pay attention to what is going on outside of you.

After you choose your BE-ING (way out of your circumstances), focus outward, pay attention, and live from the heart. Instead of focusing on you, focus on others!

If you are focused outside of yourself, you will easily spot the proof of success or failure in your actions. If you are noticing that things are coming together with least effort, you are on the right path. If you are struggling to get ahead, you are missing something.

How do you spot what you are missing, if necessary?

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

01. Am I passionate about what I’m doing? Would I do this for FREE, if I already had all the money I ever needed?

02. Am I making this about myself, or others? (People will sense this, and respond accordingly). Everything good you will receive usually comes from other people.

03. Am I grateful for what is showing up or am I allowing my mind to push against "What is" and sabotage me with; "I Want" or feeling "Lack" ways of thinking?

Be brutally honest. Self-correct, if necessary.

When you follow your highest excitement in every moment, this is the all-encompassing toolkit for obtaining your true heart’s desires.

Important points:

01. Go "within" to solve problems that your mind doesn’t have a clue how to solve. Reach a higher level of consciousness to allow the solutions from the "other side" of the problem.

02. Act in faith (walk by faith, and not by sight).

03. Feel excitement and practice state-of-being.

04. Your focus must be absolute and on others.

05. FOLD if there are no signs of prosperity.

06. Go ALL-IN as things appear fruitful (if/when you notice there is a success/prosperity potential)

How do you know what your true, highest excitement is, or the fastest path to your joy?

Someone might assume it is okay to pursue adultery, theft, murder, or other potentially disastrous actions. Some might misinterpret excitement or joy. They may feel as though their highest excitement is knocking off a liquor store to snatch the loot, only to find themselves in a world of trouble. Or, how about having an affair and losing a spouse? Or, how about telling the boss to go to hell and quitting a job, only to find a bankruptcy on the horizon?

Before taking a BOLD action, consider doing the following quick analysis:

  • Is this the highest excitement available at this time?

  • If this action affects other people, will it still be my highest excitement after the consequences occur?

  • Can I walk away from this right now?

Anything you cannot walk away from has mastered you. This is an indicator of an addiction and not a true passionate pursuit that is healthy for you.


If not, this is an addiction or compulsion, rather than a true desire of the heart.

Also, consider this example: a young couple wants to escape from a situation where they feel trapped together in an unhappy relationship. They decide to move across the country and start a new life together.

Caught in the picture of possibility, they begin preparing things and trek across the country. Having not seen "what is missing", they end up in a tight situation. It seems like nothing is working out for them.

What was their problem?

It is a subtle thing to recognize, but the problem with this couple is that they were inspired by unhappiness to run from themselves. This is also not a true, passionate pursuit.

When you are inspired by happiness and joy, this is a much better state of mind for decision making.

Anything that cannot increase you will inevitably decrease you. 

When you feel shame or guilt after taking an action, it is not your rue, highest excitement. It is inspired by pain and not the type of passion that leads to joy.

Sometimes people can mistake their highest excitement for the impulse to pursue a form of escapism or addiction.

There are similar feelings that appear in addiction and compulsion. These feelings resemble desire, but always lead to shame or guilt, fear or frustration.

The difference is that a true desire is followed by a sense of peace.

An addiction or escape is followed by a feeling of shame or guilt.

A true desire of your heart is something that:

01) Brings you the highest joy available in the moment.

02) Allows you to feel peace of mind after taking the action.

03) Is something you can walk away from and return to again in 
eager anticipation.

Remember: a true desire brings peace and improves your self - esteem, while a false desire brings negative feelings and diminishes self - esteem.

You can activate pure awareness by saying “Thank You” and acknowledging the endless amounts of negative nonsense the mind throws at you. Just say "Thank You" and then never mind the discussion.

Remain detached. Just observe. ALLOW yourself to feel how you feel. If you feel fear, allow yourself to feel fear completely. If you are angry, allow the anger to be there. Embrace any emotional state by relaxing into it and surrendering your resistance to it. The goal is to remain unattached and also inspired by passion, at the same time. 

Remember: when you feel resistance, it is coming from your mind. Immediately say, "It is Not It!"

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3 years ago
