Steps to Prosperity #6 - You Have God-Like Power

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3 years ago

Remember the allowing process, again:

01. Desire (and qualify). Choose what you want and be specific. 

02. Relax! Take no thought for the how, who, what, where, when, and why!

03. Remain in the state of ALLOWING. 

In application, it’s actually a 3-2-1 process:

03. BE in the state of ALLOWING

02. Never mind your lying eyes

01. Choose and be specific – repeat the process.

How to choose a new way out of your present circumstances…? Take an ABC Break and choose a new reality:

A) BECOME AWARE OF RESISTANCE: The first thing you do is to tune into the resistance (problems) that stands in the way of what you desire. Allow yourself for a moment to feel the resistance. Then, say to yourself, "It is not it!", and disengage your mind. You are acknowledging that your mind’s desire to struggle is not the answer to your problem.

Key: When you feel negativity coming on, this is your cue to do step one.


B) STOP TRYING TO FIND A SOLUTION: Ask yourself the following question until you feel a sense of peace, as resistance leaves:

"Could I allow for just this moment, things to be exactly as they are?"

Say either YES or NO. Both answers are correct. Resistance will leave as you move into allowing by using this question. Wait until you feel a "letting go" of some of the resistance you have created inside. Ask the question again a few times, if necessary. Get a sense of peace the best you can. You are not saying it is okay to have circumstances you do not desire. Instead, you are allowing circumstances (or feelings) to be as they are. The key words are, "for just this moment.".

Key: When your attitude shifts to allowing, you are entering the surrendered state of being. This works for all situations, through the wisdom of surrender. You activate the law of least effort, which moves you into ALLOWING. 



Like Jesus prescribed, "Seek ye first the kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you."!

Go to a place of peace in your mind. Close your eyes and imagine you are somewhere that you feel at ease. Be in that space for a good minute or so... 

Stay in that space for a few moments and then shift your thought into being the person who has already moved past the problem(s) successfully. 

Assume the identity of someone who is NOW being, doing, and having life the way you want it to be. This is called a "BEING CHOICE" decision. 

Mentally step inside this vision of yourself and see, feel, hear, taste, touch, and smell the world around you from this level of being. 

Again, you are BEING the person who has already moved past the problem. This is how you choose OUT of your current reality. 

You are looking back on events as they occurred to bring about harmony, peace-of-mind, and happiness to the situation that troubled you. See who you are being from this perspective and most importantly, FEEL the highest level of joy that you can possibly stir up from within yourself. 

Tip: I use my favorite music played at a loud volume (with headphones, usually) to induce these feelings and AMPLIFY the feelings.

Before you read any further, go ahead and do a "power grab" by taking an ABC Break. As you delve further into this material, I will show you what to do between ABC Breaks to remain in the state of allowing. The ABC Break process is the catalyst that gives you the opportunity to choose your way out of your present circumstances. As you take several ABC Breaks every day, you will activate a new consciousness level! Your level of consciousness determines what enters your life!

If you are trying to solve the problem(s) you currently have, it’s useless to act until you have become the NEW YOU. By doing this, you will activate yourself as the solution to your problem(s). 

After you have chosen your way out of your current circumstances and made your "BEING CHOICE", you are NOW ALLOWING the corresponding "reality shift" to occur. You have altered the inner kingdom, along with the good sensations your music produces, while redirecting your middle kingdom – the mind. This process changes the physics of the mind. The outer kingdom is a feedback loop. By the law of consciousness, it must change!

The length of time it takes to enter your new reality is completely up to you. Often, there are lessons you have to learn, or skills to acquire. 

For example; let’s say you want to become a multi-millionaire, "serial entrepreneur". If the furthest you have come so far is to dabble in a home-based business idea, you may be inspired to take an online course to rev up your marketing skills. 

Doing this because it feels "downstream" (which is the fastest path to your joy) is the path that will lead you into your new vision. As you continue doing the ABC Break process, you schedule the people, circumstances, events, and anything else required to bring about this new vision.

REMEMBER: Your mind will say things like; "This is all nonsense. Nothing is happening. You are being conned. This isn’t safe. Everyone is just after your money. You don’t need that person’s help to get what you want. I don’t want to do the work, let’s have a donut instead. At least it’s safe where you work. You have a stable paycheck. You might end up homeless if you risk losing this job.". Rest assured, these are all attempts to lure you back into your present circumstances. Your mind will persuade you to continue being the old version of you.

The wrong approach to choosing a new set of circumstances is to consult your mind from this state-of-being. It will simply say; "You can’t get there from here!".

Activating the ABC Break Process is the way out of your present struggle! 

The ABC Break process changes the physics of your mind. You shift from one reality to another by making an Amplified Being Choice. 

Imagination is a sneak preview of life’s coming attractions. 

It is important to move past the problem into being the solution and to amplify the sensations of joy, by any means possible.

I prefer to play my favorite song and really feel the positive emotions strongly, as I envision myself being the solution to my problem(s), now. You can then remain in this state-of-being for as little as one minute or as long as fifteen minutes. Any longer is unnecessary and will most likely create resistance again. I prefer to do this three to five times each day, and for only a couple of minutes. 

A few times a month, I do this for a lengthy thirty minutes right before I go to bed. I do this most when I’m inspired to and only then. I recommend the same for you. 

By doing an ABC Break, you activate all three kingdoms at once. You disengage from using the six degrees of separation by directing the middle kingdom (your mind), instead of consulting it for an answer it cannot provide. 

You make an Amplified Being Choice! 

What this exercise does is profound. You create the space for the solution to the problem(s) to emerge, while simultaneously becoming a magnet sticking to what you desire. 

When you have done this process, you have chosen your way out of your current circumstances.

The Law of Attraction is Simple!

Let me explain how things come to you by the Law of Attraction...

Your state-of-being determines what you are attracting. Period. 

Your state-of-being is a vibration. Everything in the Universe vibrates. When you are trying to get something from a state of "I want", which equals "I lack", you are vibrating in the state of disallowing! Since lack is a vibrational mismatch to what you desire, they are like two magnets repelling one another away. Your desires are then held in a "vibrational escrow", awaiting your alignment with them vibrationally. 

Change your vibration to a state of having or allowing and you become an open conduit for the free flow of your desired outcome. It’s simple.

RE-VISIONING is half of your GOD-LIKE POWER. The other half is the POWER OF YOUR SPOKEN WORD.

Somewhere along the way, human logic has convinced you that how you feel is not important, and the words that you speak are just "words". 

The only thing God ever did was speak! Every word out of the mouth of God was carefully created. Guess who God is? You. God is BEING you. 


The truth is, when you ignore your inner guidance system, you lose your ability to activate the law of least effort. You become rigid and struggle because you are left to the devices of your mind, instead of your soul. 

As the late Rev. Ike said, "Feeling gets the blessing". Jesus said, "As within, so without.". As you embrace the ABC Break process, you activate your God- like power again. In the Bible, it says, "Let the weak SAY I am strong." Your mind will tell you that this is a lie...

THE CULT OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: has made most people IMPURE by adding their inferior elements. In other words, limitations disguised as "education". Once you are brainwashed out of your magical, playful, state-of- being where you spontaneously pursued your highest excitement within every moment, you get to be called an "adult".

You were raised by adults, right? The word itself sounds like a similar word:

ADULTERATED. Verb (used with object), adulterated, adulterating. 

a) to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements; use cheaper, inferior, or less desirable goods in the production of (any professedly genuine article): to adulterate food. 

b) impure or debased; cheapened in quality or purity. 


Makes sense, doesn’t it? 

Being a responsible "adult" is a trap to get you to take life too seriously. Seriousness is a disease that repels what you desire.

I’m not advocating you become a Kidult, either (A so-called grownup that doesn’t want to grow up.)!

Remember learning to ride your first bike? 

When you were a kid, did you sit around and ask your mind how the mechanics of riding a bike worked? Did you evaluate the velocity of speed you would need to achieve to stay vertical? Did you try and plan out the time of day the least probability of an accident would occur so you could be safe? 

If you did, you’ve probably been in rehab ever since your first sip of alcohol. To live under the restraints of the so-called educated mind is the ultimate form of hell. 

Most self-made millionaires are college drop-outs for a reason... Okay, let’s be "serious" here. You just jumped on the bike and began pedaling. You wiped out, too... It hurt, but you learned. The cult-like education system is the essence of what "screwed" you. 

The process by which you became adulterated is stated above. Don’t get me wrong, knowledge is a good thing, but the education system reinforces "memorization" and trains you to consult your mind for everything. You are graded on what you can remember. Useless information – mostly propaganda – is shoveled into you for your mind to eat, eat, eat.

All this does is reinforce the six degrees of separation by:

01. Training you to engage with your mind for the answers anytime you are faced with a problem. 

02. Making you feel stupid for not knowing the answers. You were graded on these questions in school and ridiculed with bad marks if you couldn’t get your mind to remember the answer. 

03. Increasing a number of limitations your mind can use to stifle your natural gift of allowing. 

It is Not It! You can’t get there from here!

The essence of what the cult-like education system has done to most people is a major problem. It is the way we have been conditioned to give away our power to become subservient slaves to our own mental programming. The education systems were created by minds, to reinforce the mind!


What do most people do to create self-sabotage?

01. Desire and then move into the resistance with "I Want!"

02. Engage the mind with, "How Am I Going To Get It?" 

03. Struggle into resistance, addicted to the lack of having. i.e., 
"I Want." 

04. Beat themselves up and feel "less-than" for not producing 
the desired outcome.

The bottom line is this: put this process to the test and experience the results for yourself. By doing this, you are using the mind in the way that it was intended to be used. 

When you choose your way out of your present circumstances, you must learn to stay out! 

The ABC Break process is only half of the allowing lifestyle! You must learn to stay out of your mind’s trap, once you choose your way out of your present circumstances. 

Your mind will pull you back in if you are not equipped to stay out! Once you’ve been out for a while, your mind will build a new "set point". It will continue raising the floor, as you raise the ceiling of joy that you allow into your experience.

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3 years ago
