Steps to Prosperity #15 - War = Anger = Defeat = Poverty = Disease

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Avatar for DarthVaderich
3 years ago

I’m not just talking about financial challenges when I use the word poverty.

For the scope of this material, I’ll use this definition of poverty: the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount.

Since our natural instinct is to compare ourselves with others, this habit is typical for virtually everyone to some degree. Someone else is always stronger, more prosperous, happier, healthier, and better looking. So what do we do to eradicate the hidden poison pockets of poverty lurking in our consciousness? Well, you can’t change it until you know what is causing it. Just like you can’t live on aspirin to cover up physical pain without understanding and treating the cause of the pain.

You also can’t work to cure poverty without understanding where your (spiritual) debts originated. Poverty is more than just the lack of material wealth. There are people on this planet who have vast amounts of money but who are still poor. Likewise, many people have very little to enjoy when it comes to assets, but they are very wealthy. Poverty is a poverty of spirit—an inability to live the life you want to live in the manner in which you want to live it.

ANGER IS THE SECRET CAUSE OF POVERTY, but don’t worry! You can do something about it, and I’m about to tell you what it is.

Anger is one of the major things that will block you from being able to prosper.

Anger = Poverty!

Let’s talk about the traditional idea of poverty. It occurs when you lack sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or "normal" in the society in which you live. When that is the case, there is inevitably a lot of anger. So which came first? The poverty or the anger in the genetic expression or the genetic code? Anger and (spiritual debt) poverty can both be passed down from generation to generation in your DNA and your consciousness. It is also programmed into your consciousness.

Here’s another definition of poverty that might be helpful: a condition that is worse than is usual, expected, or desired. Something that is of a low or inferior standard or quality. Someone who is poor is a person considered to be deserving of pity or sympathy.


Anger itself is a reaction. Clotaire Rapaille, the brilliant French psychiatrist and marketer, author of The Culture Code says that culture gets imprinted on the brain stem—the reptilian, impulsive part of the brain—during childhood.

The prefix "re-" symbolizes a return to the inceptive cultural imprint. It refers to "home". In other words, it brings it home in a karmic sense. When you are reacting, you are acting as you did in your original home.

Karma arises from taking action. Action creates a cellular memory, an imprint in your subconscious brain. It establishes your go-to reaction in any given situation, including anger.


Here's the etymology of the word, anger:

Middle English: from Old Norse, angr "grief", angra "vex". The original use was in the Old Norse senses; current senses date from late Middle English.


Now, look at the meaning of the word, grief:


01. Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.

02. A cause or occasion of keen distress or sorrow.


When you see me use the word ANGER, I'm using it in the context of the uneasy feeling birthing a sense of defeatism, due to our perception of being powerless.

Our evaluations (opinions forming beliefs) become our reality, according to how "The Law of Attraction" works. Anger is the second step (after fear) you took towards a perceived danger, to assert your boundaries. Flee, or be forced to fight! So anger is just a reaction, an effect.

When someone asks us why we are angry, often the answer is nothing more than "because...just because". We make up excuses. We don’t want to be paralyzed by fear, and at the same time, we don’t want to feel threatened continuously, forcing us to fight. If the world is "out there"—we are always under attack.

Do you feel like you’re always in danger of a health threat, money problem, or relationship issue? Does it seem like the media and other news outlets remind you that the world is "unsafe" and you need a saviour? Is there always someone offering you safety in exchange for freedom, inviting you to conform to someone else’s way of thinking for you to live in peace and harmony?


Let me make one thing clear and precise:

"Your world is nothing more than a reflection of your ATTITUDE towards life, reflecting itself back to you."


What we are doing is looking at our reflection of the world, mirrored back at us. This mirror-projection is an indicator of our attitude towards life. If our external "echo" comes back to us, we know this is the effect. When we respond to our echo with internal irritation, we are reinvesting in another karmic tantrum. These repeat episodes engrave yet another cellular memory, another imprint upon our brains.

This pattern establishes another excuse for us to use another circumstance to blow up and huff about again.

The poverty that we see in the world is "just" a reflection of the cycle of anger we have created. It gets played out over and over again and it is difficult to break. It is anti-human, and it is anti-prosperity.


At the outset, anger comes from trauma. Trauma creates a psychological id. When we experience trauma—or unexpected shock, a new persona, a new set of instinctive reactions gets created. And these reactions are all perturbed. Look at anger, and see it for what it is. You can see it as a schism—a break between strongly opposed parts of your personality.

I'll go as far as to say that the unexpected upsets we experience and derive our unhealthy counteraction from opens a parallel reality. We know that our "persona" injects itself into consciousness, yet most people miss the obvious elephant in the room: If a person with multiple personalities can change physical features (like scars disappearing and illnesses going away) as they change "personas"—we’re witnessing a different doppelgänger, from a different universe, appearing before our eyes.

The unexpected emotional upset (shock) triggers what we perceive as illness in our (so-called) physical bodies.

We are always shifting in and out of multiple reality constructs. You can see distemper as a manifestation of your id—the instinctive, irrational part of your personality. Or you can see it as a holodyne—a holodyne being the physical manifestation of an idea or thought as it imprints on a cellular level.

Think of a holodyne this way: it is the way memories get stored on a cellular level. It is the way certain things get passed down or ingrained in our cells on a fundamental level.

This "default-storage" can be a good thing—in the types of foods that give us comfort, or a bad thing—in the kinds of things that trigger adverse reactions.

You don’t get apples off of pear trees—you get apples off of apple trees. If your home was one in which the response to negativity was anger, then you will do the same thing.

So consider the word "reacting" once again. You have "re" which represents "home", and you have "acting". So who was acting at your home when you grew up in this way that you are now mirroring? What happened that became a karmic episode which created an imprint on your very DNA?


Poverty gets passed down from generation to generation. This "spiritual debt" becomes a part of your id, your holodyne. Poverty is the harboring of too many judgments; we feel out of control. Like judgments on a credit-report, "spiritual debt" is inflicted on us by our judgmental-attitude about life and what we are experiencing. We want to step into control. The irony is; surrender is being in control. When we try and use force, we are acting out of control with behavior that the ego surmises will change the situation. It reinforces the karmic episode and repeats the lesson. We create a lack because when we "want" something it means we lack it. Anger becomes our (immature) solution to powerlessness. We learn to become provoked as a means of masking the feeling of learned helplessness. In fact, this is just an immature holodyne making itself known. It is not healthy, and it will keep you in a cycle of poverty consciousness.

To escape poverty consciousness, we must overcome; we must ascend these holodynes, imprints, ids, whatever we choose to call them. We must be able to react in a prospering way. To undo this, we need to understand these three keys to evolve our actions beyond anger:

01. Vulnerability equals strength.

02. Surrendering is you being in control. When you try to control your life, you are acting out of control. The modus operandi behind trying to be in control and asserting strength and dominance stems from a feeling of being out of or lacking power. If you knew that you were a being that could have anything you could ever want, you’d have nothing to prove. With no need for approval, you would have nothing to fight with or push against to validate self-importance.

03. Relaxing = allowing prosperity. Relaxing to "receive your desires" is a significant insight. Anger restricts the FLOW of manifestations. It prevents your cash flow, your fluidity, and your currency. These are symbolic words. Anger constricts the flow of your life energy, and this includes your money. Money is just an acronym for My Own Natural Energy Yield. So when forcefulness (derived from anger) calls the shots, you will not receive what you want.


So we know now that poverty is a state of being that arises from reacting in anger over and over. It’s like you’re in a hypnotic spell. It’s time to break the spell!

If you are poor in your consciousness, your reaction is to be infuriated. This emotion is so close to anger. It’s an inferior reaction. To push against something is also to reinforce it. When you resist something, you lock it in. You are re-enforcing. Reinforce... Someone showed force in the home, and you are activating your cellular memory, your karmic episode repeated.


Remember: (force-backed) coercion is not power. Governments exist today via the use of force-backed coercion. These institutions of authority do not possess the creative capacity to initiate advancement on any level. Instead, the improper use of power (under the color of law or authority) is beguiling only to war-mongers and thieves.

Clotaire Rapaille describes bureaucracy in this way: extreme power given to extreme idiots.

It reminds me of the story of little Sam who was caught by his parents with a broom in his hand, stirring up so much dust they could barely breathe. Upon entering the kitchen, they found Sam sweeping piles of dirt back and forth, appearing to be busy and productive while accomplishing nothing but an exacerbated debris; creating a smokescreen of progress.

Sam’s parents said, "Sam, what in the heck are you doing?", "Helping!" Sam replied. Sam has grown up now... Here are seven words you never want to hear from Uncle Sam: "I'm with the government. I'm here to help."!

Power is what you want: you don’t want to have to force things to happen, you want the ability to ALLOW the game to come to you! When you manipulate through coercion, you disconnect the natural flow. It is an inferior method, and it can make you infuriated. Instead of "kinking the garden hose" of the stream of life, ALLOW the flow of life that is trying to come through you: it will support you and take care of your needs. For now, let’s keep it simple. Let’s talk about engaging with an alternative solution that will work for you instead of against you the way force will. Your DNA has been pre-programmed to react in an upstream, resistant way, but we can change this program as it derives from the mind as we engage the six-degrees of separation, as explained in “Steps to Prosperity #5”.

If we struggle to get ahead and remain bound and entrapped in our circumstances, we are repeating our karma. We keep recreating the same things by re-engaging our mind and reacting the same way. It’s mostly unconscious. The worst thing we do is to engage our thinking mind and try and solve the issues (using the same level of consciousness & being that is creating the problems, unconsciously).

We can align with real power, if we want to shift our circumstances. We don’t have to force anything. Power comes from vulnerability. We live in an upside down anti-civilization; irrationality often trumps common sense.

Have you heard it said that doctors destroy health, and lawyers destroy justice? All these memes show up in our world, and we go through years of education without questioning the hogwash we devoured.

No matter which side of the coin you choose, you lose in an upside-down anti-civilization, as long as you sustain its might by conditioned-response behavior. Whatever you push against, you reinforce the opposing viewpoint and subject yourself to its lesson. We want to eradicate the ignorance behind our anger. We can create the path of least resistance and change our world, by changing our inner world. We know that things aren’t always as they appear. Deep down we know that if we act in newly-empowered ways, we can break the spell. It begins with a change in our attitude and perceptions about life. Once you know the world is inside of you, you awaken to your full potential.


A great technique to prove this is the use of method "Reverse Speech".

Our consciousness is a two-way mirror; we reflect our reality outward and internalize our perceptions inward. Reverse Speech is our soul’s method of communicating the inward perceptual motivation behind our unconscious intentions. As Mr. David Oates says, "The voice of the unconscious never lies!". Want to know what someone is going to do? Reverse their speech and listen, carefully!

Using POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS works far more efficiently (in my experience) by speaking them out, reversing them, and chanting them in their reversed-speech language.

For example: saying, "I am a millionaire now!" is a normal affirmation. Most people chant this way and let’s be blunt: it usually ends up wasting their time. Their conscious mental filter kicks it in the storage bin as "junk". It's not believable for most people. However, if you reverse it (using a free reverse speech app on your smart-phone), "I am a millionaire now!" sounds like, "one ran ding ling mama!". When I speak it, it sounds this way…

By chanting "one ran ding ling mama!" (your reverse speech sound may differ a bit), the conscious filter doesn’t see it as a threat to the ego’s "baseline reality", and the unconscious mind takes it in, immediately!

It's all about non-resistance (removing the anger and force-backed coercion).

The ideal reality is one where we have intelligence enough to self-govern through the use of non-violent communication.

Let me give you an example of how non-resistance creates transformation by eradicating the type of anger programming I’m talking about: ignorance masquerading as experience.

Consider this example: when my friend used to have panic attacks, his mentor told him that as long as he fears panic attacks and suppressed them, it would only get worse. Friend’s instinct was to fight against these attacks. As a result, he started to have them all the time. What his mentor told him to do was to stare his panic attacks in the face and demand more of them. He was taught the "reverse engineer" the cause of why he kept reacting and recreating the panic syndrome. After a few attempts, friend was able to break the spell of the fear behind a panic attack. Each time the panic episode would reach a pinnacle of terror, as he asked for more and more. The waves of fear would calm, and peace would flood his body. Eventually, the panic attacks left for good. His attitude towards the phenomenon he once feared shifted. He stopped fighting and used his vulnerability as his power.


There is a difference between a real power, force and anger. Force (threat) and anger (violence) are nothing but ignorance surfacing to be "cleared". The first step is to recognize when you reactivate a feeling of powerlessness, and you feel overwhelmed. If you habitually engage in battle with your hologram (your creation), just observe what you’re doing and surrender your need to fight against yourself.

BE IN CONTROL! Surrender doesn’t mean give up and give in—it means relax into the control that you already have as The God-like human being with all of the answers to the problems already buried within your consciousness.

AT LAST, MOVE BEYOND MIND-CONTROL! When the problem shows up, the solution shows up as well. Duality perpetuates with a "Problem-Reaction-Solution" framework perception, while wholeness means the solution exists within the perceived problem. You are whole!

David Icke talks about how humanity is mind-controlled by a program of "Problem-Reaction-Solution". Our reactions are due to the false belief we hold in two-powers; good and evil.

RETURN TO INNOCENCE! You were born as an expression of the God-force. You surrender to the situation by relaxing and allowing the solution to appear. Allowing is the opposite of forcing and fighting against it. Fighting against your hologram creates more to fight against, more struggle. Let’s now reason for a moment: if anger and force are poverty states of being, relaxing and allowing (through surrender) is the wealthy person’s antidote to the mass hallucination that implies the world is outside of us, subjecting its will upon us at all times. This idea of "wholeness" is a different awareness from what you learned in your household, school, or cultural programming. Don’t initiate force—force is just powerlessness in disguise.

So what happens when you choose the non-violent and non-aggressive path to allow things to happen for you? Once you have made this decision, you align yourself with your God-like power. Being in this flow is the expression of heart-centered love and being vulnerable. It is your natural state of being: innocence. After all, it is your attitude towards life reflected back in your circumstances.


Look at it this way: the war on drugs creates more drug problems. The war on cash creates a public demand for cash. The war on another country creates radicals who become violently aggressive as their family and friends lose their lives by the use of bombs, drones, bullets, and foreign invasions. What is behind all this? You may not like my opinions, but I’m going to speak my truth. Here’s the setup: Anger (spiritual ignorance)!

Look, if you served your country under the pretense of preserving freedom, you were doing what was right in your heart. You deserve to receive the respect you earned for your sacrifice. At the same time, many people find out (a little too late) that war is a profitable business and the "Expendables" isn't just a movie title.

Bodies get buried while loved ones depart forever, and who wins? The families that lost their loved ones? Or the ones who sell the ammunition, guns, bombs, tanks, and missiles?

Casualties of war are usually never the ones who initiate the battle. Instead, war is a racket (profitable) by funding both sides and spinning a narrative that is culturally mesmeric. By the time the soldier returns from battle, the horrifying reality of war leaves a permanent wound on their psyche.

Fighting won’t change the world, ever.

YOU WILL change the world if you do exploit this potential inside yourself. A new world will emerge if you’re ready for it.


You are standing in the middle of your creation. You are looking out to your circumstances. There is no such thing as absolute reality. What we see has no meaning until you give the events meaning. If something happens to you, it is neither good nor bad: it has just materialized. Ten years from now, you may say that what felt like the worst thing that happened to you at the time was the best thing that ever happened to you. Perspective can change how you view the events with hindsight being 20/20. You assign meaning to your life, but without perfect vision you risk prematurely throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

"Only the good is true" if you want only the good to be real, as it is your attitude towards life as the mirror of consciousness revealing itself to you.

Instead of the old reaction of anger, which just creates more poverty, more lack, more frustration, and more infuriating circumstances, come from non-resistance. You can, and you are going to stand in your power this way because relaxing and allowing will attract wealth and prosperity. You were born spiritually-endowed. You are a deity. You were born with sufficient means to succeed already in your genetic code. You DO create your world from the inside out. Self-mastery is an inner game: you can act in a vulnerable capacity by expressing love. Love obsoletes all forms of violence and ignorance. 

Non-resistance (vulnerability) is an affirmation of absolute command over the forces operating in your environment.

The "Jedi-Force" in you becomes awakened in a surrendered, relaxed state of being. Surrender begins with non-judgment.


When you master allowing prosperity, you are surrendering your firm and fixed hard attitudes towards life. You are "being" in control, by letting go and becoming vulnerable. Hard circumstances occur because of hard attitudes towards life.

We are going to soften that process to step into peace and prosperity. A new response will create a new cellular memory, a new consciousness, which will produce a further reaction and a new outcome. We must revoke our propensity towards "less-than" thinking. As in, "I'm less-than others because (fill in the blank)".

ALL self-esteem issues are a manifestation of poverty consciousness. You get to the root of it. The source of it is the tendency to react with anger, resistance, and force-backed coercion.

From now on, think of your reactions and what drives them! Be aware of the perceptions that you have and the meanings that you assign to things as they happen (I’m not asking you to go to counseling and sit for hours on a couch).


No matter what happens to you, recognize that at some point you created an action which created a cellular memory which generated an automatic response within you. We will "clear" all this junk out, later. The action of clearing is when miracles happen, sometimes instantly!


You find yourself wanting to re-enforce the use of force that you learned in your home, tribe, school, or cultural program. In short, you’re in a constant state of danger and ready to react in fear or fight mode for an unconscious reason; your DNA is influenced by your environment-epigenetics (symbols, language, cult-ure). The mind doesn’t consciously recognize what you did not know, until now, but your crystalline structure (DNA Light Body) certainly knows. The TRUTH was placed in plain sight to hide it from you, while the Father-of-Lies sold you a False-Reality Matrix. You’ve been living in an environment that is in a state of emergency and perpetual war, or a so-called "Death Culture". Our consumer society ensures its very demise. So, in essence, we have an insatiable appetite for destruction. The collective (World System: The Beast in Revelation) hologram has captured our consent in a matrix that has been pre-programmed by Lucifer, the master architect of FALSE REALITY. Public Fool System: All you learned in school was to be spellbound by lies and false reality "programming" to keep you subordinate.


We have to wake up from the dream-consciousness (false reality) that puts harm into everyone’s path by perpetuating force and violence to find harmony.

It’s the assumption that we are separate from the good we seek that divides us when it’s all an illusion. Nobody is there to attack, but yourself. We argue for our position to be "right" instead of "happy" (= more judgments).

When we argue to be right, we are only reinforcing the circumstances we are attempting to resolve. This only locks in what we are trying to undo. It keeps us stuck in the problem. But it isn’t unsolvable, not anymore.

However, you must stop seeking authority outside of yourself. Only then can you break the spell, and dispel the illusion that the world is in control of you. You were born in control.

Prosperity has been your birthright since birth, so step into it and express the absolute perfection that you already have. You will never cease to exist. As an eternal being, you can remove the false belief in "two powers", the knowledge of good and evil. Your surrendered state of being that allows you to relax into allowing, administers your command over the storms and raging winds. You may feel vulnerable at first, like floating in a sea of turbulent waters. As you learn to "clear" the source of the sorcery, as we proceed further on this journey together, wisdom will be your reward.

"Wisdom Is The Greatest Magnet For Riches." Dr. Mike Murdock

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3 years ago
