Steps to Prosperity #14 - Your Fresh Start

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3 years ago

Imagine you’re frustrated. Not hard to imagine, is it? You’ve been trying to build that internet empire, start that new business, or get that promotion that’s long overdue? Maybe you want to pick those hot cryptocurrencies or stocks. Or perhaps you want to manifest the lover of your dreams and live happily ever after? Maybe there’s a block you want to do away with? Do you have a nagging health challenge or some burden standing in the way of your happiness? Somehow, is something still amiss even though you’ve tried everything you can think of doing?

I have good news for you! Your worries are coming to an end!

Say "Goodbye" to your stress, and welcome your success!

You can be, you can do, and you can have it all. All you have to do is clear away the confusion. You need real answers, and those always come from within yourself. You’ve been told to create your reality, right? But how do you do that? I mean, how do you triumph in the face of adversity everywhere you look? How do you ascend past your fears, doubts, and disbelief, especially in yourself? What if your worries about the world or future of humanity seem to stand in the way of your ability to LIVE the dreams inside of YOU? Whatever it is, the solution is inside of you. Not in some far away distant reality. It’s here, now.

The world will try to deceive you, stop you, and make you quit.

The God-within (your real identity) awaits your recognition, and this immutable force is 100% ready to serve you, right now.

"I CAN DO ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

"We are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37

The truth is; if you haven’t yet discovered health, happiness, romance, and a luxurious lifestyle, you’ve missed something about life. It’s not supposed to be a series of tasks as a means to pay bills and scrape by. You’re supposed to live in the mystery, following your joy or highest excitement, moment by moment.

You will find your childlike essence that has been deteriorated by "happiness-draining-parasites" camouflaged as "professionals" in society. These misguided souls mistakingly led you astray into the land of conformity and approval seeking.

When you realize how SNOWED the masses are into believing they are serfs—subjects, chattel, sheeple—you’ll cringe at the thought of doing anything "their way" ever again. Almost everyone you know is hard wired this way. When you escape you can show them the way.

You will feel compelled to complete your journey here on Earth in the best way possible after you return to your innocence. Victimhood will be intolerable to your new identity, as you shed false reality concepts for good.

The question is: can you handle having it all, living life on your terms?

If so, let’s get you on the throne. Your coronation is TODAY. There is no one greater than you in your universe.

However, I need to add a caveat: life will never be perfect. Yes, you CAN be, do, and have it all, but to "attract" something new is also to attract the lessons required (challenges to overcome).

The difference between winners and losers is that winners finish what losers only started, so, decide to be a "finisher"!

Right now, it might be easy for you to get caught up in life’s problems because we’ve been conditioned to believe that the external world is everything. You don’t have to work hard and struggle in the outside world; you can make the change within, and allow reality to transform around you. Let the path that led you here be the end of "problem-consciousness" and the beginning of BEING the solution to the obstacles standing in your way. Together, we’ll prove how powerful you are! Success is supposed to be fun, and it will be!

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Avatar for DarthVaderich
3 years ago
