The language of the universe

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Avatar for Darkphoton963
2 years ago

Have you ever thought about what is the language of the universe ?

Surely you have heard the name of the law of attraction or the secret of attraction over and over. The secret of attraction was first introduced to all the people of the world in Rhonda Beyrne's book. But do you really know what is the law of attraction?

You use communication skills to communicate with another person. To tell a salesperson what you want, you speak to him in his own language, and he understands what is your mean.

Suppose you are a Spanish-speaking person who is fluent in Spanish and English, and you have gone to Sweden. You want to buy ski boots from a Swedish store, and the seller only speaks Swedish. And you do not know Swedish. What do you do in this case? You have to use sign language or draw a picture and let him know what you want.

So, what exactly is the language of the universe?

How can you connect with the universe?

How do you order your desires to the universe?

Is English the language of universe?

Is speaking the language of universe?

Can you convey the meaning of your conscious mind to your subconscious mind?

conscious and unconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is the universe. It is the world that if you know what you mean, you will understand the whole secret of the universe. And the world, like a magic giant, will fulfill your dreams one by one. Let's take a closer look at the this.

(In an article I will explain in detail about conscious and unconscious mind)

Computer example:

Let's start with the computer example, It is interesting to know that everything you do with a computer, from reading to programming, communicating with others, designing an animation, performing complex mathematical and integral calculations, etc. can be done with just two numbers! Only with two numbers 0 and 1!

And this is the language of transferring hardware to software and vice versa. Imagine your body as hardware and your subconscious as software, now you have to be able to understand the language between the two.

You may have heard it said that to achieve your desires, imagine whatever you want.

In effect, you are visualizing the original code to the brain. And brain waves work only with frequency.

The language of the brain and the mind is the language of frequency.

These frequencies are in tune with your emotions, meaning that your emotions cause a potential difference that transmits neural messages to the brain, where these emotions are decoded like computer codes 0 and 1.

And from there a signal is sent to the subconscious mind.

So you will receive everything from the universe, that you feel in the moment .


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Avatar for Darkphoton963
2 years ago


very true, the universe communicates by vibration, we have to vibrate in the same tune.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How interesting that you likened the human body and mind to hardware and software, just like a computer, our body must establish the right connection between software and hardware to work well, I look forward to your next articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much. Im searching full time in physics, math, biology, spirituality and computer... most of my time are dedicated to brain waves ... As soon as i will upload my articles about brain waves, frequencies, binaural beats and emotoins like fear and joy and love or ...

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2 years ago