Meaning of "ALL IS ONE"

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Avatar for Darkphoton963
2 years ago

You may have come across this fact over and over, that everyone is basically the same or all is one.

And think to yourself, then you must be one with your friend, be one with nature, be one with the sky, with flowers...

My attempt in this post is to say what does it really mean to be one?

To better understand the answer to this question, I want to tell you a little about the world of physics, but I try not to use too many relationships and formulas and say everything that is more comprehensible. The universe is made of matter, energy and intelligence.

Matter and energy can be converted according to Einstein's relation.

E = mc ^ 2

In this formula E is the energy and m is the amount of matter and c is the constant speed of light in a vacuum (~ 3 × 10 ^ 8) m / s

Everything in this world has a frequency, the vibration.

Intelligence is causes of the transformation of energy into matter and matter into energy.

But how do atoms, and in the deeper world of the quantum world, strings and subatomic particles know how to vibrate?

Where does this consciousness actually come from?

This consciousness is the third side of the triangle that I have drawn for you here.

This consciousness is the same as intelligence, The intelligence that changes the shape of the universe, from energy to matter and from matter to energy, and beyond that, knows at what frequency every subatomic particle or string must vibrate ...

But we as humans also have our own frequency;

The human brain has waves in the frequency range between 0.2 and 100 Hz.

Brain waves are classified as follows:

Delta: (0.5-4) Hz

Theta: (4-8) Hz

Alpha: (8-13) Hz

Beta: (13-30) Hz

Gamma: (30-100) Hz

  • Delta Brain Wave:

    This is the slowest human brain wave ever recorded. It is commonly seen in infants and young children, and high levels of this brain wave in adults generally indicate brain problems. During growth, the production of this wave decreases and they are produced only in sleep. In a state of very deep relaxation and there are healing and invigorating dreams. The function of these brain waves is also seen in the unconscious activities of organs such as digestion and heart rate regulation. Producing the right amount of delta waves helps us to feel good and refreshed after a full night's sleep. If there is abnormal activity of these waves, the person will have a learning disability or difficulty in waking up. (Such as brain damage)

    Excessive rate: brain damage, learning difficulties, inability to think, severe hyperactivity

    Less than usual: inability to rejuvenate the body, poor sleep, inability to regenerate and prepare the brain

    Suitable level: immune system, natural recovery of the body, deep sleep and energy

  • Theta brain wave:

    This amplitude of the wave arises in daydreaming and dreaming. This brain wave causes the experience of deep and initial emotional states in the person. Excessive activity of theta waves leads people to depression and can make them indoctrinated, which can be based on too much relaxation and create conditions such as semi-hypnosis. Theta waves enhance insight, creativity and a greater sense of nature. This brain wave is also the cause of sleep that causes freshness and invigoration in the person. Theta brain wave can not be produced in a person who has long working hours and is generally a useful wave.

    Abnormal rates: ADHD, depression, hyper activity, impulsive movements, inattention

    Less than usual: anxiety, poor emotional states, stress

    Appropriate level: creativity, emotional communication, calmness, insight and intelligence

  • Alpha Brain Wave:

    The brain wave is the alpha bridge between our conscious thinking and our unconscious thinking. In other words, alpha brainwaves are the frequency range between beta and theta brainwaves. If we are stressed, we have "alpha blockage", which includes intense beta activity and decreased alpha activity. Beta waves necessarily prevent alpha production because we get so excited.

    Excessive levels: daydreaming, inability to concentrate, excessive relaxation, and somewhat lethargy

    Less than usual: anxiety, high stress, trouble sleeping and insomnia, obsession

    Appropriate level: calmness, appropriate visual attention

  • Beta brain wave:

    Beta brain wave is known in the group of high frequency waves and low wave amplitude, which is mainly seen when waking up. Having conscious thoughts, logical thinking, and sensory activity when we have the right amount of beta waves allow us to be fully focused on our homework or workplace tasks.

    Excessive levels of these waves can lead to severe stress or anxiety. Most waves are associated with high levels of consciousness. Your brain beta function naturally increases when you drink coffee or receive another stimulus. These fast-frequency waves are present throughout the day during the completion of people's conscious activities, such as important thoughts, writing, reading, and social interactions.

    Excessive levels of beta brain wave cause: anxiety, adrenaline rush, high arousal, inability to relax, stress

    Less than normal amount of beta brain wave causes: hyperactivity | ADHD, daydreaming, depression, poor cognition.

    The right amount of beta brain wave causes: conscious concentration, memory improvement and problem solving ability.

  • Gamma brain wave:

    This brain wave is involved in performing high-level tasks such as cognitive functions. Gamma waves are important for learning, memory and information processing. It is thought that 40 Hz gamma waves (the highest brain frequency) are used to combine the senses with understanding and learning new concepts. There is a finding that people with mental health problems or learning disabilities perform lower than normal in their gamma waves.

    Excessive levels of gamma-ray brain wave cause stress, anxiety, and irritability.

    Less than normal range of gamma brain wave causes: hyperactivity | ADHD, depression, specific learning disability Becomes SLD.

    The right amount of gamma brain wave causes: integration of the senses, cognition, information processing, learning, perception, REM stage of sleep.

As I explained our brain and brain waves have different frequencies.

In fact, every thought has a frequency and our world is a smart world of frequencies.

Being one in this world means that each person does not see the world from different directions, but sees the world from a high perspective.

Look at this pictur:

There is a square

Which reflects the vision and framework of the observer

Then this:

There are two squares here, when the observer's view is wider

And then this:

And here I have increased the number of squares, so that the more squares, the closer the shape gets to the circle.

And finally this:

If we have infinitely many squares, it becomes a circle.

It is the perspective that we see the whole world as a structural unit.


Sources for brainwaves:


Rewire your brain(Jhon B.Anden)

The effects of binaural beats on emotion and cognition (Olivera Petrovich)

Thank you for reading my article, please comment your opinoin for me...

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Avatar for Darkphoton963
2 years ago


Thank you very helpful about the waves, I didn't know

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2 years ago