Hello, curious stranger, I am happy that you want to know about me. Let my name and where i belong be unknown to you. Maybe we can talk about it some other time. I am a male and traveling towards my destination. I like reading a book, playing dota2, and volleyball. I am also learning to make android applications.
I am lazy and rarely use my rusted small brain to do something. I really wish I earn soon enough and buy myself a piano keyboard. It is always my dream to play the piano for myself. I am not taking my health seriously now but I wish to start soon. Hope the soon comes fast. I have taken some stupid decisions in my life and reaping it now. Steve Jobs is the person I look up to. Maybe I too will be able to create simple things that may change the world. I am a procrastinator too.
I don't have a favorite color, music, and food, it changes with season and time. I am just trying to be happy and try everything till my journey ends.
Maybe I will write more about me sometime.
Beautiful thing is that you are alive, so it's not that bad anyway. You can still achieve your goals and stay happy. Welcome to read.cash.