Are you really sensitive?

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3 years ago

There are good and bad ways to be sensitive. To be insensitive is a weakness, a sign of immaturity, a specific responsibility. Being correctly sensitive shows strength, it is a sign of maturity.

We constantly meet people who are sensitive the wrong way. This sensitivity is sometimes called sensitivity. Therefore, some people are sensitive to their appearance because they are overweight or because they have thighs or have facial blemishes.

Others become sensitive again because of their nationality, race or skin color. As a result, their friends and acquaintances bow, so to speak, not to give them a reason to feel weak or ignored. You are sensitive or sensitive and pay close attention to what others might ignore. If they had forgotten, he surely would have done the same.

Then again, it's okay not to be overly sensitive to corrections or criticisms. Staff or students are generally very responsive to suggestions for the discipline. Undoubtedly, one of the reasons the Bible insists on the need for discipline is because the human tendency is to dislike it, to turn away from it because of its sensitivity. Literally, often in the Bible, they look to the value of discipline. Then we read: “Accept discipline; Don't let yourself go Protect it because it's your own life. "Discipline Discipline is the way of life". "Listen to discipline and become wise." Yes, attachment is not tender once corrected.

King David of ancient Israel was a wise man in this regard. In one of his psalms he says: “If the righteous would strike me, it would be a loving consideration; and if he scolded me, there would be oil on my head that my head would not refuse. “And not only did he say it, but he kept those words. On several occasions he was warned that he had made a mistake, but sometimes he received it. His son, King Solomon, expressed similar sentiments in one of his proverbs. And said, "Open correction is better than hidden love." The punches a friend gives are well intentioned. ""

Ironically, a person is so common that they are very sensitive to their own feelings that they are not sensitive to the feelings of others and therefore rely on others. This person may not be able to resist criticism, but they can criticize others. An extreme case was that of Adolf Hitler. It is reported that he does not violate any disagreements or criticisms of his colleagues, his metro, or in this case anywhere. However, he was devastating in his criticism of others. Not only could he calmly order the murder of millions of innocent Jews, he also enjoyed watching these tortured enemies and others. So not only did he demonically abandon the conspirators in his life, but he also filmed his broken heart for his own pleasure. It is a very bad combination to be very sensitive to your feelings but completely deaf to the feelings of others.

How does the right kind of sensitivity manifest itself? One way to illustrate this is through art. A good musician is sensitive to sound, melody and harmony. An artist who works with a brush is sensitive to different lights and shades, colors and shapes. To the extent that these artists are sensitive to this external stimulus, they bring happiness to themselves and to others.

People can also be alert and sensitive when they observe other people around them. This sensitivity can manifest itself in compassionate charity. In the biblical account of the "Good Samaritan", a priest and a Levite lacked this sensitivity. Without the slightest sympathy, they could ignore a man by the side of the road who had been beaten and robbed. But the "Good Samaritan" had that sensitivity; He had empathy, he had sympathy. He proved this by doing everything to free the victim from the thieves.

Jesus himself had this compassionate sensitivity. Thus we read that he was once filled with indignation, "deeply affected by numbness of heart" by the Sabbath-keepers, who preferred to see a man suffer rather than to see him healed on Saturday.

Yes, Jesus "had compassion [with his people] for being skinned and cast as a shepherd without a shepherd." He devoted his life to meeting their needs. And he asked his apostles to do the same, saying, Go, preach, and say, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Get free, give for free. "

Another good type of sensitivity has to do with our conscience. Because of the evil in this system of things and innate selfishness, "many people wander in the worthlessness of the mind." . . of numbness in their hearts. After overcoming all moral sense, they ate cowardly behavior to eagerly process impurities of all kinds. Not everyone has a more sensitive conscience. Rather, they are "marked on your consciousness as a sign." If we ignore the incentives for our conscience in small things, we can become more and more careless and result in serious sins.

Another aspect of the right type of sensitivity is what is called sensitive mental perception. There is a clear distinction between the best action in specific circumstances. It is the special ability to deal with others without being offensive, sensitive to humor and without thinking about others. A sensitive person can understand this by looking at small things, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, the person's position or even how they are dressed. Those who treat people with mental disorders must have this sensitive mental awareness, as must all Christians who want to preach and teach others about the good news of the kingdom.

In fact, this sensitivity problem is multifaceted. Being sensitive by mistake can sometimes just be about not thinking. But above all, it is a weakness, if not a manifestation of selfishness, as insensitivity to the needs or critical situation of others. Being sensitive in the right way is the path of wisdom and is promoted or made possible by empathy, sympathy and love.

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Avatar for Dari_King_01
3 years ago


Totally agree Sensitivity in matters should be expressed in the right way

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3 years ago

Absolutely thanks for taking to read. More content are coming soon

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3 years ago

Imma stay tuned

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3 years ago