I've been investing for years. For the most part, it's been traditional investing with a crypto purchase here and there simply to sell it to fund vacations and Christmas.
I would talk to my wife about it, but three or four words in I could see her eyes glazing over.
My wife is an artist and all this investment talk was too much like math for her. She couldn't care less.
Bitcoin Cash hit my radar sometime last year (2020) and I talked my wife into accepting it as payment for her artwork. She sold a few paintings and accepted Bitcoin Cash as payment (after setting her up with a hot wallet - she went for Bitcoin.com wallet for ease of use).
I would watch her check her wallet and would delight in her eyes lighting up with each market increase. Up, up, and up.
She soon wanted to learn to trade. As we are retired, now, and her childrearing is finished, I thought she might have some fun playing with her income from her artwork and learn to be wise about making that income grow.
We got her set up with an exchange. I explained to her about support and resistance, how timing the market is an art, and a few other concepts I'm not sure she got the first time around.
It's a little strange to me that given a household budget, she can make the most out of groceries and school supplies and clothes for the kids. She can work a coupon book like nobody's business, do the household shopping, and still have a little bit left. Lipstick and bubble gum money, she calls it.
Now that the kids are grown and living their own lives, I have a little extra to give for household expenses as we simply have fewer expenses. My wife's lipstick fund is growing!
These days, my wife says "Bitcoin Cash and Poopcoin money," instead of lipstick and bubble gum.
Because she is wanting to learn about trading, and the best way to learn is to do, she wanted to protect the bulk of her crypto balance.
I made a spot for her on my Ledger, guided her step by step in how to send the bulk of her BitcoinCash to cold storage, and told her to have fun with the "change" we left in her hot wallet.
She may very well lose it all. I doubt it, though. She is inexperienced, but not stupid. She will definitely get the hang of it soon. And then she may teach me a thing or two.
My wife is the one who encouraged me to write about my increasing and love for Bitcoin Cash. I'm more of a talker than a writer, but with my wife's help and encouragement, I will put my words onto the page.
Meanwhile, I'll be using this time to pay close attention to the read.cash platform to find out what works and what doesn't. I'm certain there is a culture here and I don't want to make a faux pas.
As Bitcoin Cash lands a Lambo on the Moon, my house is my wife will buy (for me) an actual Lamborghini.
All pictures license free from Unsplash.
Post script: The Mrs just reminded me to allow people to sponsor me. She walked me through the steps, so I'll put a sponsor bar in. I feel like a Le Mans driver already!
Post post script: please let me know if I make any cultural errors here. I can take constructive criticism! Leave me a comment.
Thank you. She really is very smart and capable.