*Be flexible with your goals
Your goals are a plan. They are not written in stone.
As the saying goes, “no plan can survive enemy contact”. Life happens. Plans change. Stick to your goals as best you can but be prepared to revise and update as needed. Analyze your successes and failures and make adjustments accordingly.
*Setbacks aren’t failures unless you give up.
S**t happens. Plain and simple.
Life is filled with highs and lows. Just because something is seeming to go against you today, doesn't mean that tomorrow will not bring successes you did not plan for either.
Take setbacks as a learning experience – and keep going.
*You learn how to push yourself.
Quitting can become a habit. It becomes far to easy the more you do it. You should try to push yourself further than you feel you need to. You will not always succeed. But the trying and the perseverance will make you tougher and more likely to succeed in the future.
*Creating a process works better than setting a goal.
A process changes the way you behave. It becomes a routine. A goal is fleeting and subject to change as you redefine your goals.
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