Inksnation:The Pinkoin Of Our Generation

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iBSmartify Nigeria invented the World's First Blockchain For Human Asset Development (InksLedger) and the World's First Charitable Trust DAO (InksNation) which can end poverty in any country in less than 9 months incentivising goodness, promoting love, unity, oneness, peace and equitable distribution of wealth.

We introduce a totally different type of currency " The Rise of The Distributed Reserve Cryptocurrency"

Our Native Reserve Cryptocurrency is Pinkoin which is the Primary Coin on the InksLeder Blockchain therefore we are on a mission to end poverty in Nigeria on or before August, 2020.

PinKoin will pay every single Nigerian, African and the World at Large including babies born everyday a minimum of N120,000 ($330) monthly for life as UCBI (Universal Child Basic Income)


Because, it is estimated globally that by 2025, 80% of jobs will be automated by machines and artificial intelligence. This will leave a lot of people jobless affecting African Nations the most. Humans are the biggest assets on earth, so our blockchain is therefore the World's First Blockchain to be backed by HUMAN ASSET, which makes it possible to incentivise its valuer (you & I).

Instead of making humans compete with AI for jobs, we are proposing and building a new ecosystem where AI itself becomes our national & universal housemaids, servants and messengers while we the Human Assets live like Kings & Queens that God had programmed us to be.

We are the median generation and it's our collective calling to correct the errors of all the past generations put together, and we have to get it right and most importantly we have successfully killed the Godship & Worship of money by backing it with the world's biggest asset (Human Asset) which ties its value to the direct value it gives the human race.

Registration Never ends as the World's First Reserve Coin Offering Starts SOON.

Benefits to the Government of Nigeria

1. It will rake in over $847 Billion Dollars in PinkReserve for the government

2. It is also a weak currency bail out scheme making the currency get more value as it incentivises the human assets.

3. It also serves as the best way to go cashless with benefits.

4. It will take away lots of burden on government by automating almost everything

5. And lots more.

Benefit to Nigerians (Adults, Youths & even kids)

From August 2020

1. Every single member in InksNation Nigeria will have access to Daily, Weekly, Monthly Allowances from the blockchains iBNaira Balance reducing dependencies and burden on the government parents or anybody.

2. Youths can pay for their upkeep, their schoolings, and every single thing they need for their human sustainability without disturbing their parents.

3. Upkeep, schooling, feeding & everything is taken care of for Children including for babies born daily.

4. Pregnant women will get double benefits adding the upkeep for the baby in the womb.

Crimes, Kidnappings, Ashawo, Olosho, Baby Mamaism, and a host of nationwide ills will reduce.

This is a mission to achieve a minimum of N4000 ($11) daily and minimum of N120k Monthly as universal child basic income from August 2020 for everyone who joins this moving train

So remember to register your family, friends, children, kids & your immediate & extended neighbour and let's collectively work together to fight poverty once and for all.

Always visit to register.

You can now pay to your Sponsor's Account

Our Membership Plans

Living Node Bronze:- N1000

Living Node Silver:- N10,000

Living Node Gold:- N100,000

Living Node Diamond:- N1 Million

Dolphine InksNode:- N10 Million

Sharks InksNode:- N100 Million

Whale InksNode:- N1 Billion

No double accounts. Any defaulter will be banned & his/her account deleted.

Our Administrative WhatsApp Number is 081-0427-7484

And Administrative WhatsApp Number for Top Ups Only 081-7922-1947

Thanks & welcome to the One United Global Family where we incentivise goodness.

Always remember that HE made you my responsibility and I will make sure all my Universal Children live like KINGS & QUEENS

$ 0.00
Sponsors of DanielChimenem


Why is the website not opening?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The website is not opening for registration

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow nice

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow.That Nice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Please how can i start to register people ?

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice write up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great idea

$ 0.00
4 years ago