Good morning

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Avatar for Daniboy
3 years ago

Dear Lord, We don’t know who or what will cross our path today. But We do know that You are our rock and our fortress. You are our shield and our strong tower. Help us to anchor ourself to You today. Teach us how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help us walk by Your truth and not our feelings. Help us to embrace anything that comes our way as an opportunity to see You at work and as opportunity to point others to You. Amen.

Good morning everyone. How's your sleep? Did you had a relaxing night? I hope we all had, because we need to be productive this week. Let's all start this day with a happy smile. Always be positive and let's strive harder this week.

Keep safe always everyone! Have a nice day

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Avatar for Daniboy
3 years ago
