25 Richest Country in the World (No. 18)

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3 years ago


• GNI per capita: $46,422

• 2017 GDP: $3.8 trillion (5th out of 196 countries)

• Population: 82.7 million

• Life expectancy at birth: 81.0 years

Germany has one of the largest economies in the world, with a GDP of nearly $3.8 trillion. Germany ranked as the third largest exporter in the world in 2017 after China and the U.S., exporting more than $1.7 trillion worth of goods that year.

Though Germany exports a wide array of goods, automobiles are the main industry, accounting for 12% of all German exports in 2017. Germany is well known for its automotive prowess. German auto manufacturers BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Volkwagen are some of the best known car brands in the world.

$ 0.00


Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, I get it now, you mean the Germany is no. 18 in World richest. I have mistaken comment on your previous article, sorry for that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago