Don't Cast Pearl Before Swine ..

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3 years ago

I was always of the view that, my senior brother would be of a change of mind if I handed over some resources to him .

I always wanted to let him secure a place of living since we all lived together in the family house but all the time he wasn't just ready. All attempts to help him secure a job so that he can save to secure a house for himself proved futile as he wasn't ready to do so, therefore I stopped trying to help and secured the job for myself, worked , saved something and managed to build a 3-bedrook apartment for myself away from the family house but for my brother he still lives in the family house till now.

A friend of mine was not so good at academics. He was not good and couldn't solve most questions we were given in school . Always scoring below pass mark and getting punished but he still can't get it. Everytime, he hears there will be a test the following day, he becomes disturbed .

I thought his fear would push him to learn and make him better if he had an assistance from someone so I approached him one day and decided to help him . He happily agreed but whenever we set a meeting or date to meet , he doesn't appear; he makes no effort to study but rather spend time with friends whi care less about him and laughs at him any time he gets punished.

I tried for a couple of times but to no avail them I stopped and focused on my studies.


I am of the view that , by reading these two scenarios you might have gotten the idea behind the topic but if you still haven't stay tuned we are on it.

Don't cast pearl before swine simply suggests that, we shouldn't continue to offer something valuable to someone who does value it or see it's significance.

Sometimes we do want to be of help to people thereby sacrificimh out time, our goods, our services and even sometimes asking other people to be if help to them but do you know what happens? Those that we care about and will go all miles to help them do not value the offer, our assistance and do not care about it not because it is not good but rather because they are lazy to work with it.

As seen in both scenarios , there was a sign of care for them by me , where I was willing to help but they were not ready to help themselves.

I was willing to sacrifice my time , resource but weren't hence a retreat.

Many are the things others are willing to sacrifice for us but umtil thy see that sense of maturity, willingness, eagerness, persistence and that of hardworking spirit, they will never put their service into it , so should we.

To help a person , make it a priority to look at it before but shouldn't just help without looking at past works but also we should give chance to people who are new and are willing to make a service since not all people are liable to rely on their own to complete a project but when helped can make it happen.

Thank you all for your time, it's Dangerous_Fly once again, Bring It On!!!

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3 years ago


Great article plz my post like comment plz

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know the meaning of that saying. Not until I read it now. Thank you for the article that I get it now. It's useless to offer help to people who doesn't care to help themselves.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Too bad, there are some people who don't know how to appreciate the efforts we make to help them in our genuine ways. Plus, they take advantage of our kindness. It's just frustrating. 😔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pls subscribe to stanz i will do same thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I only subscribe to writers who create quality contents not those who go about telling others to subscribe them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right my dear friend, Goald must be given to those who know the value, there is a need to render help but it must be to those who will know the importance no matter the relationship , don't waste your time for those who are not ready to do anything

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gold must be given to those who know the value, there is a need to render help but it must be to those who will know the importance no matter the relationship ,

Great, indeed Gold must be given to those who sees it's value but those who see it as just a metal or stone since such people will just allow people to take it from them some day but we should cast outlet support to only those who are willing to make ends meet with the little support they get...

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can you share your understanding on this?

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Share with me ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said bro...... And the line "Don't cast pearl before swine" is perfectly suitable with this article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes , it suits perfectly. Thanks for stopping by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago