Thought - The language of the brain

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Avatar for Dandelioness
2 years ago

Thoughts are the language if the brain... Feelings are the language if the body...

This is pretty obvious to know since we all have thought and feelings. When we get thoughts we know that it's the brain at work and when we get feelings we know it's the body that is busy communicating it's needs, impressions, expressions, changes etc to us. We most often ignore or misunderstand most of the feelings we get because they are more complicated than we can comprehend so we like to force the feelings of the body into the thoughts of the mind. Logic, trying to force feelings into thoughts by asking the brain to explain what am I feeling now? Based on past and previous experiences but little do we know that we are ever changing ever evolving beings. Thanks to our limitless nature we are almost always centered in our being, which makes it easier for us or in better terms for our bodies to embrace new changes that we never experienced before, changes that have nothing to do with who we are with or what we are but changes that are genuinely from our own evolution as a milestone to how far we have come.

The feelings from these changes are unique to us, they are nowhere in existence, these feelings have no anchor in the past they come from shear willpower or the result thereof meaning that when the body is deprived of feelings as it knows it's should have, it sends out signals to tell you, the master of all that we are lagging and we can't keep on like this. Its the TEWS of the body, Triage Early Warning System. What this system does is send out alert at intervals letting the organism know how it's doing in terms of that particular composition in this case, feelings. For every warning there is a worked out formulated solution to draw the feelings from the surrounding as the body obviously knows that from the levels of the drainage or loss, this being is either very sick or grossly overloaded. Whichever it is the problem is one, feelings inhibition and obviously this is not intrinsic otherwise the body will let you know with pain on what area you need to work on to release the inhibition. Its pretty easy staff, so when the feelings are amiss you get the body sending you signals of new feelings that have never been felt before, these are so unique only you have them in all of existence. This goes to align with what they mean when they say that we create our own realities, well most of our realities are within us meaning that we constantly adopt to the ever changing worlds around us by shifting ourselves to best harness what's given to us by nature and surroundings.

What happens when the unique feelings come forth because these are not from the food or the drinks, these feelings are not based on experiences nor are they able to be drawn from you by parasites or letting be it blood letting or financial letting. These feeling are here to form a feeling system around you to armour you as an additional body to your nine bodies that will serve to supremely unite all your bodies to grossly decrease the chances of you ever getting sick again from parasitical infestation or letting of some form. At this point we know that feeling is healing also knowing that the only thing that's needed here is to not misinterpret these feelings, we need to constantly know that feelings are the body's way of communicating to us that we do not need to define feelings but to feel them and embrace what they make us feel be it pain joy or insecurity even jealousy (whatever that is 😅) we need to embrace these feelings. By embracing the feelings instead of defining the feelings we allow ourselves to heal from all and everything, we also allow ourselves to learn through all hardship, the body know what can make it better, it a vibrational part of us and there are more bodies within our body and without our body. All these bodies of ours are there and here to serve us in having the lituation (best experience) we came here to have, this will be particularly easier if we do not send the feeling signals to the brain to reinterpret for us. We need to get it and understand that feelings are not coming to us for us to define them, we feel these feelings because we are emotional beings, we run on emotions and when these emotions are not as they should be the bodies will compensate by concentrating the energies from the bodies within and the bodies without, this type of energy that cannot be tempered with or deteriorated in anyway shape or form, call it tenacity, resilience or willpower but the truth is that it's unique to each one that gets it because it's Taylor made to fit your hardship in order to armour you up in your journey as the body recognises that you are gravitating toward a certain direction. This is by far the best gift to us in existence, without which most beings would die off from the lack of willingness to go on. It would be so easy for parasitical and narcissist vibes to sweep so many beings off their feet but just like James Frankle, the guy who survived the Holocaust will tell us, it's all about willpower. When you back is against the wall, you are severely drained, you keep waking up from sleeps you didn't plan, feeling all types of drains, it's in that moment, after many of those moments that the body as an intelligence on its own devices theses energies from within and without to aid in its own survival. Its the most beautiful thing that the devil fighting you, concentrating on you as a person doesn't realise that you are more than a person.

Being a person is not even 1% of who you are, and this is who the devil chooses and picks fights with by signaling your person, whisking you off in directions that your body tell you not to go into but you'd rather listen to your thoughts not knowing that these thought are signals that can come from anywhere depending on how armoured up you are. The more you learn how to armour up and not give much of a fuck, you start to ward off so much of them parasites and narsisist vibes that only care for your distraction.

Any progress from these vibes only serves to better equip you to grow so that they would reap better and bigger gains out of you. When you choose to feel and not question the feelings you allow yourself to be, being is the most important state of being a person. Its human being for heaven sake not human "anything else". Once you start being, and embrace your being, taking care of your being everything almost automatically gets aligned up. You will be centered in all your endeavours, you will not depend on time or space because the alignment levels you are vibing are on a whole other plane of being where you allow yourself to feel. See thoughts pass by like clouds of a wonderful day. As you level up you find it easier to deal with narcissist and parasitical vibrations as you do this you realise you do not need to block them or guard yourself from them, your bodies are already doing this for you. In this state you are the mind and the mind best maintain high levels of being, higher consciousness, higher vibrations, higher visions, higher goals and higher dreams. Whether you get higher with some plant is cava or Ayahuasca or any other medicinals or just by breathing, the mind will be operating from crystal clear waters on the higher levels of vibration much like pure alkaline water.

We are supremely intelligent beings, every part of us is intelligent, every cell in our body operates on its own, in alignment with other similar cells but once matured, the operations some by this cells are it's own. That goes to show and tell us just how deep our intelligence goes. Knowing that we are +70% water, we are like water babies and it's inevitable to we go through water purification stages in our own being, the secret or goal is to not get stuck on any one level of the purification process by not being too serious.

Water being a huge part of our personal being we need to take care of what water we constantly have in our bodies within and our bodies without. Now every single cell has a cytoplasm in which all the bodies of the cell are suspended for all the operational and protection reason, against gravity and impact. The cytoplasm is all water, it facilutates in energy exchanges in forms of nutrients, gasious exchanges and dirt releases amongst other things, all this is done through the waters. It is crucial that we do not poison our personal beings by taking in any water that is of low quality, what is this? This is any water that causes stagnation of energy flow. When energy flow is inhibited which translates into sickness, discomfort and disease, it is observed that the water plays a very big role in this blockage. Be it the quality of the water or the lack of water, by getting to the reason why our bodies would be sending us such signals we will find the fix in the water involved or if it's even the water, sometimes it's the food which also has water in it. Water plays a very important role, we might eat dry food thinking that there is no water in there but the truth is that there is always water in everything, maybe not immediately but as you chew or digest the so called dry food, the properties that would otherwise make the lesser water comes alive within you adding lesser water qualities to your being which in turn the body signals you I some way that there's been a change. This normally comes in tiny feelings like a hunch to drink cleaner or more purified water based on the now that's progressing into the future but because thought is naughty and like to drag it's experienced self based on past know how's, thought would tangle the feeling of wanting to ingest more purer intakes to purify or balance out the lesser water by convincing or directing us to our past experience of intake be it drink or food. We find ourselves going for more and more with the tangled up thought of being bigger and stronger but is this the kind of bigger and stronger we really want to be or is this the bigger and stronger we have thought ourselves into?

The feeling is healing!

It is a beautiful lesson we get taught on a daily, priceless!

2nd verse

The best time to plant a tree is about +25 years ago, this can easily be observed by looking at a grown tree that bears fruits and seed or either depending on the type of tree it is. Some trees do not bear fruits at all, some trees bear fruit but no seeds, some trees bear only seeds, it's all nature selection. This is almost the same in all aspects of life, we find very productive individuals respectively and we find the not so productive individuals also respectively. No bad discrimination here just a contrast between the two. Some of the productive bunch have in them writers, writers also go through grooming stages. Some writers are self taught mostly with inspiration from life as they find that there is bits of liberation is sharing their truths as much as there is liberation in their writing itself. Like the best time to plant a tree being +25 years ago, the best writers started +25 years ago.

The second best time to plant the tree is now so is the best time to start the path of the best writer is right now. Most writers today do not use pen and paper but they type on iPads and laptops or the more struggling writer who type on a phone. All writers despite what tools they use to put forward their ideas will tell you the same thing, that once you reach a writer's block you are done. Not done done but it's like time out for now. The levels of writing will determine the magnitude and impact of the writer's block on the writer's work. Some writers will give up entirely and go venture into something else, these are mostly the writers who write for gains and clout. The truly passionate writers will face the block head on, by means of therapeutic acts the writer will take time out to dissolve the blockage away and perceive new insights and ideas that will give much more of an edge to the writer's work.

Through time it is observed that writers are almost the most successful people there are. Or you can look at it from this point of view - most successful people are writers, they published some book, they released memoirs, biographies or articles, some sort of publishing, even if they never let it into the public's eye, it is written. It is by making it out of the writer's block that the writers become successful at doing other things too because they write about it. When they are not writing about it, they release the block stress in turn allowing the inflow of newer ideas. As the writer explores these new ideas, realization comes to mind that these ideas can be put into action and some good will be able to be had from these ideas, after all there's no copyright, even if there is similar ideas, ideas can always be made better or adapted to be different.

There is great love for all writers as observed throughout time that rarely do eras go by without records or scribes. Although this is more of recording than writing it is from which the skill of writing has been perfected over the ages. If you feel called to write, write. Do not shy away from what you feel called to do because of inconvenience. Your writing could save a life or hundreds or much better, your writing can inspire hundreds of struggling writing to be better writers than you are, so write.

I have found in my own personal journey that the secret to doing things and getting things done is getting started. I find myself making plans in my mind of how it will work out, playing with different scenarios of visualization and most times I find myself talking myself out of the idea I had. Having started 2021 on a very good note I decided I'm going to publish at least one article per day, not to my surprise, after the first two articles that I managed to publish on the 1st day of 2021 I couldn't get myself to write anymore all I was doing was finding the next best excuse and in this world there are plenty of excuses to make one feel productive by neglecting the things one's heart initially wanted to do. On the tenth, yesterday I managed to put together a review of KuCoin for my publish0x account that hasn't had any action in forever. With not so much energy to go with I just got started by curbing my own limiting thoughts. Its was very disappointing to look at the 7-8 days that had gone by without publishing anything. I do not publish for the money or the clout, I publish because it's informative, it's something I would love to have someone do in my life, I do it because I enjoy indulging into other content creator's work and enjoying the time they put it knowing that they did it for this very reason, to inform and entertain.

When I finally managed to put together the KuCoin article I went to sleep feeling amazing and I'm not the feelings person, feelings seem to run from me when I get into it. Everything disappears and for those few hours of my content creation sessions, everything fades away, no fear, no noise, no lack just productivity flowing forth, it's beautiful, it's amazing especially when I incorporate footage from nature and watch it all come together to produce such beautiful content that I grow with,but better with all hopes and faith that the content consumers finds a whole new world from diving into my creations.

The beauty of content creation is that there are no limits.

Thank you for your indulgence

Love and light

Last verse

Blocks to greatness and possible causes or triggers.

- inauthenticity

This one is about being real, true to yourself and what you stand for. Being authentic doesn't always have to mean that you do things based on your past. Being authentic can mean being real enough with yourself, learning from your past and readily creating the future you unconditionally live in freely.

There was a time I didn't know how not to quickly adopt a persona that fits in. This overtime has inspired a lot of inauthenticity in my life without knowing it, I had packed on gains of conditions to live by. The surroundings gladly embrace my inauthentic self because that's the best me for them. Overtime as more of my time went to shit I began to realise the bits of inauthenticity that I have embodied but had been hidden from my awareness. It was nothing pretty, being a clown and thinking I'm being my best version. With a lot of healing and purging I've learned of my inauthenticity as a very crucial particle in the blocking of my greatness. To free my greatness I needed to recognize that I had been dragged to hell by my inauthenticity from the signals I'm getting from around me.

Lack of progress, low self esteem, weak physique, submissiveness, shying from basic things, inability to finish tasks at hand, mental clutter as well as physical clutter, inability to focus and execute, disease, discomfort, lack of interest in learning or doing certain things, ignoring the hunger or thirst from within. All these signals are communications from within and without you that you are being inauthentic in some way shape or form. Maybe it's not entirely possible to jump up and be a completely authentic person today but to truly be your authentic self is a very important part of unleashing your greatness.

Sharing yourself while authenticating yourself is one of the best ways to keep track of your progress because there is so much more inauthenticity calling for you that it gets easy to fall into the inauthentic trap over and over again.

After I have learned that I had been living in inauthenticity, I surrendered to my authentic self who then dragged me from hell into the light. Do I have to share that the light is much more scary than the darkness of hell? Being authentic is no joke, it displaces almost all of societal constructs of hierarchy, how things had always been done. I can no longer recognise this, all I yearn for is perfecting my authenticity with or without society all I yearn for is greatness. Greatness to me is my most authentic self, for this reason I'm constantly learning and empowering my next step into authenticity. I take my Ls, instead of them being losses to me they are lessons. Much like the great Pitbull, I do not lose I only learn and win.

Be authentic

- Suppression of expression

Remember the other time you got so mad you thought of giving madness a new meaning but you chose to call on composure to tame your chill? That is one of the best ways to block your own greatness. Expressing how you feel is vital to living to your greatest potentials and reaching your greatness. Whenever suppression of expression happens we find ourselves dragging ourselves to hell, it's not pretty.

Healthy expressions are needed and necessary for our path of growth towards greatness. Having dragged ourselves to hell, it's no surprise that on our way back from hell some demons will riddle us with bullets of their most fucked up tricks in order to have us submit to the laws of hell or whatever that entails. The recognition of suppressed expressions inspires a fire in us that will free all of these expressions in both healthy and unhealthy ways, best make it healthy. No one can actually show you the way to express yourself the way you should because in that time only you can really feel how you feel others can relate after you already felt how you felt. Its about you, express you. Its always been about you.


- Clogged up emotions

Energies energies, Tesla taught us and told us that if we want to understand the works of the universe we need to think in terms of numbers, frequencies and vibrations of what we have discovered. Having learned that emotions are energies in motion within and around our nine bodies, it's easy to comprehend that feeling unease or disease is mostly attributed to the clogging up of energies aka emotions. This brings forth great stressors and inturn attracts unwanted experiences that can build up momentum that sends us crashing past hell's gates.

Recognition of clogged up emotions and blocked or stagnated energies is the first step into freeing these emotions and in turn freeing our locked up greatness with us. "All you need is within you" you hear them say this all the time, this is most certainly true. What's more true is that learning that most of this that we need lays dormant in us in forms of clogged up energies or emotions. There's so many ways this can find meaning, but what is important is the recognition of clogged up energies in motion and releasing them.

You don't want to free all of them as this will overwhelm you. One step at a time as they always say, and don't forget to share along the way. Realise that what you share is merely the drafts of the masterpiece you will become.

Unclog to unblock!

- Seriousness/Rigidity

Seriously though the English language is riddled with all kinds of traps, especially on the spiritual sense of things. One simple truth of these is "serious" this a word that like many other English words has been adopted to fit it's magnitude of definition, based on the bright morning star (not Lucifer) this bright morning star has been respected by the Egyptians who where amongst the first to observe this massive cosmic body. Sirius is a very beautiful star that is bigger and more than a billion times brighter than our star (the sun).

Just to paint the picture clear of what it means when we speak or embody these affirmations of English words. Being serious can greatly power up our path to greatness or greatly mess it up for us. It is said that where focus goes, energy flows. This is the same for seriousness, huge energetical shifts happens when we are serious, seriously focus or seriously playing, we connect to the cosmic entity that is more than a billion times brighter and more powerful than the star that gives us power to life. Imagine what greatness a little bit of serious ambition can get us here, with even more serious ambition we'd be unstoppable and all this is within you just needing to connect to Sirius. What then when you connect to Quasars?

Just to be clear as much as this is good for progress it's even more impactful on the opposite end of things. The wrong placement of these energies can drag you to hell but if you enrich yourself with great mentors like Abraham Hicks you get to learn that what you spend on your way to hell will be infinitly multiplied in paybacks that cannot be numbered such as wonderful people, priceless experiences, supremely level of higher consciousness of being, just being so much more than you could ever have become. And it's all because of how you take the connection to these great entities by harnessing the understanding of connectivity. Since we are all one and connected, it'd pay well to know where you stand in connection with the greatest entities of all time just to know which path will lead you to even more greatness. Whichever side of these entities you find yourself, greatness can be attained depending on your personal preference, I mean some people are hell's angels and some are heaven's devils you know. 😏

- Comfort Zone

The comfort zone serves in allowing us, letting us be us, growing and learning from what we know already and all that is brought to us from without our comfort zones. What this means is that as we grow in life we find that our growth is locked on to or anchored to certain principles or modalities by which we do things by the book or as we have always been taught. This talks of the student never exploring his own ideas as they come but always keeps his mentor/teacher before doing anything. What would Jesus do? What would my father do? What would my teacher/mentor do? This is by far one of the most successful practices in fellowship and down the mentorship path.

This serves to guide us for as long as we need that guidance and that it remains serving the purpose like the sensei teaching the karateka how to prepare for a competition, during the competition the sensei keeps quiet during this time the karateka has to combine what the sensei taught with what he knows and feels on the mat. Relying only on what is taught can spell your distraction because what is taught is from another one's experience no matter how rich it is another one's experience that can never be your ongoing explore this for that reason the chances of you growing out of that comfort zone are much higher as you learn to focus on your greatness you also learn to embody your teaching, they become part of the lessons that you have learned over time. With the broader focus on the greatness you have waiting for you, yes waiting for you because you have already cultivated this greatness and you cultivated this greatness unconditionally, you will have it unconditionally. As this greatness comes to you or rather as you shift into this greatness you will outgrow your comfort zone. The surprising thing about the comfort zone is that within it you can grow and stay growing in there thinking you have gone out of your comfort zone but never did. The other surprising thing about the comfort zone is that you can outgrow it, as forces keep cutting you back into the comfort zone, willpower steps in coupled with love, it's a whole game changer!

When you realize that you cannot outgrow your comfort zone you invest in learning. Learning brings awareness to fears, insecurities and urges you to face them. From facing these things that we more often run from or feel uneasy about, we grow into our higher selves. Unless your niche has to do with comfort zones you will only realize that you have stepped out of your comfort zone long after you have faced all the fears and grown. As they reintroduce themselves you learn to be more authentic, speaking your truths uninhibited, when fears, narcissists, and parasitic vibes come to play they do not have any play in your arena. By now you no longer play in the mediocre games, you play by your own designs, Taylor made from without your comfort zones. Whatever they do can never faze you, you have packed on major spiritual gains.

Seriously though!

Feeling is healing!!!

Love and light!!!

Bless up!!!!!!

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$ 1.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Dandelioness
2 years ago
