Pandemic Market Scams & More

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Avatar for Dandelioness
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Cryptocurrency, Blog, Story, Writing, ...

It's been on and on with this pandemic scam, what's the news? There's an extension to the lockdowns. Shall we obey? Maybe, I mean why not right? We get to workout a bit, plant some trees if you can. Watch a whole load of screen-time, however you find yourself spending your time.

I am sure that the bucket lists got bigger, dream and vision boards extended. Its all for the best of us right? Well let's just hope we can adapt to not needing much of that 9-5 just enough to fulfill our bucket lists and what goals we have on our vision/dream boards.

Most of us here are traders of some kind, Hodlers, day traders, investors and so on. We are all excited that since the lockdowns started we have had + $ 30 000 raise in the price of our most loved Bitcoin. Its a beautiful bullrun indeed, it would be more beautiful without lockdowns but on the brighter side we get to save up on much and a lot more than otherwise.

The pandemic scam has really had me reflect and dive deep into my own visions, goals and dreams. More especially the goals that involve travelling the world and being paid while in specific locations at specific times doing specific gigs. But guess what, because of the beloved pandemic scam all that is invalidated. Now I need to come up with a whole new blueprint, which is not that hard I must say.

As easy as flying to Kenya, for mount Kilimanjaro spending a few days in Tanzania, drop by Zanzibar and rest for a while week in the beautiful Tristan da Cunha. Having it all well planned I'll probably head off to Cape town on a boat or ship from Tristan da Cunha. After paragliding from the top of table mountain and walking the beautiful white sand beaches of Cape town I'll be ready to board my flight connecting to Iceland. I will come tumbling down on Europe like a pinball all the way to Casablanca Morocco making alternative transportation to Cape Verde to go dancing and sight seeing.

Because bitcoin is still on that $ 100K run, funds won't be too much of a concern, I'll be ready to head off to the middle East, maybe spend however long they let me stay in the Burj khalifa before heading off into the himilayas. It won't stop, I'll go slow n smooth, by this time it's a hit on the lucky numbers 2-2-2022 most probably sending out updates at 22:22. That's if they don't make this pandemic thing hold forever, if they do them we will need to make amends, join the special crew.

After the himilayas, Bhutan guided style, I'll probably spend a whole year touring Turkey, Tibet , China, Mongolia, Japan and middle-east Asia all the way to Taiwan. After all I must have picked up some major gains in all my ways at this time. After all there's still a whole Polynesia and the Americas to explore.

You know what? Having listened to Abraham Hicks, I now know all too well that all these is already done. Whenever it will manifest, it's all tasteless like chewed up gum. So I'll have to come up with new content, all I know and knew is obsolete.

Let's dream on, by all means please.

Love and light

Bless up!

Verse 2

"The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk"

It is observed that we create our own comfort zones from our habits, our surroundings and what we feed off of society. This is a zone in which we are able to flex like we know how everything will play out from the way it feels to the way it does not feel, it is a parameter we have mapped for ourselves. It is very addictive to stay in the comfort zone as we have conditioned this parameter around our family, friends, surroundings and daily endeavours.

Sounds good right? To have your own bubble of safety within which you are able to do all that which you set out to do all while knowing that it will work out and if it does not work out then there are provisions within the comfort zone that will keep you from falling.

Its really a beautiful place to be within oneself because the comfort zone is not physical although it is physically complemented, the comfort zone is more within oneself than it is external. The comfort zone is connected to one's feelings and emotions.

The advice to step out of one's comfort zone and why it is such a big deal

There comes a time in life when we are to journey out of our comfort zones into the great unknown. This can be very hard especially on the ones who are not aware of their comfort zone as a creation within themselves. We go by everyday doing the mundane tasks thinking that it's all that there is. We get ready for bed and wake up the next to repeat a routine that is most of the time set up for us by society. We do not question this much because " it is just the way things are" at times if we dare question this. As life starts to grow on us urging us to take note of our comfort zone, we sometimes miss this grand opportunity largely based on our surroundings but it's nothing to worry about as it all serves to strengthen the warrior within.

Getting out of one's comfort zone can be done from the awareness of one's comfort zone and ones rooting within one's comfort zone. Being aware brings forth the yearning to know what's beyond with a chance to face the fear of the unknown should we choose to step farther.

In stepping farther than our comfort zone we find that there's a fear zone, learning zone and the growth zone.

In the comfort zone we feel safe and secure. No pressure and everything is taken care of either by ourselves or those with us.

In the fear zone we are affected by others opinions, so we find excuses for our lack of confidence.

In the learning zone we deal with the challenges of life that caused our lack of confidence by learning new skills to boost our confidence Thereby extending the comfort zone farther.

The next zone is the growth zone, after realising that we have been living in a Bublé created by ourselves inspired by our surroundings we learn to break out and face the fears of the unknown. After facing the fears of the unknown we learn how to deal with these fears and challenges by learning new skills and exploring far beyond our comfort zones. This can be both mentally, spiritually or physically sometimes all at once if we are lucky enough to understand ourselves. It is in the growth zone that we explore our dreams, goals and visions. We find purpose allowing us to live our dreams, we set new goals and realize aspirations.

Once we have overcome these we are free to explore newer zones as these will then have become comfort zones over time. For this reason growth is evergreen, always inviting us in everyday life to grow as we journey on.

Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy!

Love and light!

Bless up!

Verse 3

Sometimes the lead image or the turtle has little relation to the narration or article but that doesn't make it less worth the read right? I say if you've enjoyed devouring the last bits of writing then you might as well skip the tittles and think of them as clever hiding spots where wonderous narrations find homage. Enjoy this one. Approx 4 minutes and super exclusive lol.

Sometimes going on because of what they do to you on the constant, rather than thinking of things to set them straight and putting strategies in place to make sure that they are fully responsible for their actions and you take responsibility of your action up to the last bit or rather down to the last bit. It is evident that they keep stealing your feelings, the instrumental investments that you have done so long and with so much effort is what they tap into every time they connect with you. There is no difference between them. They are all the same, doctors, teachers, police, guards, pilots, service people, self employed, business people, hippies, or not they are all the same. When you go to any of them they all want the same thing from you, that feeling. Since we live in the now and not in the past it's very good that we focus on what now has to offer

Like the offering of the snitch word. Don't know how I got to know this but I have been on this spiritual path for a few years now and what happened is that one of the words that spirit frequently put out for me is snitch. I missintepret this, and all other spiritual utters, I think it's calling me a snitch but sometimes it's telling me that there's a bunch of snitching assholes in spirit doing jumping jacks on my hair taking me places making me do thing that they have been making me do for as long as I have been alive but now it's apparently more special because I am aware and awakening. I shun the devil. He is filth, haram and I do not need him, However he represents himself in whoever the devil represents himself he may go back to hell.

The hardest or rather weirdest thing about not having feelings right now is the anger felt when like I saw something any dreams you see. I saw her giving me apples. Instead of me just breathing. Breath very well from the you into your nose and out through your mouth. When you can control it, when you can't, you let you breath take over to the normal until when you can breath by controlling it again. When you are doing something that gets you fucked, try regulating your breath, breath into your nose from you into you and out through your mouth.

It's ok to be stuck physically, what's not ok is to stay stuck. We grow learn and still get bit and beat, we learn and grow anyway right, that's what's up. Keep growing keep learning.

Bob Marley said don't let them fool you or even try to school you. They have the masses by the balls and they want to come call you weak. I say you clear all blockages and noise, make your neem tea or eat your neem tumeric ball, it's beautiful. Weak they call you , the feelings they suck from you are feelings of strength, feelings of love , accomplishment and everything that you ever dreamed of. If they can waste more of your time by making you believe the illusions then they'd do it again and again. You don't get -they'd say to you. Remember to breath the magic. Guard yourself. The mind is easy to influence and win over especially when you are not there I'm talking about sleep. When you slumber to sleep they program your spirit man if you are lucky enough to hear this programming between the sleep modes you'll probably recall the self rumbling rather fast leaving you to come back awake. This deep craft not sensitive, the release of such in plugged far far away. The truth of the matter is that they are all one that's the painful bit that will always ring the sting. Whatever happens keep an open mind that attaches to nothing. Whenever you start to feel uneasy detach and disinfect yourself first before taking any action or responding. You can have a word or action that you program yourself to donor say in order to put the program into work or play. They can control you or fuck you all they like but you are a champion and they will only make fools out of themselves through you.

They will put leaves in your quarter then you find it puzzling to what it means, it's been happening for so long, here's what it means, just that, leave. If your dreams are not that much powerful you will leave to the lower residing but if you got some grade A shit, you will thrive no joke. They will still take advantage of you but you are much more than you have ever been. This experience right now is super enriched, it's so charged up there is no worries or fear at all. The beautiful magic plays itself out nicely.

Thank You!

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$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Dandelioness
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Cryptocurrency, Blog, Story, Writing, ...
