I have always believed so much in this phrase “no one knows the future”, because it carries a humongous element of truth and can mostly never be faulted due to this factor. But then, there is a side to it that probably not everyone pays attention to, this is the blackmailing side of it. A little boy who was in a serious dilemma, walked up to me to explain his ordeal about how a friend who he promised to help with $500, made allusion to that phrase in a very threatening way. The friend who had asked for the sum of money doesn't know that the friend who was willing to lend him the sum had only $1000 in his bank account. The lender was trying to escape bankruptcy, even after he might have helped his friend, but then his friend refused to collect the money, because he believed that his friend was not willing to help him. He had always seen the lender as someone who had more. He was filled with rage and walked away with the assurance that he would do the same to his friend in the future. The truth is this, the friend who has walked away with such assurance might still come back to beg again in the future, because he was not satisfied even upon realising from the evidential testimony of his friend that he only had a thousand dollar in his bank account and would have helped more if he actually did have more. Nothing will happen to the lender in the future if he chooses not to believe in this phrase in the threatening way that it was posed to him. If the lender eventually believes it, he has sinned against God in this following ways with no particular order. He has chosen to believe that God will not be there to help him in the future, killing an everlasting God. That God will leave him to the hands of men and he would beg, discrediting the grace of God. My reason for writing this is to make you understand that, we are what we believe. Once your mind has believed these unusual and very frightening realities, your mind lives with them and then you see them manifesting in your life. It is true that no one really knows the future and that nobody can tell their future, but we can write it to our taste with our kindness and willingness to assist our neighbour. God will not punish any man who is willing to help, because being a true Christian is giving to those in need not only financially but magnanimously in terms of helping them achieve their dreams in ways your money cannot help them. No one knows tomorrow is now a blackmailing phrase, a phrase that signified truth and helped shapen people's mind towards kindness, is now a phrase that is used in blackmailing them into doing one's biddings, because they have chosen to be greedy. In conclusion, nothing will happen to you who have chosen to give, even if you have not given all, which to me is good, because you have chosen not to see God as a betting platform where you believe he would throw manna from heaven once you have given all you had.