Wassce Amidst Covid-19?

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Avatar for Danbrilliant
4 years ago

Some days back, the Nigerian Federal Government in conjunction with the Ministry of Education announced that JSS3 and SSS3 students will not partake in their final class examinations due to the pandemic. This resulted in fumes from parents, guidances and the public. Yes, safety should come first in all our doings but I cannot imagine that SSS3 students won't participate in their WASSCE examination. Due to the pressure from the Nigerian people, the federal government reversed its early decision on closing of schools for JSS3 & SSS3. So, hopefully, they will partake in the examination for those who show interest.

Is this right?

From my point of view, JSS3 & SS3 should partake in their final examination. A lot of private school teachers are running into poverty now and if the exams are cancelled, the little they are getting from lessons will stop hence, bringing up the worse. So, I will say that the examination should hold for the good of students and teachers. Provided the best safety practices are compelled to and adhered strictly to, we will survive this heart breaking period.

COVID-19 is still a great shock to the world. No world leader expected such occurrence. Even the great western counties are seriously battling with the menace, not to talk of the African countries therein.

May God save us and get the world back to normal!!

Our education must be back in full development.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Danbrilliant
4 years ago
