Give your burdens to Him
Text: Psalm 55: 22
“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.”
What is that burden on your mind today?
- No money
- No job
- No husband
- No child
- Marital issues
- Your children are growing out of control
- Fear of tomorrow
- Fear for your safety and that of your family due to insecurity in the land
- Health concerns, maybe due to a doctor's report
What is it that is pulling your mind in different directions and wearing you out? I have two very vital pieces of information for you regarding them based on our text this morning:
• God knows about them all
• God wants to carry them for you
God understands that you are human and so you have limitations regarding what you are able to carry. That is why He made the offer to help you carry them.
There is a limit to what your spouse, your family, your friend or your neighbor can carry for you. And when you combine them all together, there still is a limit to what they can carry for you, that is if they are able to carry any of your burdens for you because they also are busy with their own burdens. Often the people you look up to as burden bearers or potential burden barriers are themselves in search of persons to help them carry their own burdens, so if you rely on them they will at some point disappoint you – not because they are wicked or uncaring but because they also need help with their own burdens too.
God however Has limitless capacity to bear burdens for as many as those that will accept His offer by handing their burdens over to Him. He does not have a limit to the weight of burdens that He can carry, so He does not set a daily quota, such that once the quota is reached, He throws up His hands and say “I cannot carry anymore for today, come back again tomorrow with more burdens". His capacity to carry burdens is unlimited so there is no need for daily quota, you can give Him in a day as much burden as you wish and He will carry it all. His strength is limitless and no amount of burden is too hard for Him. He will carry your burden so well that our text tells us that He will not permit you to slip or fall under the load of the burdens.
God finds great pleasure in helping and caring for your every need but according to our text you have the responsibility of giving your burdens to Him. He will not forcefully take them off you.
For some strange reasons many prefer to carry their burdens on their own rather than give them to God, and even though they are hard pressed under the load of the burden, they stubbornly hold on to them. God will not force you to hand your burden over to Him, if you are interested to carry them yourself, He will leave you to do just that, but I can assure you that you won't make much progress in your life if you hold on to that burden, that is, if you make progress at all.
We also have another strange category of people who will give their burdens to the Lord and then still worry about the burdens. If you give your burdens to God and you still worry about them then it is as good as not giving them to Him, it is as good as you carrying the burdens yourself. When you give your burdens to God, you live them with Him and you trust Him fully to take care of them, so you don’t worry about them anymore.
Today, the invitation still stands, you can either hand over those burdens to Him, or you either continue to carry them yourself or entrust them to others who will make a mess of carrying them for you. The choice is yours, what will it be? Shalom
Lord I thank you for your grace and strength to carry me through today.
I give you all my burdens now and rest in knowing that you have taken them and that you are with me.
Thank you Lord
In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Interesting and knowledge filled.