Whose footsteps are you following?
Text: 1Pet 2:21
'For to this you were called because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow His steps'
The Bible gives a record of how Jesus lived when He was on earth. He understood His mission on earth and accomplished it. When He came close to finishing His mission, the burden was so heavy but he carried on to the end. His lifestyle is indeed an example for us believers to follow.
We have a command to follow His example because unlike the Pharisees, He lived a life worthy of emulation. Jesus provided the example of servant-leadership, obedience, love, compassion and patience. Therefore, whatever Jesus would not do must not be found in us so that we too can be examples to others.
They are times that some people have been disappointed at the lifestyle of some Christians who have refused to patterns their lives after Christ, whereas, the Bible says we should follow in His steps. We should live constantly in a way that is worthy of our calling so that others can see Christ through us and be attracted to Him not the other way round. As epistles that men read, we must make conscious efforts to be like Jesus in word, thought and deed. This will result into a greater harvest of souls into God's kingdom.